Chapter 124

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Lana pov...

I am nervous to tell the family i am pregnant... If it was up to me alone i would have waited but Chris is crawling up the walls and i dont know how long, he can keep it to himself anymore... I get it though this is the first time he is experiencing pregnancy... But i must say he is amazing... He is super supportive... Sometimes going a bit overboard but it is super cute to see him get excited about every little thing... 

Yesterday we told Oscar and i went better than expected but it was also hilarious... The look on Chris his face when Oscar asked how babies were made... But most hilarious was the chicken comment... 

"Ready to go sweetheart?" Chris asks as he walks into the kitchen... "Yeah ready... Where is Oscar?" I ask and he smiles... "Putting on his jacket and shoes..." He says and i take a deep breath... "Are you sure you are okay?  Are you not feeling well?" Chris asks walking over to me cupping my face and i smile. "I feel fine Chris... Just a bit nervous i guess... Is Oscar wearing his big brother shirt?" I ask and Chris nods with the biggest grin on his face... "We will see how long it will take for them to notice..." He says still grinning and i smile. 

We walk to the front door and i smile as Oscar is ready to go. We walk to the car and Chris puts Oscar in the back strapping him in while i get in the passenger seat... "Sweetheart you should have waited for me to open the door..." He says and i roll my eyes... "You were busy and i wanted to sit..." I say letting out a sigh as Chris walks around the car and gets in the driver's seat... "I will drive back so you can have a beer..." I say and he shakes his head... "I am not drinking..." He says and i just roll my eyes... "Why not... You can have a beer..." I say and he shakes his head again... "No because if something happens to you i want to be sober... I am not taking any chances..." He says and i sigh... 

"I am not saying get black out drunk, but you can have a beer or two..." I mumble and he takes my hand in his kissing the back of it... "We will see, okay?" He murmurs and i nod. 

We arrive at Lisa's house and as soon as Chris got Oscar out of the car, he bolts to the front door... He doesn't even ring the doorbell anymore and just runs in... Chris chuckles and takes my hand, and we follow him in... 

"I dont think it is going to take long..." I giggle because Oscar is standing in the middle of the room proudly posing pulling his shirt down so everyone can read it. Chris sighs shaking his head but with a smile on his face... "Maybe i should have explained it better..." He mumbles and i snicker... "You think?" I say and he sighs again. 

Lisa starts to squeal when it sinks in what the shirt says... "For real?" She asks looking at us with tears in her eyes as the rest smiles and it is chaos because everyone is talking all excitedly. "For real..." Chris says putting his arm around me pulling me into his side... "Just over 12 weeks..." He says proudly grinning holding up the ultrasound picture and i chuckle because i know what he is thinking about right now... 

Lisa walks over to us and hugs us both and when she pulls back, she walks over to Oscar and hugs him to... "Are you excited to be a big brother?" She asks him and he nods with the biggest smile on his face... "You guys move quick..." Scott says as he hugs us both and while Chris grins i blush. After everyone has hugged and congratulated us, we ask them to keep it to themselves because we want to keep it to ourselves and the family as long as possible... They promise and i smile when Carly instructs her kids to make sure the keep it a secret to... 

"Come sit... sit..." Lisa says pulling a chair out for me and i chuckle... "Now i know where you got it from..." I say smirking and he chuckles... The questions come in rapid speed from... How are you feeling... To how long we have known... We answer everything as much as we can. 

I am not allowed to help set the table and i sigh... "Guys i am pregnant not sick..." I say and they all smile... "Just sit down and relax Lana and enjoy being pampered..." Scott says and i roll my eyes... "You sound like your brother..." I mumble and everyone chuckles... Chris kisses me cheek and i watch on as everyone around me does their thing... 

I am glad when dinner is served because i am famished... But all of a sudden, a smell hits my nose and i guess i pull a face because everyone starts laughing. "What is that smell..." I mumble and when the Brussel sprouts get handed to me i push it away... "Okay nope... Sorry but i can't that smells so bad..." I say and Chris chuckles. "Can you please put it on the other side of the table..." I ask and he chuckles handing it back and i let out a sigh of relief when the smell disappears... 

"Did you have a lot of morning sickness?" Carly asks and i shrug my shoulders... "More than with Oscar but it was manageable... I notice i have more problems with smells... I already have thrown out Chris his shower products because it was making me nauseous... I can stand the smell of the fish tank in Oscars room... And i am overly emotional about everything... It is worse than when i was pregnant with Oscar..." I say and Carly smiles at me... 

"I had that to with Stella... I changed to unscented cleaner and i kept some lemon and mint around to smell when i felt myself to get nauseous... Wash your clothes more because smells cling to them..." Carly says and i nod smiling. "Thanks, i will try that..." I say smiling.

Dinner goes on and it tastes amazing... But the chaos is getting to me and after dinner i find a quiet spot and i make the mistake to lay down and i fall asleep... 

"Lana sweetheart..." I hear and i smile when i open my eyes and Chris is sitting down next to me... "I am sorry... I didn't mean to fall asleep..." I mumble... "That is okay sweetheart... Dessert is served do you want something?" He asks and i nod and he smiles taking my hand and helping me up... After dessert i am really exhausted and we decide to go home and i am glad that Chris did not drink like he said because i am so tired i barely can keep my eyes open... 

Lisa keeps hugging me and eventually Chris had to pry me out of her arms... "Ma let her go you will see her again soon..." Chris says and i smile as Chris walks us to the car... "Oscar is all hyped up on sugar talking a mile a minute but i can't focus and before Chris has even turned the corner i am asleep again...

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