Chapter 157

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Lana pov...

I hum walking around the house cleaning... The boys are all out of the house and on set with Mackie and Seb... Maeve is sleeping, and the dogs are all tired out... It is nice to have some peace and quiet... A little me time... I can't remember the last time i had that... I was dancing along to the music totally in my own little world dusting and rearranging some stuff... I smile looking at our wedding picture on the mantel... The biggest smiles on our faces... It really was the best day of my life... I am so happy and if you asked me a few years ago i would be happily married i would have laughed in your face... 

When i look at pictures of the past i dont recognize myself because the woman in the pictures looks so different to the woman i see in the mirror now... Oscar is happy and thriving and that is all i ever wanted... I am so lucky he and Chris just clicked, and that Chris was willing to take up the responsibility for another man's kid... Even though Chris doesn't see him like that... In Chris his eyes Oscar is his and legally he is... Oscar never asks about his bio dad anymore... According to his therapist this was a good thing... He had a father figure in his life a positive role model and that made his bio dad a thing of the past... 

His therapist was very positive saying that she saw a positive change in Oscar and that she loved seeing that as she didn't see that often in her patients... We talked about the fact that Oscar was a little sad that Maeve was boring in his eyes, but she assured me as long as we kept involving him it would be fine... 

My phone dings and i smile seeing a picture of Mackie and Oscar appearing... Mackie is in full costume and Oscar is holding his shield with the biggest smile on his face... "Dont tell me you didn't hold the shield to... If only for a second..." I send back smirking and smile as a few seconds later Seb sends me a picture of Chris holding the shield... "The picture he didn't want you to see..." Seb sends me with a wink emoji and i laugh... I know that even when he says he is done with the role that he sometimes misses it... Maybe not the suit and everything that goes into playing Steve Rogers but the people around that... The fun he had with the other actors... I know he misses Seb and Mackie and that is why i asked them to stay her while in town... That and the fact that Oscar loves them...

I smirk looking at the picture... If only i was on social media i could break the internet... I know for sure that if anyone sees him on set and that comes out things will go crazy, and rumors will start to fly about it... 

"No i did not hold the shield..." Chris sends me and i laugh and send him the picture Seb send me... "Fine... I did..." He says with a blushing emoji and i grin at my phone... An idea pops in my head and i smirk walking to his office and i grab one of his shields off the wall... I walk to the bedroom and get undressed and after i set my phone up to take a picture hiding my naked body behind the shield... I do a few different poses and get dressed... I giggle watching the pictures and pick one to send to Chris... I put the shield back on the wall and walk to the nursery because Maeve started crying and i smile at my little girl... 

"Hello sweet girl..." I whisper and pick her up... I change her diaper and put her in some fresh clothes before walking to the living room and i sit down on the couch with her... I look at Bob who gets up from his spot and lays his head gently on Maeve and i smile stroking his head... He doesn't move as Maeve eats and i smile... "You are such a good boy..." I whisper...

After Maeve is done eating i burp her before i put her down in the play box and smile as she coos at the mobile above it... My phone dings and i smirk as all the text says... "Fuck!" I put my phone away not responding... I do some preparations for dinner and after that i look around the house... I feel a little lost... What to do... I have had so little me time that i dont know what to do with myself... 

I sigh and look around... "What to do... What to do..." I mumble and i see the book i had started months ago and pick it up but i can't put myself to reading it... Chris had done all the heavy housework yesterday... I just can't seem to relax and entertain myself anymore... My phone dings again and i smile... "What are you doing right now..." The text says and i chuckle... "Nothing..." I send him back... "I wish i was doing you..." I follow up smirking and i sit down...

"Oh yeah... Tell me..." He texts back and i giggle... "First you kiss me until i can't breathe... I want to feel your big strong hands all over my body..." I sent back and i wait eagerly for a response... "I would kiss you all over sweetheart... I would worship your body... Fuck i want you so bad... You have me so hard right now..." He sends back and i smirk... "If you were here i would ride you... Ride that big dick of yours... God i miss the feeling of you inside of me... stretching me so good... hitting just the right spot over and over again until i cum screaming your name..." I send back and i stand up as i feel flushed... 

"I am coming home..." He responds and i giggle... I look at Maeve and pick her up it is nap time anyway and i change her for bed putting her down before quickly walking to our bedroom and changing in something more... appropriate... while i wait for my husband...

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