Chapter 121

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Chris pov...

I am taking Oscar to school as Lana is still sleeping... She has been more tired but from what i had read that is normal... I am more than happy to let her sleep as much as she wants... We hadn't told Oscar about the baby yet... Lana wants to wait... She also wants to wait with telling my family and although i find it a struggle because i want to shout it off the rooftops i get it... She wants to be at least past that 12-week mark... 

I watch Oscar walk into school and smile getting back to the car... I swing by the store to get some groceries Lana had asked for before i go back home... I smile as she is in the kitchen making herself breakfast. 

"Hey..." She says smiling and i put the groceries down on the counter... "Hey..." I say and walk over to her and kiss her putting my hand on her stomach. "How are you feeling sweetheart..." I ask and she smiles... "I am good..." She says letting out a sigh and i kiss her again... "What is wrong sweetheart..." I whisper and she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me in for a passionate kiss...

"I need your help..." She whispers and i smirk as she starts to unbuckle my belt and pants... "Do you now?" I ask and she whines as she slides her hand in my pants and wraps it around my dick pumping me up and down... "Yes... Be a good husband and fuck your wife..." She murmurs and i look at her with a smirk on my face... 

I let my hand glide down her body and when i cup her core i grin... "Someone planned this..." I say as she is not wearing underwear and she nods... "I was patiently waiting for you to come home..." She mumbles and i take in a sharp breath and grab her lifting her up on the counter... I grab her shirt pulling it over her head and throw it over my shoulder making her giggle. "It won't hurt the baby, right?" I ask her and she smiles shaking her head. "No Chris... It won't hurt the baby..." She says putting her hands on my cheeks and kissing me... 

"But it will hurt you if you dont make me cum..." She says and i grin... "Someone is being very bossy and needy..." I murmur as i attach my lips to the skin in her neck and she leans her head to the side giving me better access... "And someone else talks to much..." She moans and i growl... 

I drop my pants around my ankles and pull her closer towards me... I push inside of her, and she moans and lays down on the counter... I start thrusting into her and she moans... "Oh yes... Fuck i missed your cock..." She moans and i grin but i dont say a word... I keep thrusting into her in a steady pace until we both cum and when i fill her up she starts giggling... 

"Fuck i needed that..." She says and i chuckle pulling her up... I then look at her in shock as she starts crying and for a moment i am stunned... "Sorry..." She mumbles and i wrap my arms around her and hold her close... "Dont apologize sweetheart..." I mumble and she holds me tighter... "Hormones..." She mumbles and i chuckle... 

"What do you want to do today..." I whisper and she sighs... "Can we just cuddle..." She murmurs and i hum. "Of course, sweetheart whatever you want..." I whisper...  "I want cuddles..." She mumbles in a small voice and i chuckle. 

After i had put my clothes back on and helped her of the counter she went to freshen up and get on some more clothes... I grab some blankets and extra pillows from the hallway closet and turn the couch into a comfy cuddle spot...

When she comes back in the living room i pull her with me on the couch pulling blankets over us and she sighs as nestles into me... "Which room should we turn into the nursery..." She asks and i think about it for a second... "We could do the one next to us... That makes it easier during the night..." I say and she agrees... "Do you think it is a boy or a girl?" I ask her and she sighs... "Not that i care... But i think a girl... Would you be disappointed if it is a girl...?" She asks and i look at her raising and eyebrow... "No... Of course, not..." I say and she smiles... "What do you think?" She asks and i smile... "I also think girl..." I say with a big smile on my face. 

"What would Oscar's name be if he had been a girl..." I ask her and she shrugs... "I knew he was a boy so i never thought about it..." She says and plants a kiss on my chest... "Did you think about names?" She asks and i blush... "I have..." I whisper and she pushes herself up... "Tell me..." She says smiling... "Oliver for a boy... Willow for a girl..." I say and she smiles... "I like Oliver... Willow i have to let simmer for a while..." She whispers and i chuckle... "We dont have to decide now nor do we have to name her Willow... It was just a thought..." I murmur and she smiles cuddling into me...  

"What did you have in mind...?" I ask her and she hums. "I have to say... I like Oliver... Little Ollie... and for a girl... Lily..." She says and i smile... "Lily..." I mumble letting the name run through my head. 

"But like you said we dont have to decide now..." Lana whispered. "I know but it is fun to think about..." I answer and she chuckles... "I just hope Oscar will be happy..." She whispers and i kiss the top of her head. "Of course... he will be happy... We just have to make sure to include him and make sure he doesnt feel left out..." I whisper and she lets out a sigh... "I guess so..." She says and nuzzles into me making me chuckle....

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