Chapter 67

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Chris pov...

"Tara..." The female detective said and she took another deep breath... "Now there is a problem... We wanted to watch her for a while to see if she would lead us to Lana or gave us any clues on to where she is... But..." She said and i looked at her anxiously as she paused for a minute. "But what?" I asked getting impatient...

"But... She was packing up and looked to had plans to get out of town... So, we had no choice to arrest her..." The other detective said... "Our teams are going through the house as we speak... But Ms. Cooper is not there... That doesn't mean we stop looking... We are going through the whole house hoping to find a clue to the whereabouts of Ms. Cooper... After we leave here, we are going to talk to her..." They said and i just nodded... 

"Do you think you can get her to tell you what she did with Lana..." Ma asks. "We are going to try..." One of the detectives said... I was feeling numb... She really did this... She really took Lana... She was hell bend on ruining my life... "She is never going to tell you..." I murmured... "Sorry?" One of the detectives said and i stood up looking at them. "She is never going to tell you..." I said now a bit louder... "She rather goes to jail with the idea of torturing us... Than to tell where Lana is..." I said. 

"Mr. Evans i can assure you we are doing everything we can... We just need a little time..." The woman said and i looked at her... "Time!?  Who knows how much time Lana has... Who knows if she is even alive..." I yelled feeling hopeless and broken...

"Sweetheart calm down... This is not helping..." Ma said taking my hand again. I scoffed pulling it out of her grip and just walked out of the kitchen leaving my mother to deal with the detectives... I walked to Oscar's bedroom where Carly was reading him from his favorite book... He had outgrown his mother's books, but he loved to read... He loved being red to... Carly looked over to me worried and i just shook my head... I sat down next to them, and Carly continued reading as Oscar cuddled into me... I kissed the top of his head and pulled him closer. 

Now we had to wait again and although we now knew who was behind all this for sure we still didn't know were Lana was or if she was even alive... I didn't know how to deal with this anymore and if it wasn't for Oscar i had gone to bed and prayed that i would never wake up again... I feared the worst... and i dont know how to deal with this... I didn't know how to life in a world without Lana anymore... Now it was yet again another waiting game...

It was the middle of the night when my phone rang... Oscar was asleep next to me. I quickly got out of bed and picked up the phone while i walked out of the room... 

"Evans..." I said picking up the phone... "Mr. Evans... We have found her... She is on her way to the hospital as we speak..." I heard the detective say... "Which hospital..." I asked and the detective said he would send someone to the house to pick me up to bring me to the hospital... and that they would be there in 10 minutes.

I quickly got changed and went to wake up ma... With tears in my eyes i told her that they found Lana and she had been taken to the hospital and that a police officer was on his way to take me to the hospital... Ma had tears in her eyes and hugged me... "Do you know how she is doing?" She asked and i shook my head. "No and until i know please dont tell Oscar anything... I dont want to get his hopes up as long as i dont know what the situation is... Also, can you let Carly, Shanna and Scott know... but tell them to not say anything around Oscar..." I said and ma nodded. 

While ma went to our bedroom to lay down next to Oscar so he wouldn't freak out when he woke up i went outside to wait for my ride... The officer arrived about 5 minutes later and he drove me to the hospital... I asked him questions, but he told me he didn't know anything and only was asked to pick me up and bring me to the hospital... 

"But she is at the hospital that means she is alive right?" I asked desperate to know what i was walking into... "I am sorry Mr. Evans i wish i could give you answers... My shift just started so i dont know anything..." He said looking at me with a guilty look... I sighed as we just drove the rest of the way in silence... He probably knew more but was instructed to not say anything...

The drive to the hospital looked like it took hours... It was only a 20-minute drive, but it looked like every traffic light was against us... I just wished he would put on his sirens... What if this was my last chance to see her alive... Was this a sign that she wasn't alive anymore? That there was no hurry... My mind was racing as we got closer to the hospital... 

I was scared... What was i walking into... In what state would Lana be... I just prayed she would be alive... and that she would stay alive... I just hoped they were in time... At least they found her... And we knew where she was no matter in what state she was in... I shook my head and scolded myself for going into a downward spiral...

We arrived at the hospital and i thanked the officer before walking into the ER... I was greeted by the detectives...

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