Chapter 196

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Chris pov...

I am pacing patiently up and down waiting for Lana to get ready... I can't believe that this will be our first public appearance ever... She has never been to me to an event... I have never been to an event since i met her... And our first would be the Oscars... Were i was nominated... She had gotten a dress and it was killing me that she wouldn't show me... 

The kids were at home with ma and Shanna as we were in the house in LA... Clover was 4 months, and we didn't want to drag her along and it was nice having a little us time... Lana was a little hesitant leaving the kids, but she was now happy and relaxed enjoying the peace and quiet... We arrived this morning and were going to stay a few days... 

I looked at my watch knowing it was almost time to go... I had sent my team out of the room because i wanted to have the first look... Me and no one else... Well except the people helping her get ready...

I hear heels clicking in the hallway and i turn around my jaw dropping to the floor... She looks stunning and incredibly sexy... I walk over to her, and she blushes as my eyes roam her body... God she doesn't look like she just had a baby 4 months ago... I take her hand and groan as i twirl her around... "I think there is a piece of fabric missing sweetheart..." I whisper in her ear as i trace her spine with my finger making her shiver... 

She turned around and kissed me... "Maybe tonight we can start to practice for baby number 4..." She murmurs deepening the kiss as i groan... God it has been long since we were really intimate... "Keep this up and we are staying home sweetheart..." I growl when she pulls back, and she giggles... "As good as that sounds Mr. Evans... You have obligations..." She says winking... I groan as she walks away from me her hips swaying a little more than usual... 

"You are doing that on purpose... Mrs. Evans..." I say after her and she looks over her shoulder winking at me... "If you are lucky i give you a quick blow job in the bathroom at the Oscars..." She says smirking and i groan again quickly following her outside... "If anything is going to happen in that bathroom it is not going to be your mouth wrapped around my dick sweetheart..." I growl in her ear before wrapping my arm around her resting my hand on her hip giving her a little squeeze as we make our way to the awaiting car... I open the door for her and before she steps in, she looks at me... 

"Promises, promises..." She says a smug smile on her face and steps in the car and i help her get her dress in making sure it is not getting caught in the door... "I always keep my promises sweetheart... You know this..." I say grinning kissing her hand and she blushes...

I close the door walk around the car and i grin as i get into the car... The car drives off and a little later we arrive at the red carpet... I get out the car and the screaming starts... Lana is nervous she had been holding my hand in the car squeezing it and i know it can be much so i tried to reassure her as much as possible... 

I open the door and hold out my hand to help my beautiful wife out and the screaming only gets louder... She smiles at me and i plant a quick kiss on her lips and she smiles even more the look in her eyes makes me want to turn the car around and go home...

"Stop looking at me like that sweetheart..." I growl and she giggles... She knows damn well what she is doing... "I was not planning on it... Mr. Evans..." She whispers and i take a deep breath trying to calm myself... She takes my arm, and we walk the red carpet i wave to a few people and the first one coming up to us is Seb... Flashes go off even more when he walks past me completely ignoring me and pulls Lana in for a bear hug and i roll my eyes as Lana laughs... "Okay that is enough... Get your own wife..." I say and Seb and Lana laugh...

We get pulled away for photos and after a few solo shots they ask for some with Lana... I hold out my hand and she take it and steps beside me and i have to do everything to not give away that she is squeezing my ass... I kiss her temple as we pose for pictures... "Keep this up and i fuck you right here... Really giving them something to talk about..." I growl in her ear, and she laughs throwing her head back... I smirk as she looks so comfortable not caring about all the chaos around her and i kiss her sending the press into a frenzy... 

All of a sudden i feel a presence behind us and of course it is Seb but this time he is joined by Mackie and Mackie pries her away from me hugging her tightly and i just roll my eyes as Lana smirks at me looking over Mackie's shoulder... "Okay enough both of you... Give me back my wife..." I say making both Seb and Mackie laugh, and the press loves it... When i finally have my wife back at my side we walk on and i can't remember the last time i had been this comfortable doing this...

We get moved on and while we wait inside i show Mackie and Seb pictures of Clover... We had called them a week after she was born on video call, and they absolutely lost their shit... We get escorted to our seats and i let Lana sit down first before sitting down myself taking her hand in mine... "Thank you..." I whisper and she looks at me confused... "For being here..." I whisper and she smiles putting her hand on my cheek and i close my eyes leaning into her touch... "Of course, were else would i be..." She whispers before i feel her lips on mine...

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