Chapter 13

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Lana pov...

I come home and put the costume on Oscar's bed. I take Bob for a walk and then do some work. Every now and then i check my phone but nothing. I sigh and put my phone away because staring at it will only make me more anxious... My insecurities are not his problem they are mine... He has his own life and i can't expect him to just text me straight away all the time...

I concentrate on the illustrations for my new book and after working for a few hours it is time to go get Oscar from school. I put Bob in the car and drive to the school...  Oscar comes running towards me and i pick him up and give him a big hug. 

"Ready to go to the park with Bob?" I ask smiling and he nods. We drive to the park and Oscar tells me about his day. I smile and i am so happy he is having fun at school and making friends. I am glad we started over somewhere just before he started school, and he didn't have to start over in a new school but could start in a new school.

We arrived at the dog park and walked around and i thought this was the perfect timing to have a little talk. I sat down on a bench. 

"Can we have a little talk?" I asked Oscar and pulling him in my lap. "So, i think we need to have a little talk about you seeing mommy and Chris kiss..." I said taking a deep breath. "My friend Kelly from school said if people kiss, they are girlfriend and boyfriend... Is Chris your boyfriend?" Oscar asked and i took a deep breath. "I dont know yet sweetheart..." I said taking a deep breath. 

"But what i do know is that i love you very much... and that i will always love you not matter what..." I said and he smiled. "Would you like it if we saw Chris more?" I asked and Oscar nodded. "Chris is funny... and he plays with me... Daddy never did that..." He says looking sad. "I know sweetheart... I know..." I said letting out a deep breath. "Are you sad that you never see daddy anymore...?" I ask him and he shakes his head. 

"If daddy is bad... am i bad?" Oscar asked in a small voice and my heart broke.... "No of course not sweetheart... You are my sweet boy..." I said smiling and kissing his little head trying to not let him know that him asking that made me want to cry... "What kind of ice cream is your favorite..." I asked him and he smiled. "Chocolat..." He said with a big smile... "And what is mommy's favorite..." I asked him and he smiled again. "Banana..." He said pulling a face because he absolutely hated it. "See just because you are my son... doesn't mean we are the same... So that means just because daddy is not a nice person that you are not a nice person..." I said smiling and he smiled back at me. 

I dont know if it made sense or not but that is the best thing i could come up with right now to comfort him and reassure him, he was nothing like his father... And it is not a lie my little boy was sweet and caring compassionate... 

"But about Chris... Whatever happens between mommy and Chris... I love you very much and that will never change, okay? And we will have to see what will happen in the future... Mommy doesn't have all the answers either... Is that okay?" I ask him and he smiles and nods. 

"Now let's go home so you can see your Halloween costume..." I said smiling and Oscar jumped out of my lap. I called over Bob and we went to the car.  I drove us home and we got out of the car. 

"Hello dear..." I heard a voice say and i smiled as Ms. Davis was coming up to us. "Hello Ms. Davis. Say hello to Ms. Davis, Oscar..."  I said and he smiled. "Hello Ms. Davis... I am going to be an octopus for Halloween..."  Oscar said beaming and i chuckled. "You are... Well i can't wait to see it..." Ms. Davis said and he nodded. 

"How are you doing?" I asked her and she smiled. "I am good... but i should be the one to ask..." She said smirking. "Who was that hunk of a man over here the other day... You finally have someone snag you up..." She said still with a smirk on her face. "Just A friend..." I said blushing and her smirk grew even bigger. 

"Oscar take Bob inside mommy will be right there..." I said and Oscar ran inside with Bob. "A friend huh..." She said and i blushed even harder. "That's right..." I said and she smiled. "Dont worry dear... Your secret is safe with me...If you ever need a babysitter for date night just let me know..." She said winking at me and i chuckled. "Will do..." I said and we both said our goodbyes

Ms. Davis was the first to reach out from the neighbors... She was a sweet lady a bit nosy, but we really got along. Oscar adored her and she adored him... It was nice to have someone to talk to in a city where you dont know anyone and only have a 6-year-old to talk to... She had watched him before when Oscar hadn't started school yet and i had an appointment for work.  

Oscar was ecstatic when he saw his costume. I smiled as he wanted to try it on, and he looked absolutely adorable. I took a picture and made him take it off again. Oscar was not happy about it and looked at me pouting. 

While Oscar did his homework i made dinner and i checked my phone again but nothing... No text no phone call nothing... I sigh and turn off my phone... I didn't know how to handle this... Part of me was scared that he was angry for not sleeping with him... but that must not be it right? He told me it was okay and that he could wait... Or was that just something he said just to win me over. 

I sigh and try to push it out of my head. When i had finished dinner i called Oscar over and we ate together, and Oscar talked about school some more. After dinner i cleaned up while Oscar did the rest of his homework, and we watched a movie together after... 

I had put him to bed and turned my phone back on. I didn't want the phone to be off during the night just in case something would happen but there was still nothing from Chris and at this point i was getting annoyed... I did some more work to distract myself before going to bed. I had just laid down and turned off the light when my phone dinged. 

I just looked at the screen and read his text... He told me he couldn't wait to see Oscar Octopus... That he missed me, and Oscar and he asked how my day has been... I texted back a short reply that it had been good but that i was tired and going to bed... 

I sighed and closed my eyes and slowly after i fell in a restless sleep...

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