Chapter 110

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Chris pov...

I open the car door for Lana and help her get in the big SUV... While our luggage is being loaded into the back of the car... I thank everyone and get behind the wheel of the SUV. I look at Lana... "Ready to go?" I ask and she nods smiling all giddy... 

We drive to the cabin and i smile as Lana is looking outside at the snow. "It is so beautiful here..." She whispers with a smile on her face and a warm feeling spread through my body... Seeing her so happy and smiling is what i life for now... I know i will spend every waking hour trying to make her smile the way she is smiling right now... Seeing her happy and smiling is just the best thing in the world... I just can't believe my life is the way it is right now... For a long time i thought i would never find this level of happiness... That sense of belonging... She and Oscar are my whole world... I would give up everything for them... 

The longer we drive the more isolated everything gets and the smile on Lana's face gets bigger... She hums along to the music looking so tiny in the big winter coat... I take the final exit and she sits up looking at the cabin that appears in front of us... "Chris... Is this where we are staying..." She whispers her voice soft and filled with wonder... "Yes..." I say and she lets out a little squeal doing a happy dance in her seat making me laugh... 

To my surprise the cabin looks bigger then i expected. I park the car and stop Lana from getting out... I grab the keys out of the dashboard and get out myself.  I walk around the car, and she giggles when i open the car door for her and help her out... She wraps her and around my waist holding me tight as we stand there looking at the cabin for a bit... "It is so beautiful..." Lana whispers and i smile... 

We walk to the front door and i unlock it before making Lana squeal and lifting her up bridal style carrying her over the threshold... A fire is already burning, and the cabin is warm... I kick the door shut behind us and walk a bit further before putting her down... We look around and it looks amazing and everything i had hoped for...

We take off our coats and check out the rest of the cabin... Lana walks up the stairs and into the loft/master bedroom... Here another fire is burning... The owners had said i should text them when we had landed so they could start the fires so the cabin would be nice and warm... Lana looks around and i smile... I pull her into me kissing her passionately and i gasp as she puts her icy hands under my shirt. She giggles and puts them flat on my back making me shiver... 

"So, a few things..." I murmur into the kiss, and she looks at me with those beautiful eyes... "There is no tv... internet... or cell service..." I whisper and kiss her again and she smiles into the kiss. "Oooh nooo... What to do with all that time on our hands..." She said and i laughed... "There are a few things i can think of Mrs. Evans..." I said smirking and she giggled... I kiss her again and her stomach growls making me chuckle. "But first i am going to feed you..." I say breaking the kiss and taking her hand walking downstairs again... 

We walk to the kitchen and there is a note on the counter. It is from the owners welcoming us and wishing we have a nice stay. They warn us a storm is predicted in a few days and that it is smart to go shopping before that... Just in case we get snowed in so Lana and i decide we will do that tomorrow as it is already late today... and i dont want to get lost as it already is getting dark. There is also a warning to not forget to lock the doors because of the wild life... 

Lana looks through the fridge and smiles pulling out some things. She said she will cook and i smile as she orders me around to look for things. I smile... This is going us for the next 14 days... just her and i... No family barging in... No dogs to take care off... "Family... Shit... I promised to call them when we arrived..." I said and went to my my bag to get the satellite phone... "Can you get the bags from the car to... I want to change in something more... comfortable... after dinner..." Lana says smirking and i chuckle and nod. "Sure, i will do that after i call the family..." I say and give her a sweet kiss... 

I quickly call ma and Carly letting them know we arrived at the cabin and that Lana loves it... "See you were worried about nothing..." Carly said and i chuckled. "Yeah, you were right..." I say and she puts Oscar on the phone...  I talk to Oscar for a bit, but he is having fun with Carly's kids and after a few more minutes he gives the phone back to Carly... We say goodbye and i tell her to call when something comes up with Oscar... But she says everything will be fine and to just enjoy the honeymoon... I hang up and get the bags out of the car taking them inside and bringing them to the Master bedroom... I put them down and smile. I know Lana packed one suitcase, but Carly packed the other and i wonder what Lana packed because she had no clue where we were going... 

A nice smell is filling the cabin and i smile walking downstairs and into the kitchen where Lana is humming along to the music she had put on while cooking... "Smells good..." I say as my own stomach starts to growl.  She finishes up and puts it in the oven and cleans her hands before walking over to me and pulling me towards her... "We have 40 minutes MR. Evans... Or better said... You have 40 minutes to do with me as you please..." She murmurs and i growl into the kiss before lifting her up and throwing her over my shoulder slapping her ass...

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