Chapter 183

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Chris pov...

There is a knock on the door and two agents are walking in and the look on their faces is telling me something is wrong... The last time i saw them the FBI were sending agents and cops to Lana's parents' house... Another night had passed... I was getting desperate... I was stuck here in the hospital hooked up to machines as the doctors wanted to keep me for observation... Oscar didn't want to leave my side... He didn't want to go home so ma stayed behind to help me with Oscar so he could stay by my side... He was mostly sleeping as he is just exhausted by all his emotions... 

I look at them and i ask ma to take Oscar out of the room... Scott just had gone home to get me some clothes and Carly had gone to home to her kids... Oscar throws a tantrum as he wakes up sees the men but i dont want him here if it is bad news... So, i explain to him that i have to have a grown-up conversation and that he could come right back... But to be honest... I dont want him to see me break down but most of all i dont want him to hear from them i broke my promise to him that his mom was coming home...

The men patiently wait until ma has convinced Oscar to go to the gift shop with her and as soon as they have left the room one of the men takes a deep breath and he sits down... 

"As you know we sent people to the house..." He says and i nod holding my breath... The man sighs... "She is dead isn't she..." I whisper... and the man shakes his head... "We dont know... The house was empty, and a few things have gone done we were unaware of since we went and talk to them earlier to see if Kyle had been there..." He says and i look confused... 

"Apparently the mother died... In an accident a few days after our visit... We are looking into it because it feels fishy... The house is empty because 3 days after her death he moved... The house is sold... We are going through the house now to see if there is any clue as to where they are..." He says and i start to panic... 

They are not at the house, and they have no clue where they are now... She is alone with those animals... No one knows where they are and she is on her own to fend for herself... No one to protect her from whatever is happening to her... It is getting harder to breath... My chest hurts as if someone is squeezing my heart...

"Mr. Evans breathe..." The man said and the other man brought me water... I took the cup my hand shaking while i took a sip... "We are looking into the fact that the father had taken a life insurance policy out on the mother... The money has not been paid out yet and we are in contact with the insurance company to where they are supposed to send the check... We are close... We can get the information at any moment..." The man said and i wiped away my tears... "Please just find her... It is all my fault and i can't life without her... The kids can't life without her... We need her we love her..." I said barely audible, and the man nodded... 

"We are doing everything we can... Everyone is working on this... Your wife is not the woman she was when she went through what she went through in the past... She is stronger... You made her stronger... From what i heard she is smart, and we are close... We are so close..." The man says and i sigh... "What if we are to late..." I whisper and the men both stay quiet... 

"We are doing everything we can Mr. Evans..." He says and i nod... Oscar and ma come back in... "Sorry he didn't want to wait anymore..." Ma says and one of the men smiles... "It is okay... We were done... We will keep you up to date and let you know as soon as there is news..." He says and i nod... "Thank you..." Ma says and the men leave... Ma looks at me and i shake my head and so we are going into yet another night apart... No idea where my wife is with my son being inconsolable... 

Lana pov...

I watch the idiots drink and laugh they are drunk again... I have been feeding them whiskey trying to get them to pass out again for the last part of my plan... They are almost there as i just bite my time... "Another one stupid whore!" Kyle yells and i walk over to them pouring them a double... "See you will learn..." He says smacking my ass and i cringe... That is not a playful thing now my ass will probably be blue to... His speech slurred and the grin on his face evil... I just pretend... Today has been a tough day...  Kyle has been taking out his anger for this morning out on me all day... 

My face is unrecognizable... I have bruises everywhere form him grabbing my arm hard or punching my face but i just smiled taking it... I know i was making it harder on myself because me just smiling ticked him off even more... But i didn't care i was not going to show fear... I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing me scared... 

I kept thinking of my kids and Chris... They were my goal... Getting back to them was my goal... That or die trying... That kept being my motto... Or die trying... Die trying either way i would be free... Yes, my biggest wish is to go back to Chris and the kids but if that wasn't happening i rather be dead... 

I keep pouring them drinks until they both are passed out in the chair... I wait for a moment making sure they are fully out... I walk over to the chair my dad is sitting in and step behind him and slowly slide my hand behind his back and he moves... I freeze... I have to hold my breath because he stinks, he hasn't showered while we're on the road and hasn't showered since we got here. I gag feeling i have to throw up but i swallow it down... Not now... I can't throw up now... 

I smile as he moved making it easier for me and i slowly unclip the key bunch from his belt trying to not wake him... I smile as i have victory... I slowly pull the keys up resisting to do a little victory dance... He moves again and i freeze again as the keys make noise... He moves and then i see something else shiny... I quickly reach down and pull up a gun... I hadn't notice it being stuffed in the chair... I clutch the gun and keys and make my way to the door... I try one of the keys but no luck... Another one no luck... Then i finally find the right key but just as i am about to open the door tasting freedom i feel myself be yanked back... "Where do you think you are going bitch..." The voice of Kyle sounds eviler than ever before, and he throws me on the ground and i feel him kick me in the back...

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