Chapter 92

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Chris pov...

"You are sure about this?" I ask Scott looking at my tux in the mirror... "Yes!" He says with a big grin on his face... "Dont you like it...? If you really dont like it we can go for a normal black tux..." Scott says and i shake my head. "No i like it... I really do but i want Lana to like it..." I say looking in the mirror again. "Lana is going to love it... Remember the guest are asked to wear fall greens... ocher or orange... With you wearing burgundy you will stand out and still fit in and i know for sure Lana is going to love that..." Scott says smiling and i smirk... "Does this color have to do with the dress...?"  I ask peaking at Scott to see his reaction and he rolls his eyes... "Stooooph... I am not telling you anything about the dress she chose... So, give up already..." Scott said and i chuckle. 

"Fine..." I say letting out a sigh. "Is this okay dad?" We hear and one of the staff comes walking in smiling with Oscar who struts over to us all proud in his matching tuxedo... "Wauw Oscar you look so handsome..." Scott says smiling and Oscar gets even a bigger grin on his face... "Yeah bud you look verry handsome..." I say smiling. "We match." He squeals and i chuckle. "Yeah, i dont think you have to try anything else..." Scott whispers as Oscar is admiring himself in the mirror. 

"Do you think your mom will like it?" I ask Oscar as i stand behind him putting my hands on his shoulders. He nods and i smile. "Okay than all we need is a best man suit for your uncle Scott... Lana said you had to match the bride maid color dress..." I said looking at him and he nodded. "Green it is..." Scott says all excited and i chuckle. 

We help Scott pick out a suit and Oscar keeps giggling and running around in his little tuxedo refusing to take it off. He and Scott are twirling around and i take a video and few pictures to share with Lana for after the wedding... She didn't want to know what we were going to look like either... Just to make it fair... It was her request to not know anything about our outfits... 

After we had picked out a suit for Scott it was time to go and to get some dinner. "You are the only one who knows what we both look like... Somehow it doesn't seem fair..." I say as we sat down in the restaurant... "Oh get over it... In a few months you will see your hot beautiful bride in her dress..." Scott says rolling his eyes and i smile... "Yeah, can't wait..." I say taking a menu from the waiter. 

"So... Ma said i had to talk to you about a bachelor party... That you didn't really want one?" Scott said looking at me and i nodded. "Maybe just a small private thing but please not the whole bar crawl thing... I dont want that... We all know how it will end..." I say letting out a sigh and Scott nods... "Yeah, with a picture in the paper with some scandalous headline..." Scott mumbles and i nod. 

The press had found out i was engaged only a day after Lana's picked out her dress someone had taken pictures of Lana and my family leaving the bridal store... Thank God Maggie had instated passwords with everyone who was involved with our wedding... The staff and owners at our venue... The suppliers from our cake and flowers... The bridal shop... Even the DJ...  Everyone was getting bombarded with calls and requests for interviews... Maggie had been amazing and before everything had come out in the open, she had them sign NDAs to make sure they couldn't speak about it... The passwords were because they started to get phone calls from people wanting to know details or change things which was kind of scary... 

Oscar's school had been on high alert as the press even called there and was camping outside the school taking pictures of Oscar... They had found out he was my son now... Everything had now come out... It had been a shitshow for a few days... But my team had handled it amazingly and put out a statement on behave of me and Lana... A few days after that some big Hollywood scandal happened and i know it was not right but i was happy about it because it took the spotlight of off us... 

We ate our dinner and Scott asked me a few more questions about some sort of bachelor party... I just told him i wanted to have a drink with him and my closest friends... A few drinks and not get black out drunk and not the day before the wedding... I wanted to be present at my wedding and not hungover... We laughed when Oscar asked what a bachelor party is and i explained it as best as i could in an age-appropriate way... 

"You do know Lana is getting a bachelorette party, right?" Scott said smirking and i sighed nodding. "Carly and Shanna told me..." I said letting out a sigh and Scott chuckled. "Can i have a party..." Oscar said and we looked at him and i smiled. "We can do something fun just us boys before the wedding okay?" I said and Oscar smiled back at me. "Can we invite uncle Mackie and Uncle Seb to?" Oscar asked as he had overheard us talk about inviting them to our bachelor party... "Sure..." I said smiling. 

A few minutes later Oscar excused himself to go to the toilet. "You know we could do a sort of pre bachelor party with everyone i have invited in which we can include Oscar..." Scott said looking at me and i looked back at him surprised. "I like that..." I said smiling and Scott nodded. "But first we have to plan something for Lana's birthday... She never had a party..." I said letting out a sigh and Scott looked at me shocked. "Never?" Scott said and i nodded.

Oscar came back and we ordered dessert and after we were done, we dropped Scott off at home before going home ourselves.  I smiled as i found Lana in her office working. She looked so beautiful fully caught up in her work... Her last book had gone out and did extremely well a few months ago... Her new one was going to be about our new family life... Dana the dog gets a new family... I couldn't wait for this one...

"We are home..." I said and Lana looks up surprised but with a big smile on her face. She puts everything down and walks over to me and kisses me and i let out a deep sigh... God i love her...

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