Chapter 126

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Lana pov...

In a few days we will know the gender of our baby and i can't wait... I am so excited to find out if we are having a boy or a girl... I dont care either way but i am excited so we can go shopping... We have been refraining up till now, but it is getting harder with the day... 

We have had the photoshoot and although i didn't like it... It was not as bad as i thought and the pictures looked amazing... I was still sad about the video... But it was what it was... We had put the photos and a statement out and people seemed excited but i didn't really read the comments knowing that some of his fans could be quite brutal... But it was everywhere... Every news/gossip site and every late-night show... 

Chris had cleaned out one of the rooms so we could start on the nursery after finding out what we were having... It was so sweet to see him so excited... He wanted to do everything himself and who was i to deny him that... Besides it would be fun... 

I am sitting on the couch because Chris is getting Oscar from school... I hear the front door open and close and groan rolling my eyes as i hear that once again they are not alone, and Lisa is with them... I sigh and debate for a moment to pretend to be asleep, but Bob is laying on me with his head and making me unable and willing to move because he seems so peaceful. 

They walk into the living room and i put a smile on my face and look up at them as Oscar is giggling... "Hey sweetheart..." Chris says walking up to me and kissing me... "Hey..." I whisper... Oscar crawls on the couch and cuddles into the other side of me and i sigh as Lisa leans over me and rubs my belly...

Hello Lana, nice to see you Lana... How are you... But no... instead we are going straight for the bump... I think to myself getting more irritated by the minute... "Hey sweetheart how was school..." I say kissing Oscar's head. "It was good mom..." He says smiling "We had art class today and i mad a big painting..." He tells proudly and i smile kissing the top of his head. "That is amazing can't wait to see it..." I whisper and he smiles at me... 

I look up and see Lisa and Chris whisper about something and i wonder what it is about now... "What was the time of the gender appointment again?"  Chris asks and i can feel the blood drain from my face... "11... Why?" I ask and Lisa smiles... "No then i will meet you there you won't have to pick me up..." Lisa says and that is when i have had enough... 

"Oscar, can you go to your room and put on your earphones and play some video games or something..." I say and Oscar nods and runs off... I push myself up and even taking a taking a few deep breaths dont help anymore... 

"What do you mean with that... I'll see you there..." I ask trying my best to control my rage... "Well ma is coming with us..." Chris says. "What since when...? And when were you planning on informing me...?" I ask and he looks at me shocked... "Is there nothing that is for just the two of us anymore?" I ask and the now both look at me shocked... "Maybe i should go..." Lisa says but she is getting off that easy. "No... You seem to have a say in everything so please stay for this to..." I say getting louder and louder... 

"From the moment your family knows i am pregnant i feel like i have been some sort of cow... You dont even say hello to me anymore... Just a minute ago you go straight for my belly... No hello Lana... How are you Lana.... No directly grabbing my stomach like i am sort of freaking stress ball... You dont even ask if you can touch me, you just do... I hate it... The constant groping and touching of my belly i fucking hate it..." I say pointing at Lisa who blushes but i am not done yet.

"You seem to have a say in everything from names... to the nursery... Breast feeding or bottle feeding... There hasn't been a day that you haven't stopped by. We dont get a moment alone any more like a family... You want to be here after the birth to help and you dont even ask what i want..." I say before turning to Chris. 

"You have invited her without consulting me in the delivery room... Did you really think you could do that without consulting me... I am going to be uncomfortable and in pain and probably everything is going to be on full display... Did you once stop and think... hmmm maybe she doesn't want to have onlookers with that... I am going to push a baby out of me so as far as i care i get a say in who is going to be in the delivery room and right now i dont think i even want you there..." I yell and i am convinced that there is no steam coming out of my ears...

 "You agreed to her staying here after the baby is born without discussing it with me... Do i still count in all of this or am i just the host at this point... I feel like i dont even exist anymore... I can't do the announcement i want because God forbid people will see you have a freaking mustache in the new movie basically saying that a mustache takes president over our baby... I dont get asked about things... You fucking decide for me... A photoshoot with my naked belly on full display have you thought for one moment that maybe i wasn't comfortable with that...? No... But i fucking do it so i dont get fucking chased down anymore... " I say now yelling as they both look at me in shock... 

"I feel like a fucking cow... A fucking host... Like I dont matter anymore... All that matters anymore is the baby inside of me... and i hate it... Is this how it is going to be from now on..." I say as the anger now makes place for tears and i start to cry... 

"And now she is coming with us to the gender appointment.... No! If she is coming i am not...  So, you think about what you want because i am done with all of this shit... I am the mother... I get a say to... I matter to... This is my baby to..." I say and stomp off to the bedroom slamming the door behind me... 

I sink down on the bed and i now start to fully cry... I exploded... I exploded bad.... 

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