Chapter 55

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Lana pov...

Chris is leaving today... Lisa is already here... It will be weird not having him here... I was finding it harder than i thought i would as his departure came closer and closer... Oscar was having a hard time to... but the fact that Lisa would be here, helped him a bit... He was excited to spend time with his grandma... But as the day came closer... He was getting moodier... Chris was feeling guilty about it and at one point had said that maybe he shouldn't leave... I reassured him it would be okay and that we would be fine...

Chris his bags were packed, and everything was ready for him and Dodger to go... A car would come to pick him up... I look at the suitcase standing in the hallway and i let out a sigh... "It is two months baby... I will be back before you know it..." Chris whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arms around me hugging me from behind... 

I leaned into him and let out another sigh... "I know..." I whisper... "Just going to miss you..." I mumble and he turns me around and he cups my face kissing me passionately only breaking the kiss because we have to breath... He wipes away the tear that was rolling down my cheek... "I am sorry... I dont know why i am crying..." I mumble and he sighs pulling me into his arms... "Cry sweetheart... let it out..." He whispers and i wrap my arms around his waist holding him tight... 

I wish we could go with him, but Oscar had school and needed stability and going on the road living out of a hotel room was not that... Besides Chris wouldn't have that much time for us... From what i understood his schedule was crazy with a lot of night shoots... But he promised to call ever night around Oscar's bedtime... 

I sobbed in his arms, and he rubbed my back just holding him and when i looked up i could see he was crying to... "We are ridiculous..." I mumble chuckling and Chris lets out a little laugh... "Ridiculously in love..." He said smirking through his own tears and i chuckled. 

An hour later the car is here... Oscar hugs Chris and is refusing to let go... I have to swallow hard to not cry about this as it is absolutely breaking my heart... Chris and Oscar have become so close, and Oscar and he were really father and son... Joined at the hips... But that made it more difficult for them both in this moment... I looked at Lisa who was standing at the side watching us say goodbye and  i could see she was having a hard time to... She was used to Chris leaving by now, but this new dynamic was even getting to her... 

After one more hug for Oscar and Lisa and 1 more kiss for me we watch Chris get into the car with Dodger... Both of us having tears in our eyes as Lisa tries her best to comfort us both even though she is having a hard time to... Oscar waves after Chris until the car is out of sight and we go back inside...

The rest of the day Oscar is moody and difficult... We try to distract him as best as possible, but nothing seems to work... So, at the end of the day when he is finally in bed i sit on the couch letting out a big sigh... "You, okay?" Lisa asks as she appears and sits down next to me... I shake my head and burst out in tears... "Oh sweetheart..." She whispers and pulls me into a hug... "He will be back before you know it..." She says and i nod... "I know... I just... It breaks my heart seeing Oscar having such a hard time with Chris leaving... And to me it is just weird not having him around... I feel restless and anxious... Oscar misses him alread and so do i... We have gotten so used to having him around..." I say and Lisa smiles... 

"Sweetheart you, Oscar and Chris have been around each other 24/7 pretty much from the moment you met... So, it is understandable that you feel this way... I have never seen Chris doubt leaving so much..." She says smiling and i nod... "I know it sounds strange but the fact that he was having trouble leaving made me sad but also so happy... He has a reason to wanting to be home other than his brother, sisters and me... He loves you and Oscar so much and that makes me so happy... I am so happy he has you two..." Lisa says smiling and we hug again... "Oscar and i are the lucky ones with such an amazing family..." I whisper and smile at Lisa...

My phone rings and i smile as Chris his name appears on the screen. "I will give you some privacy... I am going to bed anyway..." Lisa says and she wishes me goodnight and walks off...

I answer the phone and smile as Chris his voice sounds through the phone... But i can hear in his voice that he is having a hard time to... We talk for a bit... He has settled into his hotel room and was already in bed because he had an early morning tomorrow... I can hear the guilt in his voice when he hears that Oscar was having a hard time with him not being here but i reassured him it would be okay... And that his mother is really a big help...

After we had hung up i went on a walk with Bob. When i came back i closed up the house and headed to bed... But i couldn't sleep... I had gotten so used to not sleeping alone anymore... The bed was too big... After an hour or so i heard a noise and when i looked up i saw Oscar standing in the doorway holding his captain America doll and Bob by his side... 

"Come here sweetheart..." I said and Oscar crawled into bed with me, and Bob laid on the end of the bed... "Why are you awake... sweetheart...?" I whispered kissing the top of his little head as he cuddled into me. Oscar started sobbing... He told me he had a nightmare...  Chris and Dodger never came back and i assured him Chris would be back soon... But that he had to work... We had made a calendar on which he could count down until Chris would be back by crossing out a square a day... His therapist had suggested it to help him understand that Chris would eventually be back... Oscar eventually fell asleep and i got comfortable falling in a restless sleep myself... 

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