Chapter 37

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Chris pov...

I kiss her again and she deepens the kiss holding onto me tight... I groan as her hand finds its way down and she start to rub me through my pants... I groan again as i could feel myself getting hard... I slowly start to push her laying down on the bed pushing the box off the bed making it fall to the ground... "Please Chris... I need you... I need you to love me..." She whispers... Her tone of voice is soft, and it is almost in a whisper... "I got you sweetheart..." I whisper. 

I slowly start to push up her shirt before i pull it up over her head and i attach my lips to the skin in her neck again... She pulls on my shirt and i quickly sit up pulling it over my head... I look at her and smile... "I will always love you baby..." I whisper before kissing her again...

We quickly get rid of all our clothes... I push her further on the bed and settle between her legs... She wraps them around my waist and i take her hands putting them above her head lacing our fingers together... I kiss her again passionately and slowly push myself into her... Our bodies are melting into one as i start to move... Slow but deep... never breaking our kiss... Her moans were getting louder and our breathing into our kiss heavier... "I love you baby..." I kept saying into the kiss over and over again... 

"I love you to Chris..." She whispered looking me in the eyes... We had said it before but somehow this was different... Like this was sealing it... I keep moving slow... This was love... Not just sex or lust... This was love... Dont get me wrong all the other times was with love to... But somehow this was... more...

We keep moving our bodies perfectly fitting together moving in perfect sync... until we came together... Neither one of us moved... I just wanted to stay like this forever... Her and i together... nothing else mattered... We laid there for a while kissing holding each other and i hummed as her hands were in my hair scratching my scalp lightly... "We should go soon... We have to pick up Oscar in an hour..." She murmured and i hummed in agreement...

We finally got dressed and packed a few more boxes in the car... We drove by Oscar's school to pick him up and drove home... I smiled... Home... our home... Oscar was in the back telling everything about his day and Lana was smiling listening and talking with him... Her hand was in mine and the smile on her face only made her more beautiful... All i could think is that i would do everything to see her smile like that every day... Both of them... 

When we came home Oscar went to play while i had to make some phone calls for my project in January... My phone dinged and when i looked it was a text from Tara... I ignored it... She had found out yesterday that Lana and Oscar were moving in, and she kept asking me how i could not tell her... That i must not be sure because i hadn't told her nor had i introduced them... I had only answered that she would meet them at thanksgiving and that i was sorry but i was busy... and that we would talk later... 

Maybe having them meet for the first time at ma's was the best thing... Knowing ma and Carly loved Lana and Oscar so much made me surer about doing it at ma's... So, there were other people to keep an eye out... The only thing i should do on forehand was talk to Carly and ma about it... Tomorrow i would go and pick up Oscar from ma's and talk to them both as Carly also would be there to pick up the kids...

Oscar wanted to help me when i was carrying boxes inside so i gave him some small stuff that was in one of the boxes to carry inside... While we were doing that Lana made dinner... 

We ate together and after dinner Oscar and i went on our evening walk with the dogs... Every evening after dinner Oscar and i would walk the dogs together... Oscar loved it... I loved it... It was some nice bonding time just him and i... In the beginning i felt guilty... Lana cooked and cleaned up after and that is not how it normally worked in my family, but Lana was adamant she didn't mind... She loved to cook, and she loved the fact that Oscar and i were bonding with each other and having some boy time... I had to admit i liked it to...

It was cold winter had begun and Oscar seemed to love it... He really loved being outdoors... The reason why made me sad knowing that before they moved to Boston and were still with his dad, they were not allowed outside... "Chris?"  Oscar said pulling me out of my thoughts... "Yes buddy?" I said smiling at him... 

"Is Santa going to know where we live now that we moved...?" He asked looking at me all serious... "I dont know buddy... But we can send him a letter telling him you have moved... and then you can also tell him what you want for Christmas..." I said smiling... "Really?" He asked and i nodded. "Of course..." I said smiling and he smiled back at me but his smile all of a sudden turned into a frown... "What is wrong buddy...?" I asked him. "Is mommy naughty?" Oscar asked and i looked at him stunned... "Why would you think mommy is naughty...?" I asked. 

"Mommy never gets presents..." He whispers and i sigh getting down to his level... "What if we ask Santa if he can bring mommy a present to and then i am sure he will... But no... Mommy is not naughty..." I said smiling and Oscar hugged me. "Okay...!" He said and released me out of his hug and started running home... I just chuckled. 

Thanksgiving hadn't even come and gone, and he was already focused on Christmas... It was all my fault really the other day we watched a Christmas movie... I know it was way to early but i was in the mood... Oscar had asked if we could decorate this year and i found out that they never had done that either... Fuck this kid had missed so much in live that i was adamant to make this the best Christmas ever... 

I hated his father... I absolutely hated the man... Seeing his face in the picture... To me it was the face of pure evil... But still as twisted as it sounded i was thankful... Thanks to him Lana and Oscar came into my life... and that was the best thing that ever happened to me...

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