Chapter 42

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Lana pov...

We walk into the dining room hand in hand and Chris pulls out my chair for me and i sit down next to Oscar... I love the fact that the kids sit at the big table and not at a kids table... I ignore the daggers that awful woman is staring at me and like Scott had said i am going to ignore it and be happy... Because i am happy... Chris makes me happy... He makes Oscar happy... We are happy...

Before we eat, we go around the room to say what we are thankful for... I smile as most say family, friends... health... Then it is Tara's turn, and she smirks at me... 

"I am thankful for my husband... and kids... and for my second family here tonight... I am thankful for my BEST friend who has always been there for me... in thick and thin... and..." She says wanting to go on but Carly cuts her off... 

"Okaaaay... Ma what are you thankful for...?" She asks Lisa and Lisa stands up looking at me and Chris... I have to bite my lip to not laugh because the annoyed look on Tara's face is priceless. Chris is holding my hand under the table and i squeeze it and when i look at him he looks back at me and we both smile...

"I am thankful for Lana and Oscar... For making my boy so happy... I am thankful that she is able to see him for who he really is... I am thankful that Lana brought me another grandchild... maybe not by blood but you two are part of the family... and that will never change... I think if we speak for us all that we love you both and looking forward to many happy years with you two as part of our family... And i am thankful for my kids and other grandkids... You all make me so happy and proud..." Lisa says and i have to fight my tears... Everyone smiles at her...  

Chris pulls me towards him and kisses my temple... I dont look at Tara because i feel the urge to just stick out my tongue at her and well that would be childish and i dont want to stoop to her level... I have to not give her the satisfaction.... Or let her get under my skin because i have a feeling that every little thing she would use against me...

Then it is Oscars turn and i run my hand through his hair. "What are you thankful for sweetheart...?"  I ask him and he smiles shyly... "For my new room... and my new friends..." Oscar says pointing to the other kids at the table... "And my aunts and uncle... and grandma..." Oscar says gaining more confidence... "And for you mommy... but can you marry Chris so i can call him dad..." He says blushing and i hear Tara scoff and let out a "For fucks sake..." But ignore it... 

I ignore everyone as the rest just aaaahws and i look at Chris who is looking shocked and with tears in his eyes... "Come her baby..." I say struggling to pull him into my lap... I look at Chris who just smiles and takes him from my lap into his... "Buddy... If you want to call me dad, you can..." He says and Oscar's face lights up... "Really?" He whispers and Chris nods and smiles at him... I on the other hand am fighting my tears but it is no use as i feel them role down my cheek... 

"I would be so happy if you would think of me as your dad..." Chris says and hugs him tight... "Dad you are choking me..." Oscar giggles and everyone except for Tara laughs... I wipe away my tears as i chuckle about my two favorite boys... 

"I love you bud..." Chris says with the biggest smile on his face... and Oscar smiles back. "I love you to... Dad..." He says with the biggest... proudest smile... 

I look up and see that Lisa is crying and Scott is hugging her also with tears in his eyes... Everyone is emotional but with smiles on their faces but when my eyes meet those of Tara chills run down my spine because i swear to God, she is ready to kill me... Her husband is oblivious to it all... I think if Tara and i would have been alone right now she would try to kill me... But she can go to hell for all i care... I am happy and i am not going to let her take that from me... 

I am not going to let her ruin the best thing ever happened to me... I am not going to let her take the love out of my life... I will fight for him... Because he is absolutely worth it and seeing Oscar love him so much there is nothing that is going to take that away from my boy... I am not going to let her win...  

Chris squeezes my hand having seen Tara's look to... Oscar crawls out of his lap and sits back down... "Well Lana... Your turn..." Carly says wiping her tears away but she had a big smile on her face and winks at me... "I am thankful for all of you... Welcoming me and Oscar in your family with so much love... And i am thankful for Chris... For loving me and Oscar... I am thankful for Chris always making my sweet boy smile and for making us feel safe..." I say and look at Chris who smiles and pulls me in for a kiss... "I love you..." I whisper and he smiles... "Love you to sweetheart..." He whispers back and i blush... I look at Oscar who has the biggest smile on his face. "And i am thankful for you Oscar... You are the best thing that ever happened to me... and mommy loves you so much..." I say and Oscar beams... "I love you to mommy..." He says and we both smile as he hugs me again...

"Well i wonder what Chris is thankful for..." Scott jokes and we all laugh. Chris chuckles and smiles. "I am thankful for my family... and for my new family... Oscar and Lana... You two make me so happy... Lana sweetheart i am so happy you let me walk into your life and i love you and Oscar so much..." Chris said smiling and i blushed... 

"Okay can we eat now... Everyone has said what they are thankful for..." Tara said with her fake smile... But again, the eyes gave her away... Everyone looked at her annoyed and this time even her husband to... 

"Okay everyone... Dig in..." Lisa says and chaos erupts but all i do is look around the table until my eyes meet Tara's... Shivers again run through my spine... as she nonchalantly and without everyone else noticing runs her finger over her throat... basically motioning me that she is going to kill me... or wishes me dead...

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