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Lana pov...

After letting Lisa feel the baby kick i took a step back creating some distance again... I wanted her to feel it and that is it... I hoped that that would satisfy her... Chris wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me into his side and kissed my temple. I think Lisa looked a little annoyed at the fact i stepped back but i let her feel the baby kick that must be enough for now. 

"We brought gender reveal dessert..." I said smiling and all head turned to us... "You guys are going to reveal the gender to us?" Scott said all excited and we nodded and Lisa's face lighted up to...

"We didn't want to do the whole over the top gender reveal but just a little with all of you..." Chris said and everyone was all excited. "Can we do desert first?" Shanna said smirking and i chuckled. "Be patience..." Lisa said and she asked her kids to set the table. "Can i help you with anything Lisa?" I asked as Chris, Scott, Shanna and Carly were setting the table. 

"No sweetheart go sit down relax..." Lisa said smiling and so i sat down on one of the stools at the counter.  "So how have you been feeling?" Lisa asks while she keeps cooking. "Hormonal, emotional and bloated... I cried today and was ready to kill Chris because i couldn't find something to wear..." I said and Lisa chuckled. 

"He is so sweet and supportive and even that sometimes gets on my nerves... But Chris is great nothing is too crazy..." I said and Lisa smiled proudly at me. "Yeah, he is a great man... I raised him right..." She said with pride and i nodded not really knowing how else to react to that...

The table was set, and Chris stood beside me and kissed my temple again making me smile looking up at him... "It all smells good ma..." He says smiling. "So have you guys picked a hospital yet?" Lisa asked and i felt my panic level rise... I was scared if she knew she would show up anyway... "No not really..." Chris said and i let out a sigh because he was lying... We had picked a hospital last week... I looked up at him and gave him a small smile and he leaned down and kissed me... 

"I will go get the kids ready for dinner..." Carly said and i smiled as 10 minutes later they all came running in taking their place at the table... Chris helped me off the stool and he pulled out a chair for me and i sat down... He helped his mother bring food to the table and sat down beside me. Everything smelled amazing i had to admit i missed Lisa's cooking. 

I smiled as Chris took my hand under the table as his mother prayed... Shanna and Carly joined her, but Scott and Chris were both not really into it, so they just sat there is silence. He played with my fingers under the table and when i looked at Oscar he was keeping his eyes closed being respectful because i never taught him about religion... 

Dinner was amazing like always and i felt a little bit more relaxed because everyone was sitting on their own spot and Chris was keeping me close... Lisa was sitting opposite from us and couldn't help but feel being watched... I just pushed it away... She wasn't touching me all the time and she had greeted me first this time... That was a win... So, she kept watching me i could deal with that...

We all helped clean up after dinner and the kids went off to play until our dessert. I took the cake and put it on the counter and grabbing a knife from the drawer... "Are you sure you want them to know?" Chris whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arm around me and rubbed my belly.  "I am sure... Are you sure?"  I asked and he chuckled and planted a kiss on my cheek. "Yes, i am sure..." He said and i chuckled. "I thought that your mother and Carly could cut the cake seeing as we already know..." I whispered and Chris nodded...

"Scott, can you get the kids?" Chris asked him and Scott walked off to gather up the kids... a few minutes later they came running and Chris picked up Oscar... "Do you want to know if you get a brother or sister?" He asked Oscar and Oscar nodded all excited. "Ma... Carly... Would you mind cutting the cake?"  Chris asked and they both nodded.

Oscar wiggled his way down so that Chris would put him down and he ran over to the cake watching it intently to see what he was getting... Chris laughed and put his arm around me, and we watched this whole thing unfold in front of us. 

Carly and Lisa cut the cake and when they pulled the piece back the pink showed, and everyone screamed and went crazy... It was like it didn't really get through to Oscar so i nudged Chris and he walked over to him and got down to his level... I smiled as Oscar hugged him with a smile on his face... He seemed happy with a sister but i would talk about it with him tonight when we came home...

Carly, Shanna and Scott hugged me and i chuckled as they kept saying that Chris was going to be in trouble... I saw Lisa wiping away a few tears standing to the side not really knowing how to react i guess so i excused myself and walked over to her...

"You, okay?" I asked and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "A girl...?" She whispered and i nodded smiling... "A girl..." I said and she smiled and hugged me. "Congratulations..." Lisa whispered when she let me go. "Thank you..." I said still feeling a bit uncomfortable... "Chris is going to be an amazing girl dad..." I say and she smiles at me and nods. 

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