Chapter 179

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Scott pov...

We are still at the house... Lana's car had been abandoned her phone inside... Chris his phone was turned off and they couldn't ping it... It was just so frustrating... Everything you see on TV or in the movies made you believe the police and FBI would have found him by now but in real life everything wasn't solved in an hour....  We just knew it was bad and it had to with Lana's ex... The house was chaos and all i could think Lana would hate this... They are debating if they should do a press conference to tell the world Chris and Lana were missing... We look up when the agent in charge comes up to us and he looks at me... We are going to do a press conference and need someone of the family to be there... I nod... "I'll do it..." I say and try and comfort ma who is crying again... 

The kids are in bed... Carly is laying with Oscar after we finally got him down for a nap as he was emotionally exhausted, he didn't want to sleep alone or in his own bed... Shanna and ma are crying and i know they will not be up for it... I have to be the strong one now... Normally it is Chris and Carly who are the strong ones... But now it was my turn to be strong for my family... For Chris and Lana... For their kids... Our family... 

Everything from this point goes by in a daze... I get brought to a police station and i am amazed how much press is already assembling in front of it... I get instructions and i cling onto the photo from Lana and Chris that i am going to keep in front of me... A beautiful picture of them smiling looking into the camera with not a care in the world... 

I have practiced what i am going to say and when it is time i take my place next to the spoke person of the FBI... I look around in a daze not really listening to what the agent is saying but i get pulled out of my daze when he says my name for me to step forward...

"For whom doesn't know me i am Scott Evans... My brother and his wife... Chris and Lana Evans have disappeared... We beg the public for their help... Their kids miss them and would like to have them home they need their mom and dad... They are not the type of people to willingly leave their kids... Please... If you have seen them... Or know where they are... Contact the FBI... Lana... Chris... If you hear this and you can... Please call let us know you are alright your family would like you home...  We love you..." I say and step aside again to which the agent takes over again, and he is answering questions and i am off in my daze again holding up their picture...

When it all is over, they take me back to the house and the tv is on and the press conference is being shown with big headline saying that Chris Evans and his wife have disappeared under suspicious circumstances... My own voice fills the room and i cringe at how shaky and hollow it sounds... Chris his team is dealing with all the calls from the press... Ma comes over to me and hugs me telling me i did great and i fight my tears... 

Now it is a waiting game and its torture... I can't sit still and i keep pacing up and down... Dodger is following me... It is dark out and getting late... Oscar had woken up briefly to eat something and after playing some video games for a while we put him back to bed... Maeve was looking confused when we took her out of bed and there were so many people in the house... She had gotten scared, and we asked them to please keep to the kitchen... This was the kids home and at the moment they didn't feel comfortable in their own home... 

A few hours later and other than all the people monitoring our phones and doing god knows what else in the kitchen the house was quiet... Ma was in the guestroom trying to get some sleep... Shanna was with her so she wouldn't be alone... Carly was again with Oscar sleeping next to him as everyone needed to get some rest... I offered to stay awake so that if some new came in i could wake them...

I walk into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee and look at the clock... It is 2 in the morning and one of the agent's phones rings... My head perks up as i hear him ask which hospital... He looks at me and i look back anxious for the news... He hangs up and looks at me... "I need you to sit down..." He says and i shake my head anxiety setting in... "Son... Sit down..." The man says his tone serious and i sigh and walk over to the kitchen table and sit down... He sits down in front of me and i swear he is going to tell me they are dead... 

"They found your brother..." He says and i look at him shocked... "He is on his way to the hospital as we speak... He is unconscious... He stumbled up to someone's house knocking on the door and he is in a bad way... Before he went unconscious, he told the man his name and that his wife was kidnapped..." He says and i jump up... "Which hospital...?" I ask and the man stands up to...

"We will take you there and go with you because when he wakes up, we need to know what happened..." He says and i nod...  

I go to the bedroom ma and Shanna are in and wake them up telling them and ma is hysterical... Shanna says to take her with me to the hospital and that she will wake Carly and trying not to wake Oscar... So, ma and i get ready to go to the hospital while Shanna and Carly are going to wait by the phone for updates and take care of the kids... 

5 minutes later we are in the back of the agent's car on our way to the hospital... Ma and i are both scared and anxious for what we are going to find...

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