Chapter 199

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Lana pov...

We were having a big party for our 10-year anniversary... We had invited everyone who was on our wedding day and like on our wedding day they all showed up... The party was Chris his idea... He wanted to go all out... We had rented out the same venue and it was really a walk down memory lane... 

We were having dinner when Oscar walked up to the mic... He had gotten so big... 17 now... No longer a little boy... He was amazing and i had no doubt he was going to be a great man just like Chris... Oscar got everyone's attention and cleared his throat looking a little nervous with a piece of paper in his hand... I watched his girlfriend Cece beaming at him... She was a sweet girl and they were so in love... He was so good to her, and we loved her very much...

"Mom... Dad..." He said before taking a deep breath and we both smiled at him... 

"Mom... Thank you... Thank you for all that you have done for me... For being the strong and amazing woman that you are... We didn't always have it easy... But you always made sure i was shielded as much as possible... You were always the one to make me smile and feel loved and wanted... You got us out of that situation moving us away to have a fresh start... and although it cost us a lot to get here you always were smiling and joyful even when there was a reason not to... You never failed me as a mother... You are strong and i hope to be as strong as you and as loving as you in the future... You always made me feel like your first priority... You are an amazing mother playing games going on hikes and just always hands on making sure i was happy and healthy but above all feeling loved...  I love you so much." Oscar said and Chris was rubbing my back kissing my temple as i was bawling... 

"Mommy dont be sad..." Lilith said in her sweet voice as she was sitting in Chris his lap like the daddy's girl, she is... "Mommy is not sad sweetheart... These are happy tears..." I say and kiss her little hand...

"Dad..." Oscar said taking a deep breath before continuing... and Chris looked at him smiling but i knew he was fighting his tears... "Or Mr. America... Like i called you the first time we met..." Oscar said and the everyone laughed... Chris had a big grin on his face...

"Even before we met you were my hero... You didn't know it then and maybe you still dont... But you helped us deal with everything we went through...  As a little boy mom watched Marvel movies with me and all i wanted was to be like Captain America... We were always team Cap... Sorry Robert..." Oscar said and everyone laughed... 

"You are forgiven you were still little! Your mom on the other hand..." Robert yelled with a big grin on his face and everyone laughed again... I just smirked and Chris leaned in kissing me again... "Team Cap forever... But above all team Evans..." I whispered in the kiss, and he chuckled... We looked at Oscar again who took a deep breath turning the page of his speech...

 "But then you came into our lives, and you were so much better than Captain America... You are my real-life hero... The way you treated my mom loving her and treating her the way she deserves... The way you accepted me like it was no big deal and always made me feel included... I never felt like i was a burden or not your son and i know you made sure of that... Adopting me was the happiest day of my life because i finally had a father i could look up to... You showed me how to be a man you never fail to show up at anything i do... You are always my biggest supporter...  You make mom, my sisters and me happy and for that i want to thank you..." He said and now Chris was crying to... 

"Mom... Dad... you two are my role models... You are the best parent me and my sisters could ask for and we love you..." He said taking another deep breath...

"Then i want to say a quick word to my family... I know we are her to celebrate my mom and dad but i want to say a quick word to my grandmother, Uncles, Aunties and Cousins... Thank you for accepting me and my mom... Thank you for including us... Grandma thank you for including me in grandma's afternoon from day one... Thank you Auntie Carly and Uncle Ryan for having me over all the time and being there for us when we needed you... Thank you to my Cousins for accepting me into the group... For being my best friends... Thank you Auntie Shanna for always listening to me... And then Uncle Scott... Thank you for all the laughs... Thank you for always being my partner in crime... The scare war still goes on... But since you both are getting older... We should maybe take it easy so neither one of you is going to have a heart attack..." Oscar said grinning and everyone laughed as both Chris and Scott rolled their eyes... "You better watch out buddy... Or it will be Chris and i against you..." Scott yelled and Oscar just grinned. 

"Okay now that is all out the way i put a little video together for mom and dad with the help of my family... I hope you will like it and i love you both so much..." He said and Chris handed Lilith to Carly before we made our way over to him hugging him holding him tight Chris almost squishing him... 

"Thanks bud... We love you to and you always make it so easy to love you..." Chris said and this made me cry even harder as i just held on to my boys... "Dont cry mom..." Oscar said and i looked up at him and i put my hands on his face... "You are so amazing... I am so proud that you are my son... You are the best thing ever happened to me..." I whispered... "To us..." Chris said and i smiled and nodded... 

We let him go and he sat down next to his girlfriend who had been crying to... Chris and i sat down and a video started playing with pictures and little home video's. It was beautiful to see our little family grow over the years in pictures and home videos... The last video was Scott and Oscar sneak up Chris... Scaring Chris so much that he dropped to the floor laughing... After that a photo appeared both Chris and i had never seen... It was in our kitchen he had his arms wrapped around me holding me close... I was looking up at him my arms wrapped around his waist, and we just looked at each other with big smiles... A little snapshot of our love...

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