Chapter 52

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Chris pov...

I am lying in bed waiting for Lana to come to bed to... She is in the bathroom getting ready... Today had been amazing... From the moment my family walked through the door Lana has had a big smile on her face and she told me she loved the chaos... We had eaten pizza and then had watched a Christmas movie with hot coco with the kids and after that they had put milk and cookies down for Santa... I was giddy as i was finally the one who could eat the cookies and set the scene that Santa had come by in the middle of the night... When the kids were really asleep, we put the gifts under the tree...

My family had groaned when they saw how much overboard Lana and i had gone... But i told everyone this was a special Christmas and to suck it up... I just hoped Lana liked her gift... Scott and Ryan had helped me hide it while ma had distracted her with giving her the earrings... Her gift was too big to put under the tree... I just hoped she wouldn't discover it before the morning... 

Lana came out of the bedroom and smiled crawling into bed with me and i pulled her into me... "Excited for tomorrow?" She asks me and i smile. "Very..." I say smiling back and she kisses me before snuggling into me... "Are you excited?" I whispered... "Very..." She said in a sweet voice and when i looked at her face there was a big smile... 

The next morning Lana and i got up early to make everyone breakfast... Everyone was instructed to wear their matching pj's... when they would come to breakfast... Lana is teasing me about my cooking skills and after she laughs at me again for something i grab her and start tickling her making her squeal... 

Carly was the first one to come in and groans as she sits down at the counter. "You two are way to chipper in the morning..." I laugh and let Lana go and 2 seconds later she puts a cup of coffee in front of Carly... "I love you..." Carly says letting out a sigh and Lana laughs... "Love you to..." Ryan and their kids and Oscar soon join us and not much later my mom appears...  Shanna and Scott are the last ones just in time for breakfast... 

Everyone is eating and soon they are all awake and chatting and joking. The chaos like Lana likes to call it is back... After we all cleaned up, we went to the living room and sat around the tree... 

The kids open their first round of gifts, and we all laugh as they yell all excited... Then it is the grown-ups turns... Everyone opens their gifts one by one... Lana smiles at me as she looks at the new sketch books and drawing utensils... Even though she used a drawing tablet most of the time she likes to sketch on paper every now and then. Thank you, Santa... She says smirking at me and i grin back...

Lana stands up and walks to the tree and she grabs a few gifts handing them out... "So... I helped Santa this year a bit by making a gift for everyone..." She says and hands Carly... Scott... Shanna... Ma and me a present... " Carly's gift is for you to Ryan... You all can open it now..." She says smiling... 

We all open the gift, and we can hear everyone gasp... Everyone got a picture frame with a drawing of the whole family including her, Oscar, Dodger and Bob... "This is amazing... You made this?" Ma asks her with tears in her eyes and Lana nods shyly... "Each is hand drawn..." Lana says blushing... Everyone is speechless at this thoughtful and sentimental gift... The all hug her one by one and a few tears flow... Then it is time for Oscar's big gift and i pick it up and put it in front of him to open... 

He squeals when he opens it, and a big fish tank appears... "You can put it in your room and Santa gave us a card to get some fish at the pet store to put in it..." I say smiling and he is over the moon jumping up and down still squealing all excited... It is completely Octopus themed because giving him an Octopus didn't seem like a great idea... The guy of the store told us they are difficult to look after not to mention quite the escape artists... So, we opted for an Octopus themed tank with normal fish... The idea that he could escape was not something Lana was willing to put up with... 

He was so excited it was so amazing to see... We opened the rest of the gifts and then it was my turn again... I got handed my present and Lana smiled at me as i opened the gift... A beautiful watch what must have cost her a fortune appeared... But it was beautiful... "I think you should check the back..." She whispered and i turned it around... The same coordinates that were on her neckless were on the back of the watch... She smiles at me... "I thought you would like a reminder to the best day of Oscar's and my life" She whispered and i leaned forward and kissed her with tears in my eyes... "Mine to baby... Mine to..." I whisper and she takes the watch out of the box as i remove the watch i was wearing... She places the watch around my wrist and smiles... "You like the watch?" She asks and i nod and smile... "I love it baby..." I say smiling and kiss her again making everyone clear their throats... This pulls us out of our little bubble and we both smirk... 

When everything was unwrapped, and the kids were playing with their toys i walked to the tree and pulled out the little gift i had hidden because i wanted it to be the last... "Hey look at this... There is still one gift for Lana..." I said and everyone looked at me and Lana was confused... I handed her the little box and she looked at me a little hesitant... She opened the box and looked even more confused... "You need that for this..." I said and led her outside where Scott had put it when he said he was going to the toilet... 

"Merry Christmas baby..." I murmured kissing the side of her head when we stood outside, and she looked shocked at the big SUV i had bought for her... I wanted her to have a safe car... Her own car was old... There was always something wrong with it because of it... I didn't like her driving around in it... She had bought it when she just had moved to Boston... And because she wanted to safe money for a house, she had bought this car... Besides it was too small... If she had the dogs and Oscar in it the car was full and i was just going to feel better knowing she had a safe spacious car when i was away... 

"Chris... This too much..." She whispered and i shook my head smiling cupping her face kissing her. "No, it is not... You needed a new car sweetheart... The old one was not safe enough... I would feel more at ease knowing that you drive around in a safe car... So, it is somewhat a gift for me to..." I say and she smiles... The smile gets bigger when i open the door for her and she gets in... 

She looks adorable all excited in her Christmas pj's behind the wheel... The rest of the family just looks at her with the biggest smile on their faces because of her excitement... I put the kids in the back, and she smiles as they all easily fit... "See and you can still fit the dogs in..." I say smiling and she nods...

After we had gone back inside, we take some family pictures in our matching pj's before everyone goes their own way... Everyone gets changed and while Scott, Ryan and i play with the kids and dogs outside in the snow Lana, Shanna, Carly and ma are already working on Christmas dinner

Shanna and Carly had really decorated the table beautifully and when it was time for dinner i couldn't help but smile... Everyone had changed and all dressed up... Lana was wearing the earrings she had gotten from ma... 

This was the best Christmas i ever had... The food was amazing and as I looked around the table i smiled... Everyone was talking, laughing and eating... Again, i could understand why Lana called it chaos... We are a loud family... But i wouldn't have it any other way... 

After dinner and dessert, we played games and just enjoyed family time... After the kids were to bed, we played more games and had a few drinks... It was late when we finally went to bed... I just laughed as Lana was giggly because of the alcohol... She was a bit tipsy from the gin tonics she had had... I had found out that there was not much needed to get her tipsy and that she was adorable when she was... 

I pulled her into my arms, and i could feel her relax in my arms as she slowly drifted off to sleep... "For a moment i thought you were going to propose... when you gave me the little box..." She mumbled and i looked at her. "Would you have liked that?" I asked but there was no answer... She was asleep

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