Chapter 109

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Chris pov...

"Sweetheart..." I whisper as she is laying with her head in my lap... "Hmmm" She answered... She had been laying with her head in my lap to relax because she is nervous flyer... I was getting nervous myself... Not about flying but about the honeymoon i had arranged... I started to doubt if i had arranged the right honeymoon... 

It sounded romantic when i had booked it... But maybe it was going to be a bit to basic... There was no TV... Internet or even cell service... I had bought a satellite phone for emergency's and to check in on Oscar... But that was it... We would be hidden from the world... We still had to drive for about 5 hours to reach the cabin... It was in the middle of nowhere... 

"Would you be really disappointed if it is not a real luxurious honeymoon?" I whispered and she opened her eyes looking up at me... "Is there going to be a bed...?" She says smirking at me and i chuckle and nod... "That is all we need..." She whispers and i smile leaning down kissing her... She stroked my cheek... "Dont worry babe... I will love it... As long as we are together and have privacy i will be happy..." She says softly and i smile at her feeling a bit more confident... 

"You know you didn't need to worry about this so much if you had told me where we are going..." She said giggling and i smirked.  "Just be patience sweetheart... just 5 more hours to go and then we will land... I then will tell you where we are..." I said smirking and she sat up and crawled in my lap... "Is there no way i can persuade you..." She murmured in my ear before she started to plant soft little kisses in my neck...

"You're not playing fair sweetheart..." I said under my breath... I could feel her smile on my skin as she slowly started to pull my shirt out of my pants... I groaned when i felt her fumble with the button of my jeans popping it open and slowly zipping down the zipper... 

"You can always stop me... Mr. Evans..." She whispers and i smirk at how bold she is right now... She doesn't seem to care that right behind a little door is the crew of this plane... "You know we are not alone on this plane sweetheart..." I said through gritted teeth and Lana grinned... 

"Dont you want to be buried in my tight little pussy Mr. Evans...?" She whispered in my ear... "Are you going to say no to your new wife... Or is the old man too tired to please his new bride..." She said giggling and i growled... "Be careful sweetheart... Dont push me... Or this old man is going to have to punish his new bride... and teach her a lesson..." I growled grabbing a fist full of her hair pulling her head back as i run my nose up and down her neck and nipping at her skin... 

She let out a little whimper and i smirked... But my smirk quickly disappeared and i gasped followed by a groan as her hand glides into my pants wrapping around my cock squeezing me a little... "You want my dick sweetheart?" I growled and she nodded biting her lip... "Yes please... please i need it... I need your cock inside of me... Please i need your big cock... " She whined and i smirked... "I like it when you beg sweetheart..." I murmured and pulled her in for another kiss biting her lower lip as we pulled apart. 

"Stand up..." I growled in a commanding tone, and she pushed herself up standing in between my legs... "Turn around..." I growled and she did as i ask while i pushed down my pants just enough to free my dick.... I then roughly pulled down her sweatpants and growled as she was not wearing underwear... 

I couldn't resist and planted a kiss on each ass cheek before softly biting her ass making her gasp and whimper... I run my fingers through her folds and smirked as my fingers were now covered in her juices.... "So wet sweetheart..." I growled... I kept playing with her core circling her entrance with my finger making her moan... 

"Come sit on my cock sweetheart..." I growled and i wrapped my hand around my shaft as i guided her to sit in my lap so she could ride me... We both moaned and groaned as my dick slowly disappeared inside of her until i was balls deep... I squeezed her ass smirking... "Fuck sweetheart... You should see how sexy your ass looks from this angle..." I growled and she let out a little whimper as i bucked up my hips. "Oh shit..." She murmured and she squeezed me hard with her pussy... 

With her ass in my hands i started to push her up and down on my cock until she took over... She put her hands on my knees to help her move and i watched her as she started to make circular movements and slamming down on me harder... "Good girl... Taking my cock so good..." I growled and she started to move faster and slamming down on me harder... 

"Fuck such a good fucking girl..." I growled as i watched her fuck me... The fact that at any moment someone from the crew could walk in made it somehow more exciting... I still couldn't believe that my sweet and sometimes shy wife was bouncing on my dick while just behind a little thin door were other people... "Fuck feels so good..." She said in a soft moan and i grinned... I grabbed her by her hips pulling her harder on me as i bucked my hips up hitting her deeper and i could feel her legs start to shake...

"Thats it, baby... just keep bouncing... Take my cock..." I growled through gritted teeth as i could feel i was about to cum... Her bouncing on me while her pussy squeezed me hard felt amazing and i knew it wasn't going to be long anymore... 

"Chris i can't..." She whined and i slapped her ass... "Yes, you can... Dont you dare fucking stop until i have filled your pussy with my cum... You hear..." I growled... "Yes sir..." She whimpered softly and i took in a sharp breath... Fuck never had she called me sir during sex... And i am not going to lie... fuck i loved it... It sends tingles through my body some sort of adrenaline rush... It was like she was addressing my dick directly and i couldn't hold back anymore... "Fuuuck say it again..." I growled... "Yes sir..." she whimpered not missing a beat and i came hard...

"Oh fuuuuck... Lana fuck... such a good fucking girl..." I growled pulling her down on me holding her still my cum coating her walls deep inside of her while my body was shocking... "Oh yes... yes... yes..." She whimpered in a small soft voice while her whole body was shaking and shivering her walls now milking me for everything i got... She slapped her hand in front of her mouth to muffle her sounds and i couldn't help but grin... 

Our breathing was heavy, and she leaned back against my chest trying to catch her breath... "Wauw that was..." She said running her hand through her hair... I wrapped my arms around her and planted a kiss on her shoulder...

She turned her head toward me and i kissed her and we both smiled into the kiss. A few minutes later Lana stands up stumbling a bit and i let out a chuckle... We got dressed again and Lana sat down beside me again and i wrapped my arm around her pulling her into me... She looked up at me and i attached my lips to hers and kissed her passionately... 

"Do you want something to drink or eat sweetheart..." I murmured as we broke the kiss and she nodded... I pushed a button and a few moments later a woman appeared smiling, and Lana blushed unable to look her in the face making me grin... There she was again my sweet shy wife... She asked for a bottle of water... "You dont want something to eat?" I ask and she shakes her head... I ask for a bottle of water to and a few moments later the woman hands us our bottles...

The rest of the flight is spend cuddled up and making out like two teenagers... Then the voice of the pilot tells us to fasten our seatbelts and not much later we start to land...

We land safely and when we can unbuckle our seatbelts again i grab one of the suitcases taking out some warm winter wear... "Put this on baby..." I say and she smiles looking a little confused but taking the coat and putting it on... I put on my own coat and smile as she looks absolutely adorable in the big warm winter coat... 

The doors open and we walk out the plane and as we step off the stairs i smile taking her hand in mine... "Welcome to Alaska baby..." I say smiling and her eyes grow big with a twinkle in it, and she jumps in my arms kissing me hard and a wave of relief washes over me and i know right then and there i made the right choice...

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