Chapter 141

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Chris pov...

Lana her fever had come down overnight and i am relieved. She is doing much better... But i want her to stay in bed and rest... At least for today... I close the laptop after i have ordered the nursery set and i make some tea and toast for Lana... When i was done i walk to the bedroom and smile as she is sitting up reading a book. "How are you feeling?" I ask putting the tray down on the nightstand and kissing... She wants to protest saying she doesn't want to make me sick but i dont care and kiss her anyway... "Feeling better..." She says smiling a little. 

"I made you something to eat and drink... Do you need me to fill you water bottle again?"  I ask her and she smiles and nods and i take her bottle walking to the kitchen and i fill it up again. When i come back into the bedroom she is eating the toast and i smile sitting down next to her on the bed. 

I smile watching her eat her toast and when she is done with her tea, she cuddles into me... "What do you think of the name Maeve?" She whispered as i wrapped my arm around her running my hand up and down her arm stroking her. I took a deep breath and she giggled... "Okay no Maeve..." She mumbled and i chuckled. "Sorry i think it is a bit... grandma like..." I mumble and Lana sighs... "I like the old lady names... I mean i named our son... Oscar..." She says and i chuckle again. 

"Betty?" She whispered and i groaned making her giggle again... "Are you serious or playing with me?" I ask and she laughs... "Look maybe not serious but please i dont want to name our girl some ridiculous Hollywood name..." She mumbles and i let out a laugh... "Yeah, because i am the most Hollywood person..." I said and she chuckled. "Maybe not... But you never mention a name..." She says letting out a sigh. 

"How about Emma or Sarah..." I said but she shook her head... "To common..." She mumbled half asleep... "How about Olive... That looks like Oliver..." I whisper but Lana is asleep and not answering anymore. I kiss the top of her head and get comfortable with her in my arms... 

I chuckle while i lay there with her in my arms mumbling things i can't quite understand. She looks so cute sleeping... I watch her and i few times i have to look away as she lets out these massive snores making me have trouble not laughing... So, i decide to replace myself with the pillow and get out of bed to make sure i dont wake her... 

I walk the dogs and i sigh as paparazzi keep following me... First, they keep their distance but soon they surround me and i have to keep my cool because they come to close to the dogs for my liking.

"How far along is your wife..."-- "Is this kid biologically yours..."-- "Boy or girl?"-- "When is she due..."-- "Do you have a name yet..."-- "Are you excited to finally have a kid all yours..." Are some of the questions they ask... I ignore them not wanting to answer as it is ridiculous... Yes, this kid is biological mine, but Oscar is my son... Biological or not... He is my son and i hate it when they keep bringing the fact, he is adopted up...

"Guys can you please keep your distance from the dogs..." I say as they almost step on Dodger... Bob is glued on my side to scared... Dodger is more used to this and walks in front of me... I warn them again muscling myself between them and the dogs and i let out a sigh of relief as i am finally home again... 

I sigh... We are getting closer to the due date and i have noticed more activity from the paparazzi... So, after i checked up on Lana who is still asleep i call my team...  I groan when they tell me it will get worse because there is a price for a first baby picture and everything surrounding it... I sigh... And i know i have to be grateful because if we would be in LA it would be much worse... 

The video i had brought of Lana telling me she was pregnant had exploded all over social media and thank God most of the comments were sweet... The negative once i just blocked... I didn't want to have to deal with people like that anymore... 

I sigh and think what more i can do to ensure that everything goes smooth when Lana gives birth... Maybe i should contact the hospital... Or will that be weird... I dont want them to think i want special treatment because of who i am... But i want the insurance that there will be no pictures taken of my wife in labor of our baby... 

I decide to call the hospital tomorrow... and to let it go for now... But i locked the front gate so no one could get in... Normally i have it closed but everyone can open it... Now you needed a code... I called my brother and sisters telling them i put the code on the gate and why... I asked them to please not comment when approached by paparazzi and to tell me when they would get bothered...

The last thing i did before getting back to Lana was call Oscar's school to let them know that there was more activity... They said they will let security know and to not worry that they were equipped to handle this... After i hung up i sighed... 

I walk into the bedroom and Lana is not in bed... For a moment i panic until i hear the toilet flush and she appears a few moments later... "Hey sweetheart... Did you have a good nap?" I ask and she nods... "You didn't have a real good walk from what i could see..." She says wrapping her arms around my waist and putting her head on my chest... "God the photos are out already...?" I ask and she hums... "Dont worry... You look hot even angry..." She teases and squeezes my ass making me laugh... 

She let me go and crawled back in bed and i chuckled. I laid down beside her and told her what i had been up to and she just listened laying with her head on my chest... "Dont worry we will be okay... But thanks for taking such good care of us..." She whispered and i smiled... 

"Can you make me something to eat..." She murmured and i laughed... "Sure what do you want...?" I ask her and she smiles... "Can you make me some pancakes?" She says pouting and i nod kiss her and scoot out of bed to make her pancakes... Or at least try to...

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