Chapter 104

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Lana pov...

I smile as Chris twirls me around and takes in a sharp breath... "You like it..." I whisper when i face him again and he smiles nodding... "No Mrs. Evans i dont like it.... I absolutely love it... Sweetheart... You are always the most beautiful woman on earth... but today... Well damn..." He says and i blush profusely... "Mrs. Evans... I love the way that sounds... And you Mr. Evans my dear husband... You look very handsome in your tux... I love the color... It looks so good on you..." I whisper and he pulls me in his arms kissing me passionately... "I like the sound of that... Husband..." He whispers before kissing me again...

We pull apart when there is a knock on the door... We answer and Maggie walks in smiling. "Let me be the first to congratulate you both..." She says smiling and we thank her smiling back at her. "The guests are having drinks before dinner, and we are ready for the official pictures..." She says smiling.  

I put the shawl around my shoulders and i tell Chris how i got it... He smiles and he gets all teary eyed... We walk outside to the spot we chose to take photo's... First, we take the pictures just Chris and i... Then with Oscar, followed by the rest of the family... It is chaos but everyone is goofing around... We take a few serious photo's but i know that the goofy ones are going to be our favorites... 

I smile when i see Chris talking with his mother holding the shawl as i had taken it off for some of the pictures... It was cold but i wanted some pictures with the dress in full glory... I feel absolutely beautiful, and Chris looked... Well... let's just say i can't wait to take it off of him... 

The picture taking was done and i smiled as Chris put the shawl around my shoulders and held out his arm for me to take... We stayed a bit behind letting the family enter the reception area first. Oscar stayed with us holding my hand. He didn't want to go with Lisa and the family he wanted to stay with mom and dad and that was fine with us... We wanted Oscar to have a great day to... 

He did so good walking me down the aisle... So proud holding my hand making sure i wouldn't fall... Not a shy bone in his body between all these for us strangers... 

We can hear the announcer getting everyone's attention and Chris looks at me and smiles squeezing my hand. Maggie takes Oscar with her to bring him to Lisa so we can make our entrance and have our first dance... 

Chris holds my hand and smiles at me as the doors open and we are announced as Mr. and Mrs. Evans... And that we will have our first dance as husband and wife... Everybody cheers as we walk to the dancefloor and Chris spins me around making me smile and giggle. The song I belong to you from Eros Rammazotti and Anastacia starts playing...

Chris takes me in his arms, and it feels like i am floating over the dancefloor... He smiles and leans down kissing me making the room erupt in whistling and cheering again... I feel on cloud nine... "I love you Mr. Evans..." I whisper with a big smile on my face and i sigh laying my head on his chest. "I love you to Mrs. Evans..." He says as he holds me a bit tighter and kissed the top of my head as we make our way around the dancefloor... 

Our song ends and the DJ invites everyone to the dancefloor and Oscar runs up to us... Chris lifts him up and we dance with the 3 of us... He is smiling and giggling as we move around... After dancing for a bit, we go to the bar to get a drink and Chris hands me a glass of champagne we have a little private toast and then Chris goes off to dance with his mother and i take Oscar back to the dancefloor... 

Then it is time for dinner, and we get called into the beautiful dining room... Dinner looks amazing... Chris stands up and gets everyone attention by clinking his glass... He looks at me and i smile before he clears his throat. 

"Hello everyone... I am going to keep it short so we all can eat... I want to thank you all for coming and making time in your busy schedules... To celebrate our special day with us... We want to thank you for all your donations to Christophers haven... It really means allot... Well i hope you all have a good time today... Now let's eat..." Chris says and i chuckle...

Dinner is amazing...The toasts are hilarious... Scott is killing it... Everybody is laughing hysterically... Carly's speech is so sweet... and when she is done, she sits back down... Then we both look in surprise as Lisa takes the microphone... 

She looks at us and smiles... "Hello everyone as you all might know i am Lisa... Chris his mother... For a long time i thought he would never find the one... Let's be honest... He not always had the most sensible taste in woman..." She says and Chris groans, but everybody laughs and chuckles...

"That was until i walked in on Lana and Chris cuddled up on the couch... The look on both of their faces... Well, you should have been there and thinking about it now i wish i had taken pictures... It was like 2 deer's looking in the headlights..." Lisa said and i blushed...

"Then Lana introduced me to a sweet little boy who asked me if i knew how to make hot coco... and the rest is history... Many people will say they moved quick... But to the people closest to them... Well, it made sense... A calm came over Chris... It was like everything just clicked... Like he finally had a sense of belonging... Lana and Oscar made him whole... Thank you for making my son so happy... Thank you for making him a dad... Thank you for being you... I can't wait to see what the future holds for the 3 of you..." Lisa said and i stood up walking over to her and hugged her tight...

Chris joined us and we hugged. When dinner was over guests were invited back to the dancefloor and to just have fun... We cut the cake and fed each other... It was just all perfect... Maggie had done amazing... The people from the venue had made everything perfect... I had a few glasses of champagne and had a little bit of a buzz... It was time for Oscar and Carly's kids to go to the hotel and the staff came to pick them up... After hugging them all goodbye it was now a grown-up party... So, i took Chris his hand and dragged him to the dancefloor... I wanted to dance with my gorgeous and incredibly sexy husband...

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