Chapter 21

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Chris pov...

"Chris..." I hear a little voice say and i feel a little hand shake me... When i look up i see Oscar standing next to the bed. I smirk and turn towards him. I see the time and it is only 5 in the morning. "It is way too early buddy..." I say smirking and he blushes. "Can i sleep with you and mommy..." He says looking at me and i thank God that Lana made us put on clothes before we went back to bed. "Of course, buddy..." I say and i chuckle as he crawls over me and gets between me and Lana... Lana opens her eyes and smiles. She kisses the top of Oscar's head and pulls him into her and i smile. She takes my hand and wraps it around them both and i pull them both closer to me and she gives me a kiss. 

All of a sudden, we feel movement at the end of the bed and Lana and i look up and see the dogs laying down on the foot of the bed... Both Oscar and Lana giggle as i groan. "I need a bigger bed..." I say smiling. Lana shakes her head... "It is perfect just the way it is..." She hums... 

We all doze off again... and when i wake up again both Lana and Oscar are gone... I get out of bed and smile as i hear giggling in the kitchen and the smell of food fills the house... I love her cooking especially her pancakes... 

I walk into the kitchen and see that both her and Oscar are showered and dressed... The dogs are eating. "Morning buddy..." I say ruffling Oscar's hair and he giggles. "We walked the dogs and i held Dodger..." He says proudly. "You did?" I say smiling and he nods his little head with the biggest smile. "That is amazing buddy..." I say and walk over to Lana who is smiling and i kiss her cheek. "Morning sweetheart... That smells amazing..." I say and i want to steal a piece of bacon, but she swats my hand away... 

"Do i have time to shower?" I ask Lana and she nods... "You have about 15 minutes..." She says smiling and i nod kissing her cheek. "I'll be right back... You dont eat all the bacon..." I say pointing at Oscar and he giggles... 

I walk back to the bathroom and take a quick shower and get dressed and ready for the day. I take a cap from my collection for myself and take 2 for Lana and Oscar just in case... We have been pretty fortuned till now but i just want to protect them just in case someone is going to take pictures... 

It was my fear at the aquarium... I was so comfortable and at ease with Lana and Oscar that i totally forgot... I didn't mind being seen with them but i wanted to protect them from the press and all the nasty people that come with my line of work... Lana could handle it i knew she could, but Oscar was just a kid... 

I walk back to the kitchen and smile as Oscar helps setting the table... I help him and after that we sit down for breakfast... Oscar is smiling telling he wants to pick out the biggest pumpkin there is... He is all excited and after we have finished breakfast and cleaned up i give them each a cap and Oscar steps around with one of my Nasa caps all smiles... as he matches mine... Fuck this kid really knows how to pull on your heartstrings... 

After i put him in the back of the car Lana walks out and i open the passenger door for her and she chuckles. She gets in and i kiss her again... "You two kiss a lot..." Oscar says and both Lana and i laugh... I walk around the car and get in but before i can start the car Lana puts her hand on mine and turns around to Oscar... "Remember when you asked if mommy and Chris were boyfriend and girlfriend?" She asks him and he nods... "Well mommy and Chris had a little talk and we decided to be girlfriend and boyfriend..." She says smiling with a little blush on her face. "Really?" Oscar says all excited... "Yes..." Lana says smiling. 

"Are you okay with that?" I ask him and he nods his little head. "Good... now let's go get ourselves some pumpkins..." I say smiling and i start the car and drive off... 

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