Chapter 91

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Lana pov

I am come back home late... Dinner went long but i had fun... I smile as Chris is asleep on the couch with a book open on his lap... I go quickly check on Oscar and the dogs lift their heads as i look inside his room...

I walk back to the living room and put the book away before pressing my lips to his and he wakes up... "Hey..." I say smiling as he looks so handsome even if he is just waking up all dazed... "Hey..." He says smiling back as he stretches himself out before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in his lap making me giggle. 

"I missed you today..." He murmurs kissing me and i giggle again... "Did you find a dress sweetheart..." He whispers and i smirk at him. "Maybe... Maybe not..." I say smiling kissing him again and he groans. "Did you have fun with Oscar today?" I whisper after breaking the kiss and leaning my forehead against his. 

Chris starts to chuckle and nods... "The little bugger had me almost jump out of my skin... Scott is teaching him all his scare tactics..." Chris says smirking and i chuckle. "You guys are going to drive me crazy with that..." I whisper and Chris smirks... "You like it... You and Scott always team up against me... But just so you know i got back up now..." Chris says and i chuckle again... "Bring it on baby..." I whisper in his ear and i squeal when he starts to tickle me holding me tight no way out of his grip... 

"Tell me something about your dress and i will stop..." Chris says with a smirk and i shake my head as he keeps on tickling me... "Stoooop Chris i am not telling you anything..." I squeal while trying to get out of his grip... "Not even a little hint..." He says pouting and i shake my head with a smirk on my face... "You just have to wait..." I say and kiss him... He sighs when we break the kiss and i smile at him... "I promise it will be worth the wait... Especially with what i had in mind underneath it..." I whisper in his ear, and he groans. "And what might that be princess..." He whispers back in a low growl... I smirk and plant a kiss in his neck below his ear before whispering "Nothing..." I say smirk on my face, and he groans again... 

"This is so not fair sweetheart..." Chris whines... and i giggle again... I kissed him and he smiled. "I can't wait to marry you sweetheart..." He whispered and i smiled back at him... "I can't wait to marry you to..." I whispered back and kissed him again... 

I squealed and giggled again when Chris stood up and lifted me with him walking us to the bedroom. I yawned as he was carrying me, and he chuckled. "Did you have fun today?" He whispered and i nodded smiling as he laid me down on the bed and crawled over me. "Yes, but the dress your brother had picked out...." I said shaking my head and Chris grinned. 

"What about it..." He whispered before kissing me again... "I was practically naked..." I whispered and Chris looked at me in horror... "Please tell me you are not walking down the aisle practically naked..." He whined and i laughed... "Of course, not..." I said and he let out a sigh... "Good because all this is only for me to see..." He said grinning and i chuckled. "Well... You just have to wait and see what i have picked out..." I said smirking knowing he was slowly pulling more and more details out of me and i needed to shut up... So i did the only thing i could think of and kissed him pulling him closer.

"How was your hike?" I whispered and Chris chuckled. "Oscar, Dodger and Bob were covered in mud when we came back..." Chris said and pulled out his phone showing me pictures... I laughed watching the pictures and videos of my two favorite guys and the dogs running around now a care in the world about getting dirty... "It seems you had a nice distraction..." I said smirking and Chris grinned. "I couldn't stay inside it was driving me crazy..." He whispers and i smile caressing his cheek. "I am sorry baby... But you really have to patient..." I whisper

"I know...It just driving me crazy..." Chris says letting out a sigh and i smile... "Next week it is my turn as you go tux shopping with Scott and Oscar..." I said smiling and he smirked... "I can't wait to see you standing at the altar in your suit or tux..." I whisper running my hand through his hair and Chris smiles... 

"I have a question about our wedding look..." Chris said and i looked at him a little hesitant of what is to come... "Shaved or not?" He said and i smiled. "Whatever you want..." I said and he smiled back... "Thank god for a moment i thought i had to go and shave..." He said kissing me and i giggled... "Chris you're a big boy you can decide for yourself what you want... I dont care either way you will look handsome..." I said smiling and he grinned. 

"Can we go to sleep... I am really tired... Your family was chaos today like usual..." I said smiling with a blush on my face and Chris smiled back pecking my lips before pushing himself up. 

We get off the bed and get ready for bed. I dont know why but i quickly went to check up on Oscar for one last time before heading to bed. I chuckle as he is sandwiched between Dodger and Bob... I walk back into the bedroom where Chris is already laying down so i smile and crawl next to him and i cuddle as close up to him as  i can. "I love you... You know that..." I say letting out a sigh and Chris moves and kisses me... "I love you to sweetheart..." He says smiling before laying back down again and both of us getting comfortable before drifting off to sleep with a smile on our faces...

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