Chapter 148

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Chris pov...

I smile as Lana is moving around the kitchen with her boot on and her knee scooter... She was in a much better mood now that she was able to move around more... "Dad, are you coming... You promised!" Oscar yelled and i chuckled hearing a splash... 

I was a beautiful sunny day... I walk outside and grin... "Watch this..." I say and i do a backflip in the pool... "Teach me..." Oscar squeals and i grin... I let him step on my hands so he can try to do a back flip in the pool while he pushes off of me... I look up and smile... Lana was laying on one of the lounge chairs in her bikini enjoying the sun while i was playing with Oscar in the pool... The dogs were running around the pool watching us... She was rubbing her belly absentmindedly while reading a book... She looks so beautiful... 

"Be right back buddy..." I said to Oscar who was now splashing Bob and Oscar who were running around the pool... I got out of the pool... Lana looked at me smiling as i sat down next to her... I grabbed the bottle of sunscreen and she chuckled. 

 The bruises were gone and other than the cast there was no physical reminder from what happened... "I already put sunscreen on..." She said smiling at me... "Never can be too safe..." I said smirking and i put some on my hand before rubbing it on her belly... I chuckled as our girl kicked... "If you never can be too safe maybe put some more sunscreen on our son..." She said smirking and i kissed her belly... 

"Oscar! Come here for a second..." I yelled and i heard him come out of the pool and come over to us... He protested as i put sunscreen on him... When i am done he runs back to the pool jumping in. He loves the pool and on a hot day as this i dont mind joining him... I look at Lana who is buried in her book again and i take it out of her hands... I leaned in and kissed her... "Dont you want to join us in the water?" I ask her and she looks at me as if i said something incredibly stupid... 

"No thank you i am enjoying the sun... You boys have fun..." She says cupping my face and kissing me again... "Daaaaad..." Oscar yells as i rub Lana's belly again and she chuckles... "Better get back to the water..." She whispers and i smirk standing up. 

I jump back in the pool... and the rest of the afternoon is spend playing with Oscar in the pool... At the end of the afternoon, it is time to get out... I tell Oscar to go take a shower and put on some clothes... I sit down next to Lana and smile watching her as she is totally caught up in her book... "What if i start up the grill an make us some burgers..." I say and Lana looks at me smiling... "That sounds like heaven..." She says smiling... I stand up and kiss her... "Can you get me another drink?" She murmurs into the kiss and i chuckle. 

I walk to the kitchen and get her another drink... I bring it to her and then get back to the kitchen to get everything ready for dinner. I smile as Oscar runs back outside freshly showered and dressed... 2 seconds later he runs back in and stops... "Mom says you are making dinner... Can i help?" He asks and i smile nodding handing him some of the ingredients to carry outside. Oscar knows by now if i am making dinner that is either grilling outside or something breakfast related... He loves grilling or maybe he just loves doing it together... 

We put everything on the counter of the outdoor kitchen... "Chris before you start can you help me up... I need to pee and put on something warmer..." Lana says and i smile. I help her up and chuckle watching her go inside... Even with the knee scooter she still waddled a little...

After grilling the burgers, we eat together outside. I smile looking at Lana and Oscar as they are laughing and joking together. Today has been a great day... An amazing day... Today was a day filled with laughter and joy...and above all peace... Lana had been smiling the whole day and that was a first not a day had gone by that she did not have a little moment... But today she was relaxed and seemed content laying in the sun reading... Physically the only thing showing something was wrong was the boot on her leg. Mentally was a different story... 

She didn't want to leave the house... The only times she left was for checkups for her and the baby... But it was hell for her... She was so anxious that she held onto me so tight my arms bruised... Even with the security detail she didn't like going out looking around for paparazzi and she had a feeling everyone was looking at her... 

She didn't like the security guys... She absolutely hated them... She found them cold and didn't like the fact that they always wore sunglasses, and she couldn't see their eyes... That she couldn't judge them without seeing their eyes... She just found them scary even after they introduced themselves... She didn't want to go out for breakfast or dinner... She kept saying as soon as she could walk without help, she would go out again claiming it was too much of a hassle now... But i could see it in her eyes she was scared every minute she was outside... 

I told myself to let it go... I wasn't going to force her to go outside... As long as she and our girl were safe i was happy... It was not like she was refusing to go to the checkups... When it came to our little girl, she did everything to keep her safe and healthy... 

But like i said... Today was an amazing and beautiful happy day...

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