Chapter 18

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Chris pov...

Lana is picking up Oscar from school... in my car... I chuckle and shake my head thinking about our little interaction. 

The more i was around her the more i liked her... and Oscar. I was so happy she started to open up more even though it was sometimes hard to hear. I loved that her playful side came out the more comfortable she got.  

Every day spent with them is amazing... Making Lana smile is the best feeling in the world. Having Oscar run around my house is making me smile... he is such a great kid and i can only imagine it is because of his mother... Other than telling his dad hurt his mom and never made her smile he doesn't talk much about him. I know he has therapy and so does Lana and that is a good thing. I just dont think the kid has any good memory of his dad... I see it in the twinkle in his eyes when i play with him... I want to be the best influence i can be on this kid and just want him and his mom around... I know it is not logical... but it just feels right... Like this is where they belong... with me...

I hear the front door open and Oscar yelling my name as he runs in. The dogs immediately rush towards him and greet him, and he giggles greeting them giving them each a kiss on the head... Fuck this kid really has the ability to melt your heart...

After he is done with the dogs, he looks up at me and waves a piece of paper at me. "Look for you...!" He squeals. "For me?" I ask getting down to his level and taking the piece of paper from him. 

It is a drawing with 3 figures on it and i think two dogs. "That is mommy... that is you... and that is me and Dodger and Bob..." He says proudly and i look at him and smile trying my hardest not to cry but i can feel a tear run down my cheek. "Wauw buddy it looks amazing... This is going straight on the fridge..." I say and Oscar's smile gets even bigger. 

We walk to the kitchen and i wonder where Lana is because i didn't see or hear her come in. "Where is your mom buddy?" I ask as i put the drawing on the fridge. "Outside on the phone..." Oscar says. "Can i have some juice?" Oscar asks and i smile nodding and pour him some juice.

"I'll be right back... I am going to check on your mom real quick okay..." I say to Oscar, and he nods. I walk to the front door and i can hear Lana talk on the phone. 

"No, you have lost all your rights to talk to him the courts have decided... I dont want you to contact me or Oscar ever again... You treated us like shit... You are a killer... Do you really think i want that kind of influence in Oscars live... Did you really think i moved on and started over just to let you back in his live even if it was through a phone call... You never cared about him or me before so why care now... You are locked up for the rest of your life and rightfully so... Dont call me again... or i will report this..." Lana said and my heart sank... That must have been Oscar's dad... 

She hung up and turned around and she looked absolutely broken. "Are you okay?" I whisper and she shakes her head... I pull her in my arms, and she lets out a sigh and holds me tight and lays her head on my chest. "That was Oscars.... for lack of a better word... Father... He wanted to talk to Oscar... Like that is ever going to happen..." Lana says letting out even a bigger sigh. 

"I thought you changed your number?" I whispered rubbing her back. "I did... I told no one... I cut contact with everyone... Not even my family..." She whispered and i sighed. She never talked about her family... When i had asked about them the only thing she said she cut contact when the trail of Oscar's dad had started... I could see it pained her to talk about them... 

"Let's go inside and we talk tonight when Oscar is asleep..." I whispered and she nodded. We walked inside and Oscar was sitting in the kitchen were i had left him. When he saw us, he jumped of the chair and grabbed Lana's hand dragging her to the fridge. "Look...!" He squealed pointing at his drawing on the fridge and Lana smiled. "Chris put it there..." Oscar said all happy and proud and Lana just smiled. "That is amazing sweetheart..." Lana said. 

"I brought you some toys... They are in the room you slept in last time... Do you remember were that was?" Lana asks him and he nods smiling. "Can i go play?" Oscar asks and Lana nodded. "Yes, but i want you to keep the door open so i can hear you..." Lana said. "He can play in the living room... So, you can keep an eye on him..." I said and Lana smiled. "You can play in the living room..." Lana said smiling at Oscar and he ran off to appear a little later in the living room. 

"Thank you..." Lana said blushing as she hugged me. "Thank you for opening your home not only to me but to Oscar to and accepting him..." She whispered as she cuddled into me. "No thanks needed... I wouldn't have it any other way..." I said holding her tight and i could feel her relax. 

"I actually have a surprise for Oscar but i wanted to talk to you about it first..." I whispered and Lana looked up at me confused. "I bought him this big marble race set..." I said blushing and Lana chuckled shaking her head. "Chris i love that you want to spoil him... I really do... but please dont overdo it... He is just as happy if you spent time with him without buying him things..." She said looking at me smiling and i chuckled and nodded my head. "I just thought it would be fun to do together..." I whispered and Lana giggled. 

"Well how about this... If you go and give it to him... So, you can play with it together... I'll make dinner..." She said smiling and i let her go kind of excited to give Oscar his gift... but she pulled me back and kissed me passionately... "He can wait another minute..." She murmured into the kiss and i grinned kissing her again...

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