Chapter 10

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Lana pov...

"Do you and Oscar want to stay the night?" Chris asks after Lisa has left. After playing a few games we all had dinner together. I nod but look at Oscar. "Would like a sleepover here?" I ask him and he smiles and nods. "Can Dodger and Bob sleep with me tonight..." He asks looking at Chris and Chris smiles nodding. "Of course, buddy..." Chris says and i smile. 

"But first we are going to watch a movie like promised..." Chris says smiling. "Okay!" Oscar says and jumps off my lap and runs into the living room. The dogs who were sleeping on their places in the kitchen jump up and run after him and i smile. I stand up and walk to Chris and wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his chest. He is surprised by this because normally he is the one initiating any form of contact... But he wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. 

"Chris! Can we watch Captain America...!" Oscars yells from the living room. Chris groans and i chuckle. "You dont have to..." I murmur... I can feel him sigh and i know he is conflicted. I look up and smile. "It is okay to say no... He will not hate you because you won't let him watch a certain movie..." I say and he smiles. "It is okay though..." Chris says and i chuckle and shake my head. 

I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss catching him by surprise. I smile as we break our kiss. "Mommy!" Oscar yells and i chuckle. "Someone is getting impatient..." I say and Chris chuckles taking my hand and walking us to the living room. 

I smile as Oscar is cuddled up with Bob and Dodger. We sit down next to him and i lay my head on Chris his shoulder as he starts the movie making Oscar cheer and me chuckle. 

As the movie plays Oscar is totally caught up in it and Chris wraps his arm around me pulling me close and i cuddle into him closer. Halfway through the movie i look at Oscar and smile as he is asleep. "I will put him to bed..." I say smiling. Chris nods.  I lift Oscar in my arms and walk towards the bedroom he had slept earlier. 

I put him in the bed and i smile as the dogs lay down beside him. I watch him for a second as he is fast asleep with a big smile on his face. Normally he stays up a little later, but he had a fun filled day and was worn out. I kiss his little forehead and walk out of the room leaving the door open a bit...

I walk back into the living room where Chris is still sitting on the couch. "Out like a light..." I say smiling as i sit down beside him again and he chuckles. He puts his arm around me again and pulls me closer making me smile. "Do you want to sleep in the guestroom or do you want to sleep in my bed..." He asks. I smile the fact that he gives me the option makes me happy...

"Can i sleep with you?" I whisper and he chuckles. "Of course..." He hums and i let out a sigh cuddling into him more. "Can we leave the bedroom door open just in case Oscar wakes up..." I ask him. "Of course..." He says again. 

"Do you want to go to bed now..." Chris asks but i shake my head as i am feeling so comfortable cuddled up to him. He looks at me and smiles. "Then what do you want to do...?" He asks smirking.  "Nothing... This is perfect..." I whisper... and Chris his smile gets even bigger. 

"I never had this..." I whisper. "Had what...?" Chris asks. "This sense of calm with someone..." I whisper and i took a deep breath. "I can't promise you it will always is going to be like this... My life can be crazy sometimes..." Chris murmurs and i shake my head. 

"That is not what i mean... I know your life must be crazy sometimes... I mean that calm feeling... I dont have to walk on eggshells with you... With Oscar's dad i always walked around on eggshells and i could never really relax... The only time i could relax was when he was off to work and even then, i always felt tense..." I mumble blushing. 

"I am sorry..." Chris says and kisses the top of my head again and i let out a sigh. "Not your fault..." I mumble. 

After sitting there for a while in silence i can feel my eyes getting heavy. "Can we go to bed..." I whisper and Chris stands up and takes my hand pulls me up and walks me to his bedroom.  He gives me a shirt of his and shows me the bathroom. 

I get changed and brush my teeth. I look in the mirror and sigh. Why does this feel so different than yesterday... I take a deep breath and walk into the bedroom where Chris is just putting his phone on a charger and wearing nothing more than just boxers making me blush. "Which side?" I ask blushing and he smirks. 

"I always sleep on the right..." He says and i smile. "Be right back..." He says and i internally groan as he walks into the bathroom. I quickly go and check up on Oscar and smile as the dogs are lying on either side of him. He looks all cozy, and he still has that smile on his face.

I walk back into Chris his bedroom and get into the bed and pull the blankets over me. 

I get comfortable and let out a sigh. I smile... His bed is comfortable... I look around the room and again it is nothing like i expected. The room is almost serene with big windows looking out over the yard the bed is facing a fireplace and it is just... calm... That is the only word going through my head all day... Calm... Everything is calm... I feel calm... 

The bathroom door opens and i smile as Chris walks out. He goes to the bedroom door and opens it making me smile. I just dont want Oscar to panic if he wakes up in the middle of the night... Chris gets into bed next to me. He opens his arm for me and i smile cuddling into him and i lay my head on his chest. Again calm... His steady heartbeat calms me... "Goodnight..." I murmur before I plant a soft kiss on his chest. "Goodnight..." Chris whispers back and i close my eyes and soon drift off to sleep...

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