Chapter 48

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Lana pov...

I had just dropped Oscar off for his last day of school before winter break...  I was planning on doing some last-minute Christmas shopping for Chris and Oscar... I had already gone Christmas shopping with Chris we had bought gifts for the whole family and Chris and i went a bit overboard for not only Oscar but also Carly's kids... 

I still didn't have a gift for Chris and i was getting desperate... After going in and out of stores i still had nothing... I sighed and called Lisa... I was on the verge of tears... I wanted to find the perfect gift and i dont know why i was so emotional about it... But i wanted it to be perfect... Chris had gone out of his way to make everything around this Christmas so special... I admit he went a little overboard sometimes... If i had not stopped him the house would have been noticeable from space... We would live in a beacon of light and i was sure that there wouldn't be a spot on the house left without lights...

Although he was a bit grumpy when i woke him up for our first snow... He got up and played with us outside... The next day i had woken up to him and Oscar playing outside making a snowman just like he had promised Oscar... He had taken us ice skating and had patiently tried his best to teach me and Oscar how to skate... He had turned the house into a house fit for a Hallmark Christmas movie... I just wanted to give Chris something special to show my appreciation... Something that would show him how much i loved him... 

Lisa asked were i was and to wait for her there... She said she would come and help me find something but to not stress about it too much... Chris would love whatever i got him... I walked into the coffee shop and ordered me a cup of coffee and walked back out to wait for Lisa... I had to admit i loved Boston... I loved the seasons... I loved the snow... Everything was so pretty and Christmassy... Never in a million years would i imagine my life to be like this after i picked Boston to relocate to... 

"Well would you look at that... the little gold digger... What now... Working the streets for a little spending money?" I heard behind me and i groaned before taking a deep breath and turning around... "Hello Tara..." I say letting out a sigh...

Tara looked at me with that evil look on her face... She looked... Crazy... That is the only way i could describe it... Crazy...  "Oh dont hello Tara me... you bitch... You... You ruined everything... You ruined my life! I had a plan and you ruined it..." Tara screams at me while she steps closer to me... 

"I did no such thing Tara... You did that all on your own..." I said letting out a sigh. I did not move as she stepped closer... I did not want her to see that i was scared but fuck i was...  On the one hand i thanked god i was out in public... On the other hand, i wanted the world to swallow me whole... As i stood there dying of embarrassment because she was screeching like a banshee... 

"Tara please calm down..." I say wanting her to stop screaming as people stop to watch what is going on... And i could feel cameras filming us..."Dont tell me to calm down... Everything was fine before you showed up... You and that bastard of a son of yours... You are going to pay for this... You think you are going to have a nice cushy life?!  Think again... I am going to make you pay... Chris is mine!!! He loves me!!! Not you... I will end you and that little annoying brat of yours... And then he will be all mine... He will see that i am the one he is meant to be with and i dont care if i have to kill you... So, you better sleep with one eye open... You and that little pest of yours..." She screeched and i just looked at her shocked... It was like i was frozen... unable to move... This was going too far but i was in shock... Flashbacks of Kyle running through my head and i was just bracing myself for the first attack... This woman was beyond insane...

"TARA!!!" I heard an angry voice yell and when i looked to the side i saw Lisa standing there with an angry look on her face and her hands on her hips... I felt a wave of relief wash over me knowing that i was safe now... At least i hope so... 

"Lisa..." Tara said smiling... her whole demeanor changing in an instant... That is what scared me the most... The mood swings... Tara could switch between moods in a drop of a hat... It made her unpredictable and that made it scary for me...

"Oh, stop it Tara... I heard everything... You should be ashamed of yourself..." Lisa said stepping beside me... And again, Tara's mood changed... "I can't believe you all choose this gold-digging bitch over me... You guys will find out what kind of person she is... She is just using Chris... And you all are just too stupid to see... All blinded by the whole innocent single mother act... Are you so desperate for Chris to be a father that you are willing to accept the first gold digger with a child to walk into his life? Mark my words... You will see... You will all regret picking her over me..." She spit at Lisa with disgust and venom in her voice... She turned around and stomped off... And the people watching all moved on as i was still frozen on the spot...

"Sweetheart... Are you okay?" Lisa said hugging me... But i was in shock... I was scared and the flashbacks off my past were still running through my head... I started to hyperventilate... Panic was setting in and it was getting harder to breath... 

"Breath sweetheart... Breath..." Lisa said but i couldn't... I could feel Lisa take the keys of the car i had instinctively taken out of my bag out of my hand... I had grabbed them so i could get away if i needed to... Not that i could because i just had shut down... I could feel Lisa pull me away and i dont know how but we ended up at my car... She put me in the passenger seat and before i knew it i was home... I was catatonic... I had completely shut down...

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