Chapter 117

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Lana pov...

I sigh as we land in Boston... The honeymoon is officially over, and we are back in the real world... But it was heaven... But i am happy to be home because i can't wait to hug my sweet boy... I smile as Chris opens the door of the car for me to get in... I pull him in for a kiss and he grins... "Promise me the honeymoon is not completely over..." I whisper after we break the kiss, and he smiles... "I promise..." He whispers back before closing the door walking around and getting in the car...

He takes my hand, and we drive to Carly's house... We arrive and i feel all excited to see Oscar. Chris takes my hand again and we knock on the door... Carly opens and smiles pulling us both in a hug. "Hello, you two love birds... Welcome back to the real world..." She says smiling and i chuckle... 

All of a sudden, we hear squealing and Oscar comes running and i pull him in my arms hugging him tight... "Mom you are squishing me..." He says and i chuckle letting him go... "Sorry sweetheart..." I whisper with tears in my eyes... "Mommy has missed you..." I say and hug him again... When i release him, Chris picks him up hugging him tight telling him he missed him... When he puts Oscar down, he grabs Chris his hand and pulls him away wanting to show him something... 

"Tea?" Carly asks and i nod smiling.  "So how was the honeymoon?" She asks and i smile but blush a little... "It was amazing... I loved every second of it... It was so beautiful over there and we got snowed in i loved it... No TV... No internet just Chris and i..." I say smirking and Carly chuckles... 

"Did everything go okay with Oscar?" I ask and Carly smiles... "A few ups and downs but those are normal... He did great and i think he had fun... But he told me yesterday he was ready to go back home..." She says and i smile... 

We sit down with our cup of tea and i show her the photos on my phone... Chris walks in after that with Oscar and Carly's kids in tow and i hug them all... We stay for about another hour before i go and help Oscar pack his stuff... "Did you have fun?" I ask him and he hugs me. "Yes but now i want to go home..." He says and i hug him back... I pack the last of his stuff and take his hand and walk back to Chris... 

"Ready to go home bud..." Chris asks and Oscar nods... He lets go of my hand and hugs Carly... "Thank you..." He whispers to her and i have to take a deep breath to not cry and Chris who sees this takes my hand squeezing it a little. 

Chris puts Oscar in the car and after we hug everyone goodbye, we take off... I let out a sigh and soon we arrive home... Chris lets Oscar out of the car and Scott who had been watching the dogs opens the front door and Oscar runs into the house all excited to see the dogs again... "Who do you think he missed more... Us or the dogs..." Chris jokes and i look at him smirking... "Dogs..." We say both at once and we laugh... 

We say hi to Scott but when i want to step into the house Chris pulls me back and lifts me up... I squeal and Scott laughs as Chris carries me over the threshold... 

He puts me down and i hug Scott... "Welcome home Mr. And Mrs. Evans..." Scott says and i blush. "Thank you..." I say hugging him again. I walk further in the house taking a deep breath happy to be home but still a bit sad to... I smile looking at Oscar hugging the dogs and they are all over him... I feel two arms wrap around my waist and Chris hugging me from behind... "Welcome home Mrs. Evans..." He whispers in my ear making me shiver... He chuckles and places a kiss underneath my ear and i feel the goosebumps form on my skin... "Behave babe..." I whisper back and he chuckles...

The dogs see us and run over and i get on my knees and give them all hugs and scratches... They then are all over Chris and i stand back up. "Did everything go okay?" I ask Scott and he nods smiling... "Yes, everything went fine... Mail is in the kitchen drawer and i did some grocery shopping so you dont have to do that today..." He says and i smile... 

Scott stays for another hour and then goes back home... We call Lisa and Shanna to let them know we are back home, and we promise Lisa to come by tomorrow... Today i just want to be home and relax settling back in. 

Oscar wants to just cuddle on the couch and i am more than happy to as i missed him so much... So, we decide on a movie day and cuddle up on the couch with Oscar and the dogs and just relax for the rest of the day... Oscar rattles telling us what he did at Carly's and i just smile listening to him... 

"Mommy..." Oscar says giggling pointing to Chris who had fallen asleep... I chuckle and pull out my phone... "Let's take a picture with dad..." I say and Oscar giggles as he crawls next to Chris and pulls funny faces... I snap a few pictures and smile...

I leave Chris sleeping on the couch and while i make dinner Oscar plays with the dogs in his room... He has missed having his own space and was happy to be home with the dogs again... He said he missed having them sleep on the bed with him and i couldn't help but smile at the fact that this really was home to him... To us... I was happy to be home...

While dinner was cooking i looked through the mail but there was nothing special... So, i put it back... I finished dinner and went to wake up Chris... I planted a kiss on his lips, and he woke up smiling. "Dinner is almost ready..." I whisper and he smiles lazily and stretches himself out before pulling me in his lap kissing me passionately... I giggle and stand back up after we break the kiss and while Chris goes to get freshened up i call for Oscar to do the same...

I set the table and a few minutes later Oscar and Chris appear laughing... "I scared dad again!" Oscar squeals and i smirk... We eat together and after dinner we play a board game and Chris and Oscar go on their walk with the dogs... While they do that i unpack our stuff and smile getting the camera out of the bag... Chris told me he would put it in the safe so i put it on the dresser for him to do so...

After Chris had put Oscar to bed reading him a bedtime story he walked into the bedroom where i was just getting dressed after my shower... He smiled picking up the camera and i rolled my eyes... "Can you put it in the safe please... I dont want Oscar or God knows who to get their hands on it..." I say and Chris nods walking to the safe putting it in their... He then walks to me and lifts me up making me squeal and carries me to bed...

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