Chapter 61

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Lana pov... 

My phone is ringing and i tell Chris to walk on to the car as i have to answer because it is my publisher... I have just answered when my name is being called and i see Oscar's school teacher running over to me.  

"Ms. Cooper... Do you have a minute?"  She says looking at me really serious. "Of course, is there a problem? Is Oscar in trouble...?"  I ask her and she sighs... "Not really a problem... I mean kids have a big imagination... but he has been bragging to other kids that Captain America is his new dad... And when i told him that Captain America is not real and that it was not okay to lie... Well, he kept insisting... He threw a tantrum and well i had to give him a time out... I just wanted you to know because well it is something we have to keep an eye on..." She said and i dont know whether i was annoyed or should burst out laughing... 

"Well, uhm... He is not lying... sort off..." I said and i waved Chris over... "Everything okay...?" Chris asked worried, when he joined us. "As you can see Oscar had not been lying... Sort off... Although he is not Captain America anymore and we call him Chris at home... Oscar was telling the truth..." I said and the eyes of Oscar's teacher almost popped out of her head... Chris was still confused but it started to dawn on him, and he started smirking...

"Well i see..." She said blushing as she kept smiling at Chris... I rolled my eyes as it seemed like i had disappeared... "I am so sorry... I had no idea you where Oscar's dad... If i knew i wouldn't have given him a time out or scolded him for lying" She chirped at him and i could see Chris getting uncomfortable and he stepped closer to me wrapping his arm around me... 

"Well maybe next time you should check with the parents first before scolding a kid for lying..." I said feeling annoyed now... "Right..." The teacher mumbled and then it was if a light went off in her head... "Are you coming to parent teacher night to Mr. Evans..." She said batting her eyes at him and he shook his head. I could feel he was tens... "No Chris is out of town so you just have to deal with me..." I said pulling her out of her little stare and she sighed... "That is a shame..." She said her eyes still focused on Chris and i was sick of it... This is the woman teaching my child and here she is making Chris uncomfortable by blatantly flirting... and ogling him... 

"Babe... Can you wait in the car for me..." I said and he nodded letting out a sigh of relief that he could get away from the situation... He kissed the side of my head and walked off while Oscar's teacher watched him walk away licking her lips... 

"Are you done ogling my man..." I said annoyed and her head snapped towards me... "Look you are Oscar's teacher so i am going to be nice about it... Ogle him on a screen all you want... I dont care... but when you are at school, please keep it respectful and professional... Or is this how you are with all the fathers..." I said and she blushed. "I uhm. What no... I..." She stammered and i rolled my eyes again. 

"Now regarding to Oscar... I will have a talk with him and explain the situation to him and i will tell him you are sorry for judging too soon... How does that sound?" I asked as she was now bright red... "Yeah sure..." She mumbled. "Good than i will head home now if there is nothing else... Have a nice weekend..." I said chirping the nice weekend part of my sentence... 

I walked to the car leaving Oscar's teacher behind... I took a deep breath... Maybe i was a bit out of line... But i felt i had to set a clear boundary from the start... I could understand the whole confusion and i kind of could understand the whole thinking Oscar was lying... But Chris had picked Oscar up from school numerous times... He was even on the pick-up list so she could have checked it instead of scolding him immediately... I just hoped it was not going to be a problem in the future... 

I got into the car and smiled at Chris... "Everything okay?"  He asked and i smiled and nodded... "I just set some boundaries..." I said smiling and Chris smirked at me... "I will tell you later..." I said smirking back at him and he took my hand and drove off... 

"My mom called her car is not starting so she asked us to pick her up..." Chris said and i nodded and Chris took off... After picking Lisa up we drove back home, and we ordered pizza. While Lisa and Chris sat in the kitchen i took Oscar with me to the living room to have a little chat...

I talked with him about Chris being famous meaning a lot of people knew who Chris was and that when he told people that Chris was his dad, they might think he is lying... I told him whenever some people said that to just let them call mommy and that i would tell them that he was not lying... And that people might treat him different because of Chris being his dad... But to always be kind to people... And he just nodded taking it all in... 

I also told him that if he wanted to tell people who his dad was to say it was Chris and not Captain America but that he could say that Chris played Captain America in the movies if he wanted to... I didn't want to take away his option to tell people... Chris and i had talked about it in the past because there would come a time Oscar would tell someone and it would be out... But maybe no one believed him and i dont know why but it made me a bit sad... 

After our little talk we joined Chris and Lisa in the kitchen and Oscar crawled in Chris his lap cuddling into him and both Lisa and i smiled as it was adorable... We decide to play a game before Oscar had to go to bed and after a few rounds Chris brought Oscar to bed while i explained to Lisa what had happened at school and what i had said to the teacher after Chris had gone back to the car... 

Lisa just chuckled thinking about the face of the teacher when Chris appeared... But she understood my concerns... She told me to just keep an eye on it to make sure that Oscar was not being treated differently... She told me it was just a fact of living with Chris... Some people couldn't handle being in his presence... Only seeing Chris Evans... Movie star... and not Chris Evans... The normal guy from Boston...

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