Chapter 187

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Chris pov...

We have arrived at the airstrip and i am anxiously gazing to the sky... We are early as i was to impatient to wait... I rather waited here in case the plane was early... The others are leaning against the car as i am pacing up and down... I can't stand still... She is close i can feel it... I can feel it in every fiber in my body and when i look up a little dot appears in the sky... 

I take a deep breath adrenaline rushing through my body as i watch the dot getting closer and closer until you can see it is a plane... She is coming... My body is buzzing my mind is going crazy... I just wonder how she will be... I wonder how we are going to recover from this, and doubt start to set in... What if she hates me... I am the one to blame for all of this... I let myself get caught and she offered herself up to save me... Will she recent me for it... 

I look at Scott and he steps forward... "What is wrong?" He asks... "What if she hates me... What if she takes the kids and leaves me..." I say and he sighs... "I dont think she will hate you Chris..." He says and i look at him with tears in my eyes... "It is all my fault..." I say sobbing stumbling a little bit and he holds me up... "No, it is not... Then you could also say it is her fault for starting a relationship with him or her family for raising her the way they raised her making her a prime target for such a low life... The prison for being stupid enough for letting him walk out... You could blame me for not asking questions or noticing something was wrong when she walked out... But the only one we should blame is Kyle and that pathetic excuse of a father..." He says waving his hands in the air out of frustration and i sigh looking at the sky again as the plane is starting to land...

Scott steps back again leaning against the car while i step forward eager for the plane to land... Eager for the door to open and to see her come down the stairs... The plane touches the ground landing, and it slows down slowly taxiing towards us...

I walk up to the plane when it stops. A few minutes go by, and the door opens the stairs coming down... A man appears and he steps aside holding out his hand and then i see her and i can't hold back my tears as they roll down my cheek... She looks terrible... Her face almost unrecognizable... He helps her down the stairs and i watch her as she can barely walk... I hear Scott gasp and the agent helping her down signals something and i hear the agents behind me call for an ambulance... She looks at me and smiles as best as she can... If she is crying i can't see because of her bruised and bloodied face... She says something to the guy, and he lets her go reluctantly from what i can see and i race over to her as she stumbles towards me on her own...

"Home..." She whispers as i wrap my arms around her and pull her close... She puts her hands on my face and without hesitation she presses her lips on mine and for a second everything is okay the feeling of her lips on mine making me forget everything... That is until i feel her slipping out of my hands and she goes limp... Her body hanging in my arms as i sink us down to the ground the physical pain no longer a comparison to the pain i am feeling in my heart... 

"Lana... Wake up... Please... Wake up..." I say sobbing as i am now sitting on the ground with her in lying in my lap... "The ambulance is on its way..." One of the agents say and i protest as he pulls her out of my lap, but Scott pulls me back as they check her vitals... "What did they do... What did they do to her..." I say sobbing as i start to panic and cling onto Scott as he is keeping me back... 

We hear sirens and an ambulance appears, and everything moves quick from there.  The paramedics quickly check her over, but they decide to load her up to get her to the hospital as fast as possible and i look at Scott... "Go!" He says his voice panicky and i scramble up and get in the ambulance... "We will follow..." One of the agents says and the doors slam shut. The ambulance starts driving with lights and sirens... We are speeding through traffic as they monitor her... Her heartbeat is to slow her breathing shallow.... I hold her hand as she is unconscious... Her beautiful face... So bruised and swollen... Her lip is cut... The shirt she is wearing hanging on by a thread... The paramedic who checked her over called ahead to the hospital and even though i dont understand all he is saying i know it is not good...

"Why didn't you go to the hospital over there sweetheart..." I whisper and kiss her hand... "Come on sweetheart... You fought so hard to come home dont leave me now... I need you... The kids need you... We all need you... Our lives would be so empty without you... I am sorry sweetheart... I was so stupid you kept warning me that he was still out there but i thought... God i dont know what i thought... I got careless... I got careless and now you are here fighting for your life, and it is all my fault... Please come back to me... I promise ill spent my life making it up to you..." I whisper kissing her hand over and over holding it while i run my other hand through her hair trying to untangle it... But the dried blood makes it almost impossible...

She opens her eyes and smiles at me... "Not your fault..." She whispers barely audible, and tears start to now roll freely down my cheeks... She lifts her head and looks at the paramedic... "I think i am pregnant..." She whispers with the last strength she has before she closes her eyes again...

I look at the paramedic in shock as he calls it in as an update and i just look at her stunned... "Pregnant...?" I whisper and kiss her hand again... I keep repeating her words over and over in my head... I think i am pregnant... I think i am pregnant...

"She looks so pale..." I whisper looking at the paramedic and he sighs but not really looking at me... The ambulance stops and the doors swing open doctors ready and waiting... The pull her out and the paramedics briefs them as they roll her in... I follow them as i listen to all the medical jargon trying to make sense of it... 

"You can't come in here... You will have to wait over there..." One of the nurses says and i beg her to let me stay with her that she might be pregnant... But she pushes me in the direction of the waiting room as they roll her through some doors and out of my sight... I try to push her away but i feel a hand on my shoulder and when i look around Scott is there, and he pulls me back and he hugs me as i start to sob...

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