Chapter 192

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Chris pov...

Weeks went by... We are so content in our little bubble... I am almost ashamed to say that the only one who knows Lana is pregnant is Oscar... He was so excited... Not even my family knows... And we had talked with Oscar about keeping it a secret... He promised to tell no one not even the family... She is 20 weeks pregnant and tomorrow we are going to find out the gender... I am excited... Lana is glowing... She looks beautiful with her baby bump... fully healed, and the doctor and midwife have given the okay for a home birth saying Lana's body could handle it... If the baby and Lana stayed happy and healthy, we were going to do the whole home birth thing again and this time i was ready and not as nervous for it... 

The baby is healthy and strong, and we were just so happy... I was just so in awe with my wife... The better she got the more she started to be herself again... We talked a lot lying in bed cuddled up just talking about everything that happened... Sometimes it was difficult to hear what happened... We gotten word from the DA that she didn't need to testify... Which was to her relief as she had sworn to never go back there... But she told me that if she had to, she would... Determined to make them pay... But it was not necessary...

Kyle and her father being best buds during it all quickly turned on each other in interrogation... Unfortunately, they both survived... And Kyle to escape the death penalty confessed to the murder of Lana's mother telling that Lana's father had asked him to... In return he would help him abduct and keep Lana and him in his new home... When he heard he wouldn't get the money from the life insurance her father exploded as he had counted on it to get a good lawyer... He just couldn't understand why he didn't get it anymore... 

They both were being charged for murder, two counts of kidnapping and attempted murder... And would never spend another day in freedom... The doctors in the hospital had testified to the fact if Lana hadn't gotten out, when she did... She would have died from the internal bleeding... That was hard to hear and i just was so thankful she was still here... 

The thing Lana was struggling with the most was the fact that her mother died for wanting to leave... She was so proud of her mother that she finally had gotten the courage to leave... She was just sad that she had not been successful... That she would never meet her grandkids or me... That she never got to see how happy she was and how her life could have been... That she never would feel free and happy...  We had bought a beautiful urn and she now had a prominent place on the mantel... Maybe it was a little strange for some people but for Lana it was fulfilling a promise... Fulfilling her last wish of being with her daughter and grandkids... She had dug up one of the few pictures she had of her mother putting it next to the urn...  

And then there was Oscar... We had many talks with him... Explaining that he was nothing like his donor... He was scared he was going to be like his dad, and we explained that the fact he was scared of that proved he was nothing like him... He just said he didn't want him to be his dad anymore and we assured him he wasn't... Lana told him that i was his dad and that nothing would change that and that we loved him very much... I told him i loved him so much and that he was mine... That DNA didn't mean that much... I gently poked him in the chest and told him he had a good heart and then i tapped his head and told him he was a smart and clever boy who could never be like his donor...  Eventually we decided he was going back to therapy, and he seemed to be fine with that... He likes his therapist, and she was happy to make time for him again. 

I am on the phone with my team... I was supposed to promote the last movie i had shot... The movie Lana had pushed me to do... But they were very nice letting me do it via video calls... I had one big no and that was asking about everything that happened... Other than how are you and your family i wouldn't answer questions and let them know i would cut the video feed... 

I am talking with Jimmy Fallon as we are not yet taping when Lana appeared in the doorway with the biggest smile Maeve on her arm... "Watch this..." She said all excited and put Maeve down and my eyes grew big when Maeve started to stumble over to me in her little waddle... "Walking... She is walking..." I yell all excited forgetting i was on a video call... I stand up not caring anymore and crouch down holding out my arms... "Come to daddy... Come here princess..." I say in a high-pitched tone and Maeve squeals stumbling towards me and i hug her tight as she stumbles in my arms... "Wauw that was amazing..." I say kissing her little cheek and Maeve giggles squealing even harder as i tickle her... Lana smiles as i walk over to her and kiss her... "Sorry didn't want you to miss it..." She whispers and i smirk kissing her again... "Thank you..." I say and she wants to take Maeve, but Maeve doesn't want to and i smirk as Lana rolls her eyes... "Daddy's little princess..." She says smirking and i chuckle sticking my tongue out at her...

"Want to say hi to Jimmy?" I ask Maeve and she squeals again and i sit down behind my desk again with Maeve in my lap and Jimmy has the biggest smile on his face cooing trough the screen at her... A few minutes later i want to hand Maeve back as we are going to tape but she protests... I look at Lana who shrugs her shoulders and i give in keeping her in my lap asking Jimmy if he would mind... She winks at me and blows me a kiss and i smirk... 

Lana leaves and i laugh as Jimmy is all excited that Maeve is going to be part of this... We never bring our kids really into the spotlight but i can't help it she is too cute, and she seems to be totally happy and fascinated by everything happening on the screen... 

The interview goes great... The crowd is eating it up as Maeve keeps making little sounds waving at the camera and just being cute... He asks me how we are and i tell him we are all doing good Maeve squealing as to say yes... After the interview Jimmy thanks us and we close the laptop... "You little superstar..." I coo at Maeve and smile standing up walking back to the living room were Lana and Oscar are cuddled up and i groan as i see which movie they are watching both grinning at me as they see me... "Really?" I ask letting out a sigh... 

The movie the losers is playing on the TV and the scene in the elevator just ended... Lana bites her lips and Oscar just grins... Lana pauses the movie and looks at me as Oscar giggles "Hello Loser..." He says laughing and i am stunned for a minute... Oscar jumps up on the couch and i laugh when he starts to imitate a scene mocking me... Of course, the elevator scene... He sings the song at the top of his longs and when his is done i groan as he says... "Liking the angle of the dangle..." Mimicking my voice...shaking his hips and now it is Lana who laughs hard...

Lana is laughing tears running down her cheeks and Oscar smirks proud that he has made his mom laugh so hard... I grab him and start to tickle him... He squeals laughing and trying to get out of my grip and i laugh dropping us on the couch... After we have calmed down Lana starts the movie again and we watch the rest... Me groaning and Lana and Oscar laughing as i make a fool of myself on the screen...

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