Chapter 188

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Chris pov...

"Chris please sit down... You need to rest to... You are still recovering to..." Scott says but i can't... Her saying that she thinks she is pregnant keeps playing over and over in my head... But what is most nerve wrecking is the fact that i am not with her... Separated by those animals and now by a nurse... I need to be with her... I want to be with her... "Why haven't we heard anything yet?" I ask not addressing anyone specifically as the agents are still her to... "They are busy Chris..." Scott says and i sigh...  

"She needs to be okay... She hasn't fought this hard to not make it..." I say but no one answers... I pace up and down the room again and every time a doctor walks by i look at the door hoping it is someone with news but nothing... "Chris sit down... Seriously you already checked out against doctors' orders you will be no help if you collapse to..." He says and i sigh and sit down... 

Time goes by and i put my head in my hands closing my eyes trying to calm myself when i hear the door open and close and i look up... "Mr. Evans?" The doctor says and i nod and stand up... "Is she alright?" I ask and the doctor sighs... "She is stable but not out of the woods yet... Quite frankly i have no idea how she is still alive... She was bleeding internally and has lost a lot of blood... We found and stopped the bleeding and gave her blood... There isn't a part of her body that isn't bruised..." He says and i stumble a bit at his words... "Are you alright Mr. Evans?" He asks me and i nod... "I am fine..." I say not wanting to talk about me... 

"And what about... You know... What she said in the ambulance..." I whisper and the doctor looking around me and picking up at me whispering it, led me out of the room... "Another miracle... She is indeed pregnant... But i can't make promises that she will carry to full term... Her body is focusing on keeping mom alive as first priority... So, we are going to monitor her very closely..." He says smiling and i run my hand through my hair as i am in total shock. 

"She is pregnant..." I whisper and i look at the doctor who nods... "Can i see her...?" I whisper and he nods... "I have to warn you she is hooked up to a lot of machines..." He says... I nod and excuse myself saying i am going to be with her now that she is stable for now but still out... I ask Scott to call the family and to please go home that i am going to stay here and sit with her...

We walk into Lana's room and two nurses look up at me... "We are trying to clean her up a little bit..." One of the nurses says and i nod... "Thank you..." I whisper and walk over to Lana and kiss the top of her head... She is hooked up to all sort of things and she looks so tiny in that big bed... "She is a fighter... She is not going to give up after all she has been through..." One of the nurses says putting her hand on my shoulder as i just look lost...

 After they are done cleaning her up a little bit, they leave the room saying to press the button if i need anything. I sigh and look at Lana and i wonder if she is comfortable... I hold her hand and kiss it again begging her to fight... I lay my head on the bed holding onto her hand and i close my eyes... I am tired but i dont want to leave her... The chair is uncomfortable but i dont care... 

I wake up by feeling movements... I lift my head and see Lana look at me a little smile on her face and i stand up and kiss her forehead before pressing the button for the nurses... "Welcome back sweetheart..." I whisper... "Hi..." She whispers she sounds raspy so i grab some water for her and hold the straw out for her and she takes a sip... A nurse walks in and smiles... "Welcome back... How are you feeling...?" She asks... "Like i have been hit by a truck..." She mumbles and the nurse nods... She checks some things and says she will update the doctor and he will come by... 

I nod and sit back down after she has left and kiss Lana's hand... "Baby?" She asks putting her free hand on her stomach and i look up at her nodding and smiling... "Baby..." I whisper and she starts to cry... I dont know what to do so i kiss her hand over and over... I want to hold her but i dont want to hurt her... 

"Can i have some more water..." She whispers and i nod and stand up helping her drink some more... "How are you doing?" She asks and i shake my head... "I am good dont worry..." I whisper and she sighs... She tries to move pain radiating off her face... "What are you doing sweetheart?" I ask and she sighs moving away from me... "Making room for you..." She mumbles and i sigh... "You dont have to sweetheart just make yourself comfortable..." I whisper and she sighs again... "I am trying but i need you for that..." She says and taps the bed next to her... "Please?" She asks and i nod... I take of my shoes and crawl next to her. 

She moves and she lets out a sigh of relief as she lays on her side and puts one leg over me... "Omg that feels so much better... No more pain in my hip..." She mumbles and i smile... She cuddles into me more and it is taking more time to get comfortable but eventually she stops moving and closes her eyes... "Home..." She murmurs and i smile gently kissing her forehead. 

She is almost asleep when the doctor walks in and she startles a little at the sudden intrusion and opens her eyes again... After he talked with Lana about everything and had asked some questions, he does some checks to. He tells us to get some rest and to push the button if we need anything.

We get comfortable again and she falls asleep in my arms... I can't explain how good it feels to have her in my arms again safe and sound... I close my eyes to take a quick nap... Just a quick nap...

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