Chapter 76

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Chris pov...

"There is my beautiful hot... sex on legs boyfriend..." Lana said smirking at me as i walked back into the living room coming back from dropping of Carly's kids... "Hi..." I said smirking back at her as she took a zip of a drink... Both Mackie and Seb chuckled... "I swear this is only drink number 3..." Seb said and i chuckled shaking my head and sitting next to Lana who immediately and with a little difficulty because of the boot crawled into my lap. "I am so lucky to have you..." She said slurring her speech letting out a sigh... I took her glass and smelled it... "Whiskey? Seriously..." I said looking at Mackie and Seb and they both started laughing.

"Shhhh" Lana said putting her finger on my mouth and she giggled when i kissed it. "I asked them to pour me one... Two... or maybe 3..." She murmured and i chuckled. "Do you know i live so many women's dreams right now..." She said and i smirked at her... "I have the hottest boyfriend in the whole world... Ugh i hate that word... Boyfriend... Seb... Do you have a girlfriend..." She asked Seb and he smirked nodding. "I do..." He says and Lana smiles. "That is nice..." She murmurs... 

"Did you know Anthony has 4 kids...!" Lana says slapping my chest...  "Yes... I knew..." I say smirking. "They are so cute... He showed me pictures..." She says and i laugh... "Yes they are very cute and sweet..." I say and she smiles... "Can you get me another drink..." Lana says looking at me pouting... I chuckle and stand up lifting her with me making her yelp. I put her back on the couch and look at Mackie and Seb shaking my head as they both just chuckle. 

"Seb when are you going to have babies..." I hear her say to Seb as i walk to the kitchen... It is followed by Seb coughing and Mackie laughing uncontrollably... I walk back into the living room and handing Lana her drink... She looks up at me and all of a sudden, her smile goes away, and she looks at me sad... I sit next to her and pull her into me... "I want our baby..." She says softly and i sigh... "I know sweetheart..." I whisper back... and kiss her temple... 

She wipes her tears away and sighs looking at Seb and Mackie... "I was pregnant..." She whispers and they look at her giving her a sad smile... "We know sweetie and we are so sorry..." Seb says... "You knew?" She asks and both of them look at her and nod... "Chris told us... He had a little break down this afternoon..." Mackie says and Lana looks at me shocked. "You did?" She whispers and i blush and nod... 

"Oh, i am so sorry... I have been caught up in my own feelings to much..." She whispers and kisses me... I smile and cup her face and rub my thumb over her cheek... "It's okay sweetheart... I dont mind..." I say and she sighs... "Well i am glad you could talk with Seb and Mackie..." She says and kisses me again before turning to them. "Thank you..." She says and they smile at her. "Your welcome sweetie... That is what friends are for..." Seb says... "You guys are amazing..." Lana sighs and i chuckle as both Mackie and Seb blush. 

The rest of the evening is filled with lighthearted banter... After our little serious drunk talk, she is now laughing and smiling, and she looks so beautiful... Her bruises are still there but they are fading... When i come back into the living room with Seb after we poured us all another drink i find my spot being taken by Mackie who is showing her something on his phone... I groan as i hear my own voice... 

"You know you could break the internet with those videos..." Lana says giggling and i sigh and hang my head... "Dont you dare Mackie..." I say letting out a chuckle... She giggles even more as Seb sits on the other side of her... and pulls out his phone.... "Oh, for fuck sakes..." I growl as he now starts showing her videos and pictures to... "Really guys..." I say rolling my eyes as they both grin.  

"Dont worry babe... I won't love you any less..." She says winking at me... "I will get you both for this... I have videos and pictures from you two to you know..." I say and Lana looks at me with a twinkle in her eyes... "More videos..." She says smirking and i grin... "So much more videos..." 

"Show me, show me, show me..." Lana says stretching his arms and i chuckle standing up and squeeze myself between Seb and Lana and pull her in my lap... "This is a video of Seb and Mackie at the afterparty for the winter soldier..." I say and press play followed by two groans... Lana giggles... "Dont dish it out if you can't take it..." Lana says smirking and i chuckle. "Good girl..." I mumble in her ear... and she smiles at me and kisses me... "This is Seb and Mackie at a party at Roberts house..." I say smirking and Lana giggles... "Are you sure Mackie is not your girlfriend..." She asks Seb and i laugh. 

"We are not always together...!" They both yell and Lana and i laugh hard... "Here is a video of Chris fangirling over Tom Brady..." Mackie says pushing his phone in front of Lana "And another one..." Seb says showing her a video to... "Ahw look they even think the same showing me the same type of video... But joke is on them i think it is cute..." Lana says smiling at me and kissing me under my ear... "I got your back babe..." She whispers sending shivers down my spine and i smirk.

"Okay... Time for bed... Early day tomorrow... You guys now your ways to the guestrooms... See you in the morning..." I say standing up lifting Lana with me who giggles. "Goodnight..." She says smiling as i carry her to the bedroom...

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