Chapter 45

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Chris pov...

It is the Sunday after thanksgiving and i am on my way to Tara's house Scott would meet me there as we thought it would not be smart to not have a witness to the conversation... Lana is with Carly and the kids to the zoo... She didn't want to sit around anxiously at the house while i had my chat with Tara... She needed a distraction, so Carly suggested they took the kids and go to the zoo...

Oscar was over the moon and so excited to go... He hadn't stopped calling me dad with everything he was asking of telling me... "Dad can i have some milk... Dad can we play a boardgame... Dad, can you help me with this... Dad do you think we can... And so on and so on... I couldn't stop smiling every time he called me dad and Lana just chuckled at my reaction... 

She said it would probably wear off in a little while and it was all new and he was excited... But secretly i hoped it would never change because every time he called me dad my heart skipped a beat... 

Yesterday i had a talk with my family and told them what happened at thanksgiving and to say they were shocked and disgusted was an understatement...  That is when ma suddenly asked were Lana and Tara had been when they had this chat and when i had texted Lana who had stayed home with Oscar where she was and she told me... Ma realized that they have had this chat in front of one of ma's security camera's... 

It was not that we didn't believe Lana but having proof so Tara couldn't deny anything or put the blame on Lana... was a good thing... So, we watched it... and it was... gut wrenching it made me sick to my stomach... Tara's body language and threatening tone... Her harsh words about Oscar and above all possessive behavior was shocking and for the life of me i couldn't understand where it all was coming from... Nobody did... 

To me this was so all of a sudden... But with the stories from Seb and Mackie and the conformation of Scarlet there was no denying that maybe Tara never had been the friend i thought she was... It was a shock to all of us... 

Ma was in awe with Lana though... We all kind of where... She stayed so calm and collected... She didn't even raise her voice... Ma was especially hurt by the way Tara talked about Oscar... an innocent 6-year-old child... 

"Well at least those security cameras were good for something..." Ma mumbled as she walked out of the room and i found her a few minutes later crying in her bedroom... When i asked why she was crying she said she felt bad for Lana to have such a bad first thanksgiving with the family... I told her Lana was okay and that she didn't blame any of us... And that she loved ma so much and was so happy to be so warmly welcomed into the family...

After hugging it out and putting the footage on a USB drive i told everyone that i was going no contact with Tara and that they didn't have to do the same but that i didn't want Tara around Oscar and Lana... But they wouldn't hear it... Tara was out... The only ones we felt bad for was her husband and kids... 

I arrive at Tara's house... and smile as i see that Scott is already here... I park next to him and get out... "Are you ready for this?" Scott asks as we hug and i sigh... "Yes... No... Ugh... I dont know this is just all so confusing... But it has to be done and i am not having doubts i am just sad that i was so wrong about this friendship..." I say and Scott nods...

"We all are Chris... We all never seen this coming... She had us all fooled..."  Scott said and i sigh... "Yeah let's just get this over with..." I say and we walk to the front door... 

"Chris!" Tara says all smiling as she opens the door.  "And Scott..." She says looking a bit confused. "I didn't know you would come along..." She says stepping aside and Scott and i walk in... 

"I asked him to be here so i have a witness..." I said just diving right in as i didn't want to be longer around her than absolutely necessary... "Witness??" Tara said laughing... "Why would you need a witness...?" She said...

"Because i am going to cut off contact with you as of today..." I said... "WHAT!! WHY??" She yelled... "OMG! It is because of that little gold digger and her brat of a son is it..." She said with venom in her voice... 

"Dont talk about them like that!" I said raising my own voice a little... "Oh come on Chris you can't be serious... You can't be that blind..." She said rolling her eyes... 

"Oh, i am serious... I am not even talking about the strain of texts you kept sending after you found out about Lana and Oscar... Which was just borderline crazy... Even after i told you to stop and that we would talk later... But then you go and corner her at thanksgiving dinner and basically threaten her and Oscar to leave me... That you will make her live a living hell... Telling her you won't let her HAVE me... That i am biding my time.... Please tell me Tara... Biding my time for what?" I said fuming... 

"I would never..." She said but i cut her off again... "Dont lie! Tara..." I said in a tone filled with disgust... "Everything is caught on the cameras at ma's house so please do us both a favor and just be honest... You have been doing this for quite a while haven't you... Does the name Fiona ring a bell? You even told Scarlet to get not any idea's... Why? Why would you meddle in my personal life... I thought you were my friend... I thought that you wanted me to be happy... I am happy with Lana and Oscar" I said feeling myself getting frustrated... 

"Because that should have been me!!!" She yelled and i looked at her in shock... "What?!" Both Scott and i say totally shocked... 

"I love you Chris... and i know you love me... I am so sorry i got married and then the kids came... But i know as soon as the kids are old enough..." She rattles and i am just shocked...

"Tara stoooop.... I dont love you...I never loved you more than a friend... You are delusional... You need help..." I say in frustration... "I need to get out of here... We are not friends anymore... Stay out of my life... and dont you dare ever coming near Oscar and Lana..." I said shaking my head. 

"Or the rest of the family... We dont want you in our lives anymore..." Scott added... 

I just walked out with Scott as she ran after us yelling that i will be sorry and to please not do this... She was hitting the car and pounded on passenger's side door... and i thanked god it was locked because she tried to open it... But i just kept driving looking in the rearview mirror to see if Scott was behind me...

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