Chapter 167

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Chris pov...

After ma had called and said that Bob had died i wanted to get on the first plane home... But Lana convinced me to stay and to finish filming so i would not have to go away again... But when i saw Lana walk up to me at the front door my heart sunk... She looked like she hadn't slept in forever... She had wrapped herself around me and broke down crying unable to stop... 

I had carried her to the couch and held her while she let it all out... Oscar had appeared and i was comforting both when Maeve started crying and Lana went to take care of her once again pushing her own emotions down... 

I had called home regularly and talked to Oscar and Lana over the phone and i even spoke to ma who told me Lana was keeping strong for Oscar who was heartbroken but that it was taking its toll because she was taking Bob's death harder than she let on... I wanted to go home so bad but i still had two days of filming until i was done... As soon as the director said cut on my last scene i left... I said goodbye to everyone apologizing for not being there for the wrap party, but they all understood... I needed to be with my family right now... 

Lana had pushed her own emotions aside so she could be there for Oscar but now it was my turn... I had comforted Oscar until he had fallen asleep in my lap and i had picked him up... Seeing his bed neatly made let me know he had slept in our bed so for tonight i put him in our bed again and after i was sure he was still asleep i left to go to the nursery... I found Lana on her knees crying... Baby puke running down her back and holding on to Maeve... I had taken Maeve from her and put her back to bed... 

I had helped Lana up and helped her get a shower and washed her hair and body before putting her in some fresh clothes... She told me the last time she had a decent night's sleep was the day before Bob died... When she saw Oscar sleeping in the bed, she said she couldn't fix his hurt her voice sounded broken and so smile... Even if she was hurting herself all she wanted was to fix Oscar... To take his pain away... But it would take time...

I had put myself between Oscar and Lana having her cuddle into me... I wanted to be a barrier so that she could sleep because Oscar could be a squirmer in his sleep and i knew he probably kept her up the last few nights... 

I sigh as i listen to them sleep slowly drifting off myself... The next morning i woke up due to Oscar waking up... He wanted to wake Lana but i told him no... He wanted to protest but i just got out the bed and took him out of the bedroom... He wanted his mom and i understood that but right now she needed her sleep... I finally calmed him down after sitting him down on the couch and explaining as best as i could why he couldn't wake her up... He gave in and suggested ordering breakfast and let him pick... I ordered for Lana to and then Maeve started to cry... Remembering the baby monitor in the bedroom i rushed over muting it and i got Maeve carrying her into the kitchen after i changed her and started a bottle for her... Oscar was watching cartoon with Dodger glued to him... Dodger had been on the side next to the bed all night never leaving Oscar's side... 

I sigh and look outside as i am waiting for the milk to warm up... I see the fresh dirt from where they buried Bob and i sigh and a tear rolls down my cheek... I dont know what hurts more... The fact that Bob died or that i wasn't here for my family... Seeing Lana and Oscar so broken hurt... Even though she told me not to come home i should have... I wipe away my tears and take a deep breath pulling myself together...

The buzzer to the gate goes off and i let the delivery guy in and walk to the front door to accept breakfast... Once back in the kitchen i call over Oscar and he sits down at the table and i unpack his breakfast putting it in front of him and smile as he digs in... I feed Maeve while sitting down with him... "Can we make the cross today?" Oscar asks and i nod... "Sure bud whatever you want... We can go to Home Depot and get the stuff we need..." I say and Oscar nods... 

Lana was still out like a light and i didn't want to take Maeve with me... I wanted it to be something Oscar and i did together and for me to be able to focus on Oscar... So, i called ma and she more than happy to come look after Maeve so that Lana could sleep as long as she wanted and more important needed... 

20 minutes later she was here and i handed Maeve off to her and got dressed... Oscar already had changed and was now talking with ma about going to Home Depot to get stuff for the cross... I had called Anthony while i was in Atlanta and he had explained the best way to make one and told me to call when i needed his help... I had said that i would but i think i would be able to do it... Granted i was not the handiest guy but this i could do... 

"Ready bud?" I ask and he nods and after saying goodbye to ma and checking in on Lana one more time we make our way to the car... Dodger is in the backseat as Oscar was adamant he come with because he needed to help according to Oscar... "Dodger has lost a friend to..." Was what Oscar said...

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