Chapter 59

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Lana pov...

We stumble through the front door... Chris told me Oscar and the dogs were with Lisa and that we had the whole house to ourselves... His hands are all over me... My body feels like it is on fire and i just want to feel him... So, i start pulling on his clothes wanting them off...

He grins and he takes off his jacket and shirt and i groan seeing his bare chest and i bite my lip... I want to take of my dress, but the zipper is stuck and i can't seem to get it to go down... Chris grins and spins me around and i moan as he slowly pulls down the zipper... I moan again as i feel him run a finger down my spine before he pushes the dress of my shoulders making it drop to the ground around my ankles. I step out of the dress and kick of my heels... I can feel him plant a kiss on my shoulder and he kisses his way up into my neck and i lean my head to the side giving him more access... 

I can hear him unzip his pants and it drop to the ground... I groan as he removes my bra... before letting his hands glide down my body... I gasp as without warning i hear the tearing of fabric as he rips my panties off me... I can feel him bend me over and i put my hands on the wall... I shiver as excitement sources through my body... Everywhere he touches me just tingles... 

He groans as he squeezes my ass... "Fuck baby... I missed touching you... I missed seeing you react to my touch..." He growls and i whimper at his words... "I missed it to..." I mumble my voice small and unsteady... 

"Please Chris i just want you inside of me..." I beg him and i gasp as he sucks on the pulse point in my neck... He pushes my legs further apart... and pulls me back a bit so i further bend over my hands still on the wall... I can feel him rub his tip between my folds and i gasp as he pushes into me groaning... "Fuck baby so tight... Fuck i missed this pussy around my cock..." Chris groans and i whimper... I feel so full and i missed that feeling so much... He doesn't move and i can hear him trying to control his breathing... My pussy is throbbing and i squeeze my walls harder around him making him groan harder and curse under his breath...

"Shit baby you are killing me..." He growls and i giggle doing it again and he smacks my ass making me yelp... "Give me a moment baby..." He growls and i whine in response... He smacks my ass again and i moan... "Fuck baby for 4 weeks all i thought about was being buried in this pussy again..." He growled as he slowly stared moving... I moaned at the feeling of his cock rubbing against my walls hitting my sweet spot over and over again... I feel his hands glide up my body and cupping my tits massaging them... 

It felt so good having him inside of me again while he played with my body... Fuck i missed this and once again i realized how much i missed him... I missed his moans, grunts and growls... I missed how good he felt inside of me... How he had me wet within seconds and knew how to make me feel good... I missed the way he would fuck me up to a point i couldn't think straight anymore... 

It really was like we were made for each other... He started to pick up his pace and i pulled back on him and the sound of our bodies slapping together filled the room... I whined as he pulled on my nipples... The pleasure starts to build inside of me... "Fuck Chris dont stop... Fuck feels so good..." I moan and his hands release my tits and i feel them grip my waist pulling me harder onto him as he picks up the pace... All of a sudden, he pulls out of me. He spins me around and before i can even register what is happening his lifts me up and i wrap my legs around his waist as he pushes me up against the wall...

I can feel him enter me again and i cup his face with both hands and kiss him... "I love you Chris..." I moan into the kiss, and he smiles. "I love you to baby..." He grunts and i smile before kissing him again as he keeps thrusting into me. "Fuck baby please tell me you are close..." He grunts and i moan nodding... "Please Chris fill me up... Make my pussy drip with your cum..." I beg and he groans again... "Fuck such a dirty girl... So needy for my cum..." He growls and i whimper at his words as i am so close and his words sending shivers through my body as it is such a turn on...

"Do you know how many times i jacked off thinking of you..." He growled and whimpered again... "Every day i thought about fucking this pussy again... Every day i thought about you coating my cock and squeezing me so good..." He growled and i gasped... The idea he was helping himself while thinking of me... "Dont stop... Just like that... oh shit..." I moaned as he hit my sweet spot over and over and over again and when he hit it one more time... I came... It felt like fireworks going off all through my body. "Oh Chris... Fuck..." I moaned my walls clamping down on him and his thrust are getting sloppy and after thrusting into me a few more times he came filling me up... "Shit... Lana..." He growled and I could feel his warm hot cum coat my walls and i whimpered because it felt so good... 

We stood there in the hallway... Our clothes scattered around us catching our breaths... I started to giggle and cupped his face again with both hands kissing him... 

Without ever putting me down he walked to the bedroom and i smiled as he walked us straight to the bathroom... He never put me down as he stepped into the shower and i gasped and let out a yelp as he turned on the water and cold water washed over us making him laugh as i shuddered... He gently pulled me down and pulled me into him wrapping his arms around me and i sighed laying my head on his chest wrapping my arms around his waist. 

We just stood there holding each other while letting the water wash over us... I look up at him and he smiles leaning down and kisses me... Soft, sweet full of love... I smile when we break the kiss... "I am so happy you are here..." I whisper and he smiles back at me... 

After we got out of the shower and dried off, we got into bed... I let out a content sigh as i cuddled into him so happy to be having his arms around me again... "I promised Oscar that we would go the aquarium on Saturday..." Chris whispers and i smile. "Ah yeah he told me he couldn't wait for you to be back so we could go to the aquarium..." I said chuckling and when i looked up at Chris he had a smile on his face... "God i love that kid..." He mumbles with his eyes closed... "Good because he loves you to..." I whisper back and smile as Chris has fallen asleep...

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