Chapter 56

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Lana pov...

"OSCAR! Your dad is on the phone!" I yelled and Chris smirked at me through the screen... "What?" I ask him... "That was the first time your referred to me as dad..." Chris said beaming at me and i looked at him confused. "No, it is not..." I said and Chris chuckled... "Yes, it is you normally say Chris is on the phone..." He says smirking and i think back... "Sorry..." I say blushing and he shakes his head... "It's okay... I love that it came naturally..." He says and i want to say something when Oscar storms in... 

I hand him the phone and smile as Oscar takes it to his room to show him his new fish, he had gotten from me... I can hear him ramble all excited and smile again..."I need to talk to your dad after you so dont hang up!!" I yelled after him and shook my head. As Chris had promised he called every night... Oscar loved it... Of course, he rather would have Chris here... As did i... But for when it was not possible that video calling was a great thing... 

The other day Chris was talking with Oscar and proudly showed him around the set as he was having a night shoot... Oscar was smiling from ear to ear and asking a hundred questions... But the highlight was when Robert Downey Jr... or as Oscar knew him Iron man appeared in the screen... I thought something had happened as he squealed that hard... Robert was amazing taking the time to talk with Oscar... 

Chris apparently had told him all about me and Oscar and he introduced himself and said that we should meet soon... Oscar hadn't stopped talking about it for days... When you would see Chris with these people you were reminded that he is this movie star because when he was home you just kind of forgot... Chris was just Chris at home... 

I walked into the kitchen and smiled as Lisa was working on dinner... Chris had been gone for 2 weeks now and everything had calmed down and we settled back into our routine... Having Lisa here was amazing especially the first few days... Oscar had been clingy and following me everywhere i went. I had a deadline for my book and had fallen behind so i had worked more than normal and Lisa had taken Oscar on a walk every day after school so i could catch up on work...

"Lisa you are spoiling me with you cooking every night... What am i going to do when Chris comes back" I said smiling and she chuckled... "Well seeing as my son is hopeless in the kitchen... I guess you have to cook again..."  She said smirking... and i laughed... "But seriously I like cooking for us 3... I like that i dont have to cook only for myself..." She said smiling "Still you spoil us..." I said smiling. 

We talked a bit about my work and i told her i was almost done thanking her again for helping out with Oscar... She shook her head saying it was no problem and that Oscar was not even half as bad as her kids had been every now and then growing up... She said she would show me the photo albums sometime because some of their shenanigans had made it into the family photo albums... Half an hour later Oscar came running in with the phone handing it to me before he and Bob ran off back to his room to play... 

"Hey ma..." He said smiling as i turned the camera to her... She waved at him smiling and we talked for a bit with him... "So, what i wanted to talk with you about is... The TV in the living room broke... Dont ask me how i have no clue... I am going to buy a new one tomorrow... Do you have any preferences?" I asked him and Chris looked at me and shook his head... "As long as i can watch football on it i dont care..." He said smiling...  I nodded... "You want the same size?" I ask and Chris nodded... 

I asked him how he was doing... and he smiled telling me they were right on schedule and that everything was going great but that he really missed us... I excused myself to Lisa and walked to the bedroom... 

"How are you holding up sweetheart..." He asked and i sighed... "Oscar is sleeping in his own bed again... And as happy as i am about that... I dont like sleeping alone anymore... I miss you... The bed is cold without you..." I said and he smiled... "6 weeks sweetheart and then i will be home and i have good news... My next project is in Boston so i will be home every night..." He said with the biggest smile... "Really?" I said all excited. "Yep..." He said with a smirk... And after that project i have 4 months off again except for some things for ASP..." Chris said and i smiled... "That is really... really great Chris... That makes me really happy... I can wait for you to be home again" I said smiling

After talking a bit more Lisa called out that dinner was ready and Chris and i hung up... I walked into the kitchen and smiled as Oscar was setting the table helping Lisa... We sat down to eat and after we were done and had cleaned up, we played a board game like we now did every night after dinner... Not just because the TV was broken but Oscar loved it...  

Lisa was taking Oscar to bed and when she came back, she sat down on the couch... "Can i talk to you about something?" Lisa said and i look up from my book... "Of course..." I said smiling... "I was wondering if you would mind helping with painting the set for the play our little theatre is going to do..." She said and i smiled. "I would love to... That sounds fun..." I said and Lisa's face lit up... After talking a few things trough, we went to bed... I sigh and pull Chris his pillow in my arms and i drifted off to sleep...

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