Chapter 108

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Lana pov...

I am laying with my legs spread eagle... Chris his hands are playing with my boobs as he is sucking on my clit... And fuck i am in heaven... Pleasure is sourcing through my body... The combination of him twisting and turning my nipples his beard tickling my thighs and his tongue and lips toying with my pussy with the sounds of him slurping up all my juices makes my brain melt... 

I am clutching the sheets the knot in the pit of my stomach is building... I am sure i am going to see stars at any moment... My pussy is throbbing like crazy, and my body starts to shake and shudder...  He hums and the vibrations ad another dimension and it is too much... "Oh... oooh... Sh... shit..." I murmur in a moan as my orgasm washes over me my body is now shaking, and my eyes roll in the back of my head... 

I am still in a daze when i feel Chris crawling over me and before i can even register what is happening i can feel him thrust into me... He grabs my hands pushing them above my head his body now flush against mine melting together as we move in perfect sync... 

"Fuck sweetheart you feel so good... around my cock..." He groans in my ear and i moan in response... "God i love you so much sweetheart... My beautiful wife... So perfect..." He whispers in my ear and i groan... 

"I love you to Chris..." I moan... He keeps moving slow... Sweet... Slowly building the pleasure inside of me again. Thrusting into me over and over slow and steady again and again... He kisses me until i am out of breath... "You always make me feel so good..." I whisper... and he smiles at me and kisses me again... "Promise me it will always be like this..." I murmur and he smiles again... "I promise sweetheart..." He whispers and i squeeze his dick hard as those words send me over the edge making my cum... It is like fireworks exploding all through my body and he curses loudly...

He growls loudly as his thrusts get sloppy and soon, he finds his own release... his cum filling my pussy... 

I groan when he pulls out and rolls on his back pulling me in his arms.... I look at the clock and groan because in about 30 minutes or, so we are expected to show up for brunch with the whole family... After that we are leaving to go on our honeymoon and as much as i am looking forward to it... The thought of leaving Oscar for 2 weeks has me a bit sad... I know he is going to be in good hands with Carly... But still i was going to miss him... Scott was going to stay at our place to look after the dogs... At first the plan was to make them part of our special day but ultimately, we decided against it to not stress them out with so many people around... 

Still 2 uninterrupted weeks with my husband sounded like heaven no matter where we were going... "What is going on in that pretty head of yours..." Chris murmurs kissing the top of my head and i sigh. "Just thinking about the honeymoon... I am excited but also going to miss Oscar..." I whisper and Chris pulls me a bit closer. "He will have the time of his life at Carly's sweetheart..." He murmurs and i smile. "I know... I have no doubt about it..." I said and i lifted my head and kissed him again. 

"We should get out of bed and get ready for brunch..." I whisper and Chris groans making me chuckle... After lying in bed for a few more minutes i get out of bed and walk into the shower. A few moments later i feel 2 arms snakes around my waist and i smile...

We take a shower together and get dressed and after packing our suitcase and 20 minutes late we make our way to the dining room where the family is already waiting. 

"Mom! Dad!" Oscar squeals and runs up to us and i hug him tightly. "Did you have fun at the kid hotel?" I ask him and he nods with a big smile... He then hugs Chris who lifts him up and we walk to the table to sit down.  

We greet everyone and soon thereafter all sorts of food are being placed on the table... It all looks amazing. I smile looking around the table as everyone is talking about yesterday... I smile proudly as everyone tells us how beautiful everything was... 

"Are you excited for your honeymoon?" Shanna asks and i smile nodding... "I am but it kills me not knowing where we are going..."  I say and Chris chuckles... "Trust me sweetie you will love it..." Lisa says and i smile at her... "You know to?" I ask and she smirks and nods. 

Brunch is amazing everything is so tasty... But now it is really time to say goodbye because outside a driver is waiting to take us to the airport... Our bags are already in the car for the honeymoon the rest Scott is taking back to our house... After hugging the whole family i pull Oscar in my lap hugging him tight telling him how much i love him and how much we are going to miss him... I tell him to listen to his Aunt and Uncle and to be a good boy... He promises and hugs me again and then it is finally time to go...

Chris takes my hand and while the family waves us off, we get in the car... The family had put all sorts of decorations on the car but security had advised to take it off so the press would not be able to know if we were in that car or not... 

We drove out of the gate and the press was still there... "They are persistent... I'll give them that..." I mumble and Chris chuckles... "Vultures..." He mumbles back and takes my hand kissing the back of it. 

I gasp when we arrive at an airstrip and a private jet is waiting... "We are flying private?" I ask Chris looking at him shocked and he nods with a big grin on his face... I was totally expecting to go to the airport... "I never have flown private..." I mumble and Chris chuckles... "I thought it would be nice... It is more private, and we have a better chance of staying under the radar..." I look at him and smile... 

The car stops and Chris helps me out and some people take our luggage into the plane... I am a bit nervous as Chris takes my hand and walks me into the plane... 

"Relax sweetheart... and just enjoy the flight..." He whispers in my ear after we have sat down... I sigh and lay my head on his shoulder and i close my eyes... I give in and let out a sigh... 

We have to buckle in, and the plane starts to move and soon we are up in the air... As soon as we are up in the air i unbuckle and get comfortable laying my head in Chris his lap... I hum as he plays with my hair and soon i doze off... 

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