Chapter 162

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Lana pov...

Chris hasn't put Maeve back down again... He has missed her so much but i have to feed her now, so he reluctantly hands her over and i grin at him as he just watches... "I miss you all so much..." He says and i look up and my heart breaks a little when i see his sad face... "I am sorry... Did i push you to go to work to fast?" I ask and he shakes his head a smile appearing on his face... "No... It is a good thing... I miss you and our amazing kids but i also love being at work again..." He says and i let out a sigh of relief... "It helps knowing you got this... You are amazing..." He says and i blush... He chuckles and leans in kissing me soft and sweet... 

After i am done feeding Maeve i hand her to him and he burps her and after carrying her around a little longer it is time to put her to bed and he watches her sleep for a while... Oscar will be home any minute now so i go to the kitchen to make him a snack and Chris joins me...

I have the biggest grin on my face when i hear the front door and i hear Oscar running in stopping dead in his tracks seeing Chris and he smiles... "DAD!" He yells running over jumping in his arms hugging him tightly... "Hey bud..." He says and i smile as Oscar doesn't let go...  "You are home..." Oscar mumbles and Chris smiles... "Yes, but i have to get back to work tomorrow night bud..." He says and Oscar hugs him a bit tighter, and Chris looks at me concerned... "Just enjoy it while he still is like this..." I whisper and Chris smiles not letting Oscar go...

"Can we go play Mario kart...?" Oscar mumbles and Chris chuckles... "Of course..." He says and i smile as Chris walks them to Oscar's bedroom... I bring them both a snack and i smile as they are pushing each other both desperately trying to win... I go back to the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea and i sit down behind my laptop for a second to write... After an hour i close the laptop and get dinner started...

I smile as we eat together, and Oscar talks a mile a minute making the most of the time Chris is home... Chris has the biggest smile on his face listening patiently... While they are eating dessert Maeve wakes up and i go and get her changed and take her back to the kitchen and sit down. To my surprise Chris and Oscar are cleaning up and i feed Maeve... 

"I was thinking it is still a beautiful night... What if we are going on a walk together..." Chris says and Oscar's face lights up and i nod a little nervous for taking Maeve outside for the first time... I know it is time but the thought of getting ambushed is still a thing but i nod again and after i am done feeding and burping Maeve i go and get her and i ready while Chris and Oscar go get the pram ready for Maeve... The dogs are leashed up and ready for the walk when i come back and put Maeve in the pram... I put on a coat and Chris smiles and kisses me... "I know your nervous... But i am here..." He says and i nod smiling... "Yes... You are..." I say and he smirks...

Oscar wants to push the pram and is so careful and i smile as Chris drapes his arm around my shoulder as we walk tucking me under his arm... It is a nice night and i relax when i see we can just have a nice walk as a family... I have been out doing groceries while Carly watched Maeve, and this is the first time she is outside the gate of our house... 

Chris puts our kids to bed wanting to do it all while he is home and i relax on the couch with my laptop smiling at the giggling coming from Oscar's bedroom... I get so caught up in writing that i dont even notice Chris until he sits down next to me, and he kisses my temple... "What are you doing?" He asks and i look at him and blush... "I started a book..." I whisper and Chris looks at me confused... "It is not a children's book..." I whisper blushing even harder, and he grins... "Can i read?" He asks and i shake my head... "When it is done..." I whisper and he kisses me... "Deal..." He says grinning and slowly takes the laptop out of my hand putting it on the coffee table slamming it shut making me giggle...

He kisses me passionately slowly pushing me to lay down on the couch crawling over me... "God i missed you..." I whisper and he smiles and kisses me again... I pull on his shirt and pull it off him and i moan letting my hands roam his chest making him grin... Before i know what is happening, he stands up lifting me up and throwing me over his shoulder making me squeal and giggle... He slaps my ass and walks us to the bedroom kicking the door shut behind us...

He throws me on the bed, and he takes his clothes off and i whistle... He chuckles and grins before undressing me not wasting time... I squeal when he flips me over and pulls me to the edge on the bed pulling me up on my hands and knees... I moan when he squeezes my ass and slaps it... I moan again when he runs his fingers through my folds teasing me and i gasp i feel his warm mouth on my core toying with me a finger slowly pushing inside of me and i push my ass back on his face and i can feel him grin... He is torturing me... Bringing me to the edge a few times pulling back not letting me cum... My ass is up in the air but my arms have already given out and my chest is resting on the bed... He edges me one more time but still not letting me cum... But this time he stands up pulls me on my hands and knees again and slamming into me and it sends me over the edge and i cum around his cock hard screaming his name and he slaps my ass adding to the pleasure...

"Such a good girl..." He growls... "Such a tight fucking pussy..." He groans as he starts to move fucking me hard through my orgasm... I push back on him as i want him all every inch... His pace is relentless... He fucks me hard the sounds coming from him pornographic and so hot... "Fuck you ass looks so good bouncing on my dick..." He growls and i gasp as i feel his finger circle my other hole... I moan as he keeps doing that wondering what that is about but i soon learn when i feel and hear him spit circling the other hole again before pushing in a finger making me cry out in pleasure... I feel so full it is over whelming... I squeeze down on him hard as he now fucks both of my holes and i cum again making him groan loudly... "You like bot holes stuffed sweetheart...?" He growls but all i can do is moan in response...

I can feel him twitch inside of me and i squeeze again... He pulls his finger out and grips my hips pulling me down on him hard the sound of slapping our skin together filling the room and after a few more thrusts we cum together and he pulls out making me whimper commanding me to stay just like this...

I can feel his cum dripping out of me and i move my hand through my folds playing with it and this makes him groan... "That's it sweetheart play with it..." He says and i moan looking back and putting my fingers in my mouth licking them clean and he grins...

After a few more minutes he lifts me off the bed and takes me to bathroom filling the tub and he lowers me in it before sitting down behind me and we relax and just enjoy being together...

The next day i am keeping Oscar home from school and we spend the day together watching movies... Just some family time... After dinner it is time for Chris to fly back and Oscar is taking it better than the first time... "Only 2 more weeks..." Chris murmurs in my ear as he kisses me and i nod... He gives Maeve a little kiss as she is sleeping in my arms, and he walks to the waiting car... We watch it drive off and get inside again and i watch another movie with Oscar after i put Maeve to bed... 

Oscar falls asleep on the couch and i carry him to bed before getting in bed myself letting out a sigh watching Chris his side and i cry a little... I dont know why but this time i am having more trouble with him being gone...

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