Chapter 198

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Chris pov...

It has been 2 months since we had gotten back from LA. The time in LA was amazing just the two of us we went a little overboard at the afterparty dancing and drinking... Lana not having had alcohol in so long and no longer breastfeeding because she wasn't having enough milk was a little tipsy after just a few drinks and she was hilarious... So carefree and dancing and laughing being the life of the party...

The pictures of the red carpet were trending topic as people found it hilarious that Seb and Mackie totally ignored me and went straight for her... Most of the reactions were so sweet... Saying we looked so happy and glowing... The next few days we just hung around the house at the pool taking in the sun... Lana loves the house in La especially the floorplan...

We were in the middle of construction at the house in Boston... Lana loved the open floor plan of the house in LA so much that we hired someone to see if we could implement it in our house here in Boston and they had started on construction a week ago... Everything was going to be done... An open kitchen as heart of the house so Lana could have eyes everywhere when she was cooking... It would make it easier to watch the kids as Maeve was a little runner and the one second, she was there... The next moment she was somewhere else completely... 

We were getting a kitchen completely to her wishes as she was the one cooking the most and i just loved how excited she was... We would be getting all new furniture and just everything new just the way she wanted... She would ask what i want and i would give my opinion but in the end of the day i dont care if she is happy i am happy... 

It was going to be chaos for a while but in the end, it would be worth it... Clover was doing amazing and the sweetest little girl i was surprised at how different she was then her sister... I dont know why but in my mind, babies were all the same... Boy was i wrong... Were Maeve was being happy with everything you did... Clover would let you know when she wasn't happy... 

Oscar had just turned 10 and we had thrown him a big party at the aquarium inviting all his friends... He was getting so big, and it was amazing to see him grow and turn into a sweet caring man... He was funny... Really funny... He would make a fool out of himself just to make you laugh... 

He had been sick a week ago and i was struggling with it to see him feel so miserable... The last time he had been sick i was not home... I look at Lana walking in the temporary kitchen and her cheeks were flushed and she didn't look so good herself. She was carrying Maeve putting her in her highchair as it was lunch time... I watch her for a second before walking up to her and putting my hand on her forehead... "Sweetheart you are burning up..." I mumble and she sighs... "I am fine..." She whispers but i shake my head... "You probably got what Oscar had... I'll make the kids lunch... You go lay down and ill will bring you something to eat and tea..." I said and she shook her head but i was not having it... 

She finally gave in and disappeared... I started on lunch when Oscar appeared... "Where is mom?" He asked looking at me preparing lunch... "No hello dad... How are you doing dad..." I said smirking and Oscar rolled his eyes... "Hello dad... What are you doing dad... Where is mom..." He said smirking at me and i laughed at his cheekiness... "Mom is resting she is sick... and i am making lunch..." I said and Oscar nodded... "Can i help?" He said and i nodded and we made lunch together...

The next week Lana was getting a bit better... She had it bad throwing up and keeping nothing down, but the fever went down... I had taken care of the kids telling her to rest helping her as much a possible as she was throwing up again holding her hair rubbing her back... 

I had just put both girls down for a nap and Oscar was at school when Lana walked into the temporary kitchen looking at me a little unsure her hand behind her back... "Can we talk for a minute?" She whispered and i nodded looking at her worried and she took a deep breath... 

"Of course..." I said and she blushed... "So, i think i know why i am so sick..." She whispered putting a pregnancy test on the counter in front of me... I look at it a little shocked and then at Lana who looked on the verge of tears... "Sorry... I..." She started to say but i walked over to her and cupped her face with both hands kissing her... "You're pregnant?" I whisper and she nods... "I think so..." She whispered pulling two more positive pregnancy test out of her back pocket... 

"So much for practicing..." I say smirking and she groaned putting her forehead on my chest... "You are not happy?" I whisper and she looks up at me in shock... "I am happy... It is just a bit soon..." She said blushing and i chuckled... "We are going to have another baby..." I whisper kissing her again and she smiles into the kiss... "We are going to have another baby..." She whispers repeating my words and i smile... 

We made an appointment with the doctor, and she was 8 weeks along meaning that weekend at LA was when this baby was made... She had joked that 2 babies were now conceived in a supply closet... The other thing she said though was that after this baby she was done... She said that 4 was a good number... So, i had decided after the baby was born it was my time to endure some pain and i would get a vasectomy... 

This time we did tell the family and after the initial shock they were all over the moon... At 20 weeks we found out we were having yet another girl... Making Oscar and i even more outnumbered but i dont care... I love my girls... Oscar was a little disappointed as he had hoped to have a brother, but he got over it pretty quick. 

When Lana was 6 months pregnant the house was done, and it turned out amazing... She was so happy especially with the kitchen... The news of Lana being pregnant again had come out because this time we were not exactly hiding, and people had put two and two together and online it was now known as our Oscar baby... 

Life was just great... I was filming a movie in town being home every night and ma was helping Lana during the day so she could get some rest... I was happy to see ma and Lana get along so great, and they really had put the past behind them... 

Our little girl was born 3 days after the due date and again at home Oscar and our girls staying at ma's so we could focus on Lana giving birth... Everything went great and our little girl Lilith Lisa Evans was born... 

To say it was chaos in our house with 4 kids was an understatement... But i love it... Oscar and our 3 girls are amazing and i won't change it for the world... Lana is the most amazing mother, and our kids are so lucky to have her... Life is good, and they all make me so happy...

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