Chapter 60

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Chris pov...

I wake up smiling with Lana wrapped in my arms... Fuck i missed this... Ma had told me that Lana was missing me although she tried to not show it but that she had noticed... To be honest i was missing her like crazy to and even Robert said i had been sulking... When i told him that it was because it would be our first Valentine's Day.... and i wasn't going to be there... And on top of that Lana never had a Valentine's Day... He looked shocked and just walked off... He came back an hour later and told that around Valentine's Day i could take some days off... And that he would lend me his plane to fly home...

I had thanked him and called ma to make it a surprise for Lana and at first Oscar but one day on the phone with ma he found out... I had to say i thought he was not going to be able to keep it a secret, but to my surprise he did... 

It was so tough to keep it a secret... Everyday i wanted to tell her because after ma told me she was missing me and struggling with it... I saw it clearer and i could see the sadness in her eyes even though she would be smiling at me through the camera... I felt guilty and had to admit that i missed her and Oscar more than i would have thought to... 

But my next project would be here in Boston and i could be home every night and sleep with her in my arms... I had talked with my team and told them i wanted them to take in account that i had a family now and that if i had to film away from home that i wanted it to be possible to go home... Whether it was every weekend or some other arrangement... i didn't care... but i didn't want to be away from home for 2 months... My priority's had changed... It surprised me how easily that happened... 

What surprised me the most was that the media hadn't caught up on the fact i was having a family now... But i think that the fact that Lana and Oscar were low profile and Lana not even being on social media helped with that... We had talked about it... What we would do if something came out and all she wanted was for me to do my best to protect Oscar from that seeing as he was just a kid... She promised me that she could handle it and that she knew that they could be brutal sometimes... She said she would tell me if someone was giving her grief... and that we would talk about it and take steps were necessary... But her main thing was protecting Oscar from it all which i totally agreed with... The fact she wasn't on social media would make it easier seeing as she wouldn't get all the comments... 

I smile as Lana wakes up slowly and cuddles into me more... She didn't open her eyes, but she smiled... She never had looked more beautiful... I planted a kiss on her nose, and she giggled. I smirked doing it again before planting kisses all over her face... making her giggle harder and when she opened her eyes i kissed her passionately...

She moaned into the kiss and i rolled us over, so she was laying underneath me... "Goodmorning sweetheart..." I said smiling hovering over her and she smiled back at me... "A very good morning..." She whispered and my heart skipped a beat... "How did you sleep?" I asked and she smiled "Better than ever..." She mumbled pulling me in for another kiss... "How did you sleep?"  She asked and i chuckle... "Like a baby..." I said and she smiled at me pulling me closer to her and wrapping her legs around my waist making me smirk... 

I liked the fact that when it was just the two of us in the house, she would sleep completely naked and having her skin touch mine felt amazing... I absolutely loved it but knowing Oscar had a habit of just bursting into the bedroom and crawl into bed with us to snuggle i understood that it was not an everyday thing... But that made these moments even more pleasurable...

I groan as she pulls me on top of her our bodies melting together and i rubbed my dick now fully hard between her folds up and down making her moan a little... When i slowly pushed in i groaned and kissed her and i slowly started to move wanting to savor it and enjoy the feeling of our bodies moving together in perfect sync... 

Feeling our bodies pressed together moving as one was the best feeling ever... From the moment i got into the car and left i craved her touch... and although i thought about her touch every day... The real thing was a hundred times better than i ever could imagined... The effect she has on me... Sometimes it was overwhelming... I dont think i ever loved like this before... There wasn't a moment where she was not on my mind... There was not a moment in the day were i wondered what she and Oscar were doing... 

I groaned as i slowly thrusted into her wanting to savor the feeling... I wanted to memorize her little moans and the way her body felt under me... I kissed her again and she smiled running her hand through my hair... "I love you so much Chris..." She whispered and i groan kissing her again passionately... "I love you to baby... more than i ever thought i could love someone..." I whispered and she smiled a blush appearing on her face... 

I kept thrusting into her slow... Her moans were getting a little louder as the pleasure build... God i love how she moans... I love it when she is loud and i fuck her rough making her scream my name but this... This was something else... This was not just fucking or satisfying a need... This was making love... This was enjoying being connected... And fuck did i enjoy it...

She moans and i dont know how she does it but all of a sudden, she rolls us over... Still inside of her she puts her hands in her hair her boobs perky as ever bouncing as she starts riding me...I let my hands roam her body and watch her as she rides me... "Fuck baby you look so beautiful riding me..." I groan and she moans in response as i squeeze her boobs...

I move them to her ass when i notice she is getting tired and i help her bounce... but when she leans down to kiss me i wrap my arms around her body and hold her against me as is start thrusting up into her... She moans into the kiss before burying her head in my neck... I groan as she sucks on my skin marking me... "I love you Chris..." She murmurs in my ear and i growl thrusting into her harder... making her moan even louder... 

"Please dont stop... just like that Chris... You fuck me so good... Fuck i feel so full... Please Chris make me cum..." She murmurs softly in my ear, and it is something else... Her soft tone... begging me to make her cum egging me on... Fuck it is unlike something i have ever experienced... 

"Fuck Lana keep talking..." I growl and i can feel her smile in my ear... "Fuck baby i love that big dick of yours stretching me... ruining me... Shit i love the way your dick feels inside of me... Fill me up Chris... Make my pussy drip..." She whispered in my ear and i growled while i just kept thrusting into her... 

After a few more minutes we came together and i groaned as her moaning in my ear as her orgasm washed over her made me shiver... After laying still for a while with her on my chest she starts to giggle and i take her face in my hands making her look at me. I kiss her and she smiles... "I missed this..." She whispers and i smile again... "Me to baby... I missed this so much..." I whisper back and she kisses me again...

"I felt like an addict going in withdrawal, but my drug is your touch..." She whispers and i chuckle... "Best drug ever..." I murmur into a kiss, and she giggles...

The rest of the day is spent in bed until it is time to pick Oscar up from school... I smile as he runs up to us and jumps into my arms hugging me tight... "Were you surprised mommy?!" He squeals as i carry him to the car holding Lana's hand... "Best surprise ever sweetheart... You did so good keeping it a secret... I had no idea..." She says to him smiling from ear to ear, and Oscar has a proud look on his face...

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