Chapter 158

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Chris pov...

"Hey i need to go... Can you watch Oscar for a few hours maybe take him out to dinner with Mackie after he is done?" I ask Seb as we are watching Mackie talking to the director before they do the run through of his scene... Seb was already done for the day, and we were hanging out watching Mackie do his last scene of the day... "Uh yeah sure... Everything alright?" He asks and i smirk... "Yeah... Lana needs my help with something..." I say smirking and Seb starts to laugh... "Has this got something to do why you were grinning at your phone..." He says smirking and i chuckle... 

"Hey bud... I am going home... You are staying with Mackie and Seb okay... They will take you to dinner anywhere you like..." I say and i look at Seb smirking... Seb rolls his eyes and i chuckle again... "Okay dad..." He says not even looking at me too caught up in what is happening on set... He is loving it here... 

I kiss the top of Oscar's head before hugging Seb... "Remember... She can get pregnant again even though she is breast feeding..." He says smirking and i blush but laugh patting his back... "Bye Oscar see you later..." I say walking off and i chuckle when he doesn't even answer again to caught up in everything happening around him... 

I get to my car and thank the lord we drove in separately... I didn't want to be stuck here in case Oscar would be bored... I make my way home and the house is quiet... Lana is not in the living room... The dogs are not here either and i walk into the hallway... I open the nursery and smile... Maeve is sleeping, and the dogs are laying in front of the crib not even looking up to acknowledge me...

"Hello stranger..." I hear behind me and i turn around and take in a sharp breath as Lana is standing there is a black set of lingerie... "Fuck..." I mumble and she giggles... I walk over to her and cup her face pulling her into a kiss not wasting time as i walk her back into the bedroom... "You look... Wauw..." I murmur into the kiss and Lana smiles... "You look to dressed..." She murmurs back as she is pulling on my shirt and i grin pulling it over my head throwing it aside... 

I kiss her again and grin into the kiss as she starts to unbutton my pants and pulling down the zipper... "Someone is eager..." I mumble and she lets out a little sigh... "Eager for my husband..." She whispers and i chuckle, but my chuckle quickly turns into a gasp as i feel her hand glide into my pant stroking me up and down over my boxers... "I am not the only one who is eager..." She whispers as i grow hard under her touch... 

"Fuck you drive me crazy Mrs. Evans..." I growl and she smiles... "Well, what are you going to do about it Mr. Evans..." She whispers and i growl picking her up and throwing her on the bed... "What am i going to do about it... I remember someone saying she wanted to ride me..." I say grinning and she giggles sitting up and pulling me on the bed and guiding me to lay down... 

I watch her as she pulls my pants off and remove my boxers... She then gets off the bed and quickly gets rid of her lingerie throwing it over her shoulder not caring were it lands, and she crawls over me straddling me... my dick laying between her folds, and she smirks at me... She leans down and kisses me and i cup her face... "Dont force things sweetheart... Take your time... I dont want you to hurt yourself..." I whisper and she smiles and kisses me again... 

It has been a while and although i didn't have anything to complain about because while we couldn't have sex after she gave birth, she made sure to keep me satisfied sucking me off or giving me sneaky hand jobs under the blankets on the couch while we watched a movie at night... She didn't have to... I gladly would have waited until she was healed but i wasn't going to stop her when she instigated it... 

She sits up and puts her hands on my chest as she slowly starts to rock her hips back and forth grinding on my dick and i groan... I put my hands on her boobs, but she takes them and shakes her head before guiding my hands to her ass... She blushes and i squeeze her ass to let her know it is okay and i understand they are sensitive seeing as she is still breast feeding... She moans and pushes herself up and lines me up before slowly and gently sinking down on me... She moans not taking me all the way yet and pauses for a second... "Sweetheart... We dont have to..." I start to say but she puts her hand over my mouth... She sinks down further and i groan as she is feeling amazing around my dick... 

She whimpers as i am now fully buried inside of her and she pauses for a second... "Fuck i forgot how big you are... feels so fucking good... God i missed this..." She whimpers and she slowly starts to move... She is rocking her hips back and forth softly moaning and she looks amazing on top of me riding me... 

She keeps rocking her hips back and forth and i watch her totally mesmerized by her... her hands on my chest steadying herself as she moves a little faster back and forth back and forth... I moan as it feels fucking good and i close my eyes reveling in the feeling of her tight pussy around my dick... I take a deep breath to control my body because fuck it feels good and i dont want to cum... Not yet... 

But i quickly open my eyes as i feel her move and she changes her movement and is now bouncing up and down on my dick moaning... "Thats it sweetheart... Use me... Make yourself come..." I groan loudly because it takes everything in me not to cum... I thought i would last longer the first time after Maeve was born but fuck feeling her around my dick again has send my body in overdrive... I fucking missed this... 

I move my hand and rub her clit gently wanting her to cum and she whimpers... "Fuck Chris..." She whines... "Dont stop going to cum... Just like that... Feels so fucking good..." She mumbles moaning as she slams down on me harder making me groan... "Fuck sweetheart i am right there with you..." I growl and after she slams down on me a few times more we come together... She screams my name before collapsing on my chest breathing heavy... "Fuck Lana..." I mumble wrapping my arms around her holding her tight and she giggles... She hums and lets out a sigh...

All of a sudden, she sits up and looks at me... "Where is Oscar?" She asks and i laugh... "Dont worry... Seb is watching him while Mackie finishes his last scene, and they are taking him out to dinner after... So we have some time..." I say smirking and she smiles and leans down kissing me before laying down on my chest again relaxing... 

"Now about that picture..." I mumble and she giggles...

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