Chapter 32

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Chris pov...

We are lying in bed both of us out of breath coming down from our highs... I fucked her like she wanted bending her every way possible and fuck i found out how flexible she really is... Fuck i loved every moment of it... The way she moaned my name as she came... How her pussy felt around my dick... How her body would shiver... If i was correct i counted 4 times... I know it is childish to count but fuck it was etched in my brain... She is so responsive... And as shy as she can be... When we have sex, it is like she flips a switch and she just let's go... Having her trust...  The way she just let's go of everything and just let her body take over... Everything about her is just such a turn on...

She lets out a sigh and stretches herself out... We are both lying on top of the sheets completely naked just basking in the afterglow... She starts to giggle and i look at her confused and roll on my side watching her... "Not that i dont love you giggling... but i dont know if this is a good giggle..." I said feeling a bit self-conscious... 

She rolled on her side and cupped my face kissing me... She smiled a big, beautiful smile at me... Even with her hair messy and her mascara smeared she was beautiful. "I just giggled because it was amazing..." She whispered. I studied her face to see if she was sincere and i could see that she was... I smiled and she kissed me again. "Dont ever doubt that Chris... Sex with you is... well first off all amazing and i never knew it could be like this... I just feel safe to do thing i thought i would never do or enjoy ever again... I feel safe enough for me to say no... If i dont want something and i know it sounds strange but that... Well, that is what makes it 10 times better..." She said blushing and i smiled wrapping my arms around her and pulling her closer to me.  

We laid there for a few more minutes before Lana started to wriggle... "Can we go take a shower... all the sweat drying up is starting to itch..." She whispered and i chuckled. I sat up but she pulled me back again and kissed me... "Sweetheart if you want to shower, we have to get out of bed..." I said grinning before she kissed me again... 

A few minutes later we got out of bed and took a shower together... I dried off and got out of the shower as Lana was still washing her hair and rinsing it out... I walked into the bedroom changed the sheets and laid down with the biggest smile on my face... I was daydreaming about her living here... I was thinking how to change the guestroom in a room for Oscar and contemplating which room to turn into her office... 

"I am going to get something to eat... Do you want anything..." Lana said and i shook my head but didn't look up... "No i am good..." I said. "Okay..." She answered and walked out the bedroom... But all of a sudden i sat up... 

No... Did i really saw it right out of the corner of my eye... It hadn't really registered... But had she walked out of the room naked...? I scramble out of bed and walked to the kitchen... I stood in the doorway watching her... as she was looking through the fridge and was completely naked... humming... 

I just watch her a little in shock... She talked about walking around naked before... but i thought she was joking... She turns around and jumps a little seeing me staring there... "Oh, shit Chris... You scared me..." She said blushing and i almost doubled over laughing...

She took a spoon out of the drawer and opened her yoghurt... She set them down on the counter and jumped on the counter... She smirked at me opened her yoghurt and started eating... I walked over to her and stood in front of her... "Now that is not very hygienic sweetheart..." I said putting my hand on the counter caging her in... 

"I'll clean it later..." She whispered taking another spoon full of yoghurt... I chuckled and kissed her... "Silly woman..." I said and she giggled again... She ate her yoghurt and handed me the spoon and yoghurt cup... "Would you be a dear..." She said and i chuckled taking it from her and i threw the cup away and put the spoon in the sink... 

I walked back over to her and stood between her legs. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me... "I love you Chris..." She whispered and i smiled... "I love you to sweetheart..." I said and kissed her again...  "Take me to bed..." She whispered and i chuckled lifting her off the counter. She wrapped her legs around my waist... 

I carried her back to the bedroom, and we crawled into bed... I pulled her into me and soon we both drifted off to sleep...

I woke up the next morning and smiled as Lana was still sleeping next to me. I slipped out of bed and got my phone. I ordered us breakfast and walked to the guestroom. I knew Lana still had to talk to Oscar but regardless i wanted to make this his room... Even if God forbid Oscar didn't want to move in... I still wanted to it to be a place for him to feel at home when they slept over...

All of a sudden i feel two arms wrap around me and a kiss being planted on my back. "What are you doing... The bed felt lonely without you..." Lana murmured and i pulled her in front of me... "Just thinking of what to do with the room to make it to Oscar's liking..." I whispered kissing her and she smiled... 

"Let me talk to him first and plan after..." She said and hugged me a little tighter. "Do you think he dont want it..." I asked and Lana looked up at me and smiled. "No... I think he will love living here... but i have to talk to him i dont just want to decide without taking him and his feeling in consideration... I know he is only 6... but i want to start this right and not with a 6-year-old sulking and stressing..." She said and i smiled. "You are a great mom..." I whispered and she blushed.

"I am going to pick him up from your sister later and then take him for ice cream and talk... Okay?" She said smiling and i nodded taking a deep breath before kissing her again... The doorbell rang and i smiled. "Breakfast is here... go put on some clothes woman... Dont want the delivery guy seeing my girl naked..." I said grinning and she chuckled. She walked off and swayed her hips a little bit more making me groan before i walked to the front door to get our breakfast... 

After we ate breakfast, we relaxed for a bit before Lana left to go get Oscar... I was feeling restless... and anxious... What if Oscar didn't want to... What if he just wanted to live alone with his mom and just stay over every now and then... I know i was ridiculous because not once has he said i want to go home... I sighed and walked to my office... To distract myself i was going to read through some scripts...

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