Chapter 152

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Chris pov...

I see Carly drive up to the house and i smile... I am so excited for Oscar to meet his sister... I walk out and he runs up to me. "Is she here?  Is my sister here?" He asks excitedly as he jumps in my arms. "Yes, buddy she is..." I say hugging him tight... "Do you want to meet her...?" I ask and i laugh as he yells "Yes..." Really loudly... I look at Carly who is smiling and i kiss her cheek... "What is all this...?" I ask pointing at this big paper bag... "I made a few dinners so you dont have to cook..." She says smirking and i chuckle. We walk inside and Carly tells me to take Oscar to see his sister and that she will wait in the living room after she put the food away so we can have this moment as a family... 

I put Oscar down... "You have to be careful, okay? She is really tiny..." I say before we go in and Oscar nods. We walk into our bedroom where Lana is sitting up with Maeve in her arms... "Hey sweetheart..." Lana says smiling as Oscar walks over to her a little hesitantly but when she pats the bed next to her... He crawls in smiling and sits down next to her... "She really is tiny..." He whispers and i smile as he takes her little hand in his... 

"This is your little sister... Maeve Lily..." Lana says and he looks at her and smiles... "Can i play with her...?" He asks and i chuckle... "You have to wait until she is a little bit older buddy..." I say and sit down on the edge of the bed... "You can hold her if you want to..." Lana says and i smile as Lana tells him to sit against the headboard and she puts Maeve carefully in his arms while helping him hold her right... I keep taking pictures as Oscar holding Maeve is just too cute... Lana sits back down next to Oscar smiling at her two kids as Oscar is talking to Maeve... 

Lana looks up and me and smiles but i can see she is fighting her tears... "Where is Carly?" She asks. "Living room... You want me to go get her?" I say and she smiles. "In a minute... I just want to enjoy this for a little longer..." She whispers and i smile and nod.

Maeve doesn't do much yet, so Oscar gets bored pretty quick and while Lana takes Maeve back i go get Carly who is sitting on her phone in the living room... "Ready?" I ask smiling proudly as Carly stands up and smirks at me. "Yes, lets meet the little one..." She says all excited. 

"Hey momma..." Carly says walking over to Lana and kissing her cheek... "You do not look like you just had a baby..." Carly says and Lana grins at her... "I can tell you i sure feel like i did..." She says and Carly chuckles and then turns her attention to our girl... "We want you to meet Maeve Lily Evans..." Lana says smiling and Carly sits down next to Lana and looks at Maeve who wakes up a bit... "She is so precious...." Carly says taking her little hand in hers... "Everything is okay?" She asks us and we both nod... "She is happy and healthy... She is perfect..." Lana says with the biggest smile on her face... 

"Do you want to hold her?" She asks Carly... and as Carly nods, she hands Maeve over to Carly... "Can you help me up... I need to pee..." Lana says and i nod helping her up and i watch her walk to the bathroom... "Can i go play video games...?" Oscar asks and i smile. "Of course, bud... I will come play with you in a minute..." I say and the biggest smile forms on his face before he runs off. 

"You and Lana sure made a pretty baby..." Carly says smiling and i chuckle... Lana comes back in, and she sighs and wraps her arms around my waist and lays her head on my chest... "Are you tired?" I whisper and she nods a little... Carly looks at us and smiles standing up with Maeve... "I will let you rest..." Carly says and Lana releases me and takes Maeve from her... "Thank you for coming and taking Oscar yesterday..." I say and she smiles. "Of course, i love having Oscar over... He is always a joy to have around..." She says smiling. "I put all the food in the fridge... and if you need anything just call..." She says smiling hugging Lana carefully... 

After Carly said goodbye to Oscar i walked her to her car... "I heard ma is coming by this afternoon..." Carly said smiling... I nod... "Lana said she could come by for a quick visit... Ma was so happy over the phone... I just hope she keeps her promise and doesn't cause drama..." I say and take a deep breath. "She really made progress Chris... She is ashamed of how she behaved... It is good that Lana invited her... It is a good step forward..." Carly said and i nodded. 

I watch Carly drive off and i walk back inside. I check in on Lana and smile as she is asleep. Maeve is asleep next to her in the little crib... I smile and quietly walk out closing the door and walk to Oscar's room... 

I play games with him for an hour or so... "Dad?" Oscar says putting the controller down and i look at him. "Yeah bud?" I ask and he smiles... "I really like my sister..." He says and walks over to me and hugs me... "That is sweet bud... She really likes you to..." I say smiling as i hug him tight... "Can i have a picture of her in my room..." He whispers and i chuckle. "Of course, we will do that tomorrow okay?" I say and i can feel him smile... 

"Can we go look at the baby again..." Oscar whispers and i chuckle... "We can but you have to be really quiet because your mom is sleeping..." I say and he giggles... I chuckle because when he giggles it is like i hear Lana... We sneak into the bedroom and i smile as Oscar is staring at his sister who is still asleep... "Do baby's sleep a lot?" Oscar whispers and i nod...

"What are you two doing..." We hear a voice whisper, and we look up seeing Lana awake and starting to sit up... Oscar smiles and walks over to her and crawls into bed with her... Lana lays back down and cuddles with Oscar... "Come on dad..." Oscar says and i chuckle crawling into bed to and we cuddle all together...

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