Chapter 36

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Chris pov...

The next few days when Oscar is at school Lana and i are packing up her little house... She is a little emotional about it... I can understand why... Not too long ago she started over here... She found her freedom here... I am packing up all of Oscar's toys and i smile thinking about the first time i was here and he proudly showed me all his action figures... He doesn't play a lot with them now... The only one he has back at my place is the captain America one... 

"You know why he doesn't play as much with them anymore do you?" I hear Lana say and i turn around looking at her... She is smiling leaning against the door post... "No why?" I ask having no idea... "He had them as a sort of Hero's... And he has a new hero now..." She says smiling and i look at her even more confused... She walks over to me and wraps her arms around my waist looking up at me... "Because you make us feel safe and protected... and for Oscar that means he doesn't need them anymore..." She whispers and have to swallow hard as i feel all sorts of emotions... 

"Are you still okay with us moving in with you..." She asks out of nowhere and I look at her surprised. "Yeah... absolutely... Why wouldn't i be?" I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders... "I have a feeling something is going on... Ever since Anthony and Sebastian have stopped by... Dont they like Oscar and me?  Is that it?" She asks and i look at her shocked...

"No baby... They love you... They love Oscar... They adore him..." I say smiling and she looks at me blushing... "Okay... You would tell me if something were wrong right?" She says and i smile. "Of course..." I say and she kisses me before releasing me and going back to what she was doing...  

I let out a sigh... The last few days i tried to tell her about Tara... But i didn't know how to bring up the subject... I was scared... Scared that i would lose Lana due to Tara's actions... I wasn't really sure Tara really had done all that the guys had said... She was my friend since childhood... She always tells me she wants me to be happy... Maybe it was all just a misunderstanding... Or maybe i was just blinded by the years of friendship and maybe i just didn't want to see it...

I had lost so many friendships over the years and the ones i had before all the fame and money were so important to me... The thought of her chasing people away was just too hard to think about... But Seb and Anthony wouldn't lie to me, would they...? They had no reason to lie... But i also think that of Tara... Fuck this is all so confusing... I know Tara can be overly protective... But now that i had a real chance at happiness i didn't want to risk it so i had kept Tara at a distance... But soon i had no choice... Ma was hosting thanksgiving and also had invited Tara and her family...

I shake my head to lose my train of thought... I pack the last of Oscar's toys... I carry the boxes with his toys to my car... We were taking a few boxes at the time... Lana wanted to take Oscar's toys first... We had moved him to another bedroom yesterday so we could paint his future room... He was all excited about it... We would start tomorrow... Painting the room blue would not be the most time consuming thing... But her painting Octopuses on the wall would take some time...

Tomorrow ma would pick him up from school like she also did with Carly's kids... She wanted him to feel part of the family and have him be part of her monthly grandkid's afternoon...

Ma and Carly had been put on the list of school approved for picking him up... Monday, we went to ma's and had dinner with her and Carly's family... And we told them about Lana and Oscar moving in... I was a little nervous and Lana a lot, but they were over the moon... Ma kept hugging Lana and Oscar... And that is where she asked Lana if she could pick him up for her monthly afternoon with her grandkids... Lana was understandably emotional about it and told her she would love it if she wanted that...

We had talked about it and eventually Lana had asked if Carly and my mother would mind if she put them on the list for school... Because in January i would be gone for filming and if something would come up Lana had the help of Carly and my mother... They would be able to pick him up from school... I just loved that my family embraced her and really liked her and Oscar... But then again what was not to love... She really was amazing... And so is Oscar... He brought a sense of happines in my house that i never knew i needed and wanted... 

I walk back inside the little house and find Lana in her bedroom sitting on the bed with a box in her lap staring at it... The box is closed... and she looks at it with a pained look on her face. "You okay...?" I ask and she looks up at me and i can see she is on the verge of tears... I sit down beside her, and she lays her head on my shoulders.  

"This box is my past... Please dont be mad..." She whispers and i wrap my arm around her and pull her closer... "Why would i be mad baby...?" I ask her and she sighs opening the box... I can see some pictures... I recognize her and i see another man... It sinks in... It is her ex... "Why did you keep this baby..." I ask her... She sighs... 

"I dont know... Maybe if Oscar ever has questions... I dont want to lie to him in the future... I want him to know the truth... I dont think it is good for me to deny our past ever happening... Or maybe as a reminder that i never want that live again..." She whispers. 

I take a picture out of the box, and it is somewhat shocking... Her eyes look empty... She smiles but the smile is not real... She looks grey and nothing like the woman she is today... "You look so different..." I whisper. "I know..." She whispers and i put the photo back taking the lid closing it and taking the box from her... "What are you doing...?" She whispers. I put the box beside me and cup her face kissing her. 

"We can take the box sweetheart... I dont mind... and i am not mad about it... I can understand that Oscar might have questions in the future... and i agree... It is not good to deny it... He can look at it in the future and be proud of his mom for getting away from that... But you will never have that life again... I am going to make sure of it..." I say and kiss her again...

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