Chapter 47

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Lana pov...

Chris had fallen asleep after we had been playing outside in the snow... I was still to hyped up... I listen to his steady breathing in the hope it would put me to sleep but nothing... I looked at the sleeping man beside me... God he was beautiful... Even in his sleep he was effortlessly handsome... But what i loved most about him was his heart... 

Everyday i couldn't believe how lucky he was... My relationship with Chris was like night and day compared to my relations ship with Kyle... Kyle was always angry and the only time i saw him smile was when he either verbally or physically was abusing me... He got pleasure out of my pain... my fear... Seeing me cry was his daily goal and then he would beat me because i was crying... In his word to give me something to cry about... 

Chris got his pleasure from seeing me smile from seeing me be happy... From having me close and touching me soft... loving... I never have heard him raise his voice... Except when he was excited... He was not afraid to show his emotions... not scared to cry... to be vulnerable... He was not afraid to admit when he was wrong or didn't understand something... 

He never ignored Oscar... He was patient with him... The smile on his face every time Oscar called him dad... You couldn't help but smile at that... Oscar loved Chris and Chris loved Oscar and i was so happy they got along so well... The other day Oscar was having an off day and after the third temper tantrum Chris sat him down and talked with him listening to him and letting him tell in a calm way why he was so frustrated... No scolding just listening, and it worked Oscar was feeling so much better and his mood improved...

Every night they would walk the dogs and have a little bonding time just the 2 of them and every day you could see their bond grow....

I sigh and check the clock and to my surprise it is already 6 in the morning... I look at Chris again and start to trace the tattoos on his chest with my index finger... I chuckle when he murmurs something i can't understand and i plant a kiss on his chest... He hums in his sleep and i have to suppress a giggle... 

Was i ever going to get bored of this? Was i ever going to get enough of touching him... Was i ever going to get enough of him touching me? Was i ever going to get enough of kissing him? No... I dont think so... 

I plant another kiss on his chest and another and another slowly kissing my way down... I carefully crawl between his legs and i have to suppress a groan as i can see he is hard... I plant a kiss on his dick through the fabric of his boxers... and again before carefully pulling them down... Just enough to free his dick and i grinned as he was still asleep. 

I run my tongue over his shaft before kissing he tip and i could hear Chris let out a little moan... I did it again and he moaned again half waking up... I wrapped a hand around his shaft and slowly started to pump him up and down... My own panties were now soaking... His little moans sending tingles through my body... He started to groan louder as twirled my tongue around his tip and he started to move a little... 

All of a sudden i could hear him take in a sharp breath and i felt the covers being lifted up... I looked up and he was awake watching what i was doing... I smirked at him and wrapped my lips around his dick before sucking him in my eyes never leaving his... 

"Shiiiit..." He groaned as i bobbed my head up and down taking him in deep... "Oh shit... Fuck..." He groaned again as i took him in deep holding still as i played with him with my tongue... 

I released him with a pop and crawled over him leaving a trail of kisses over his body before my lips found his... 

"Goodmorning..." I murmured into the kiss, and he smirked. "A very good morning sweetheart..." He said smirking and i giggled... I slowly started to rock my hips grinding on him and he groaned... I sat up reaching behind me pushing my panties to the side and lining him up with me... I lifted myself up a little before sinking down on him taking him balls deep...

I moaned as it felt amazing... Fuck he always makes me feel so full... I can feel every ridge every vein as his dick stretches me... I moaned and i grabbed my shirt pulling it over my head... "You are so beautiful..." Chris whispered as his hands went up my thighs over my hips... softly caressing every inch of me before he reached my tits... He cupped them and softly squeezed them making me groan... I kept moving as he kept massaging my tits... I groaned as i could feel the familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach grow making me moan softly. My breathing got heavier... and i picked up the pace a little bit... 

"Fuck baby you look so sexy riding me..." Chris groaned and i whimpered... I pulled at his shoulders, and he sat up wrapping his arm around my waist holding me close as he crossed his legs so i was now sitting in his lap our chests pressed together as i never stopped moving...

i cupped his face in both hands and kissed him passionately... "I love you..." I murmured into the kiss breathing heavy my orgasm not far away... "I love you to sweetheart..." He whispered back and i smiled... His hands lowered down to my ass, and he squeezed as he helped me rock back and forth on him faster... 

We were breathing heavy while our lips hovered over each other... "I am close baby... Can't hold out much longer..." Chris groaned and i smiled before kissing him again. And after moving back and forth on him for a few more times we both came moaning into our kiss... 

It was like fireworks exploding all throughout my body... I could feel him fill me up as his body shocked and he let out a low deep groan... He held me still and close our bodies pressed together... Our breathing was heavy, and our foreheads pressed together... "Well, this is my favorite way to wake up..." Chris mumbled after we had calmed our breathing a bit... I giggled and kissed him again... I could feel him get soft inside of me and i let out a little sigh missing the feeling of him stretching me... 

Chris laid down pulling me with him and i moved letting him slip out of me as i got comfortable on his chest and all of a sudden it was as if exhaustion took over and i could feel the little energy i had leave my body... 

My eyes were getting heavy and as Chris ran his hand up and down my back i finally fell asleep...

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