Chapter 11

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Lana pov...

I wake up alone in the big bed. I stretch myself out but when i look at the time i sit up in a panic... It is 10 in the morning... I slept to 10 in the morning... I want to get out of ben and check up on Oscar as i know he must be awake for a long time already. But just as i am about to i hear giggling coming from the hallway and I hear Chris chuckle. "She is going to be very surprised buddy..." I can hear Chris say and i smile they are up to something so i quickly lay back down and pretend to be asleep. 

I can feel 2 small hands on my face and hear Oscar giggling. It takes everything in me to not laugh and keep a straight face... "Mommy wake up..." He whispers and i slowly open my eyes. "Good morning sweetie..." I say smiling and Oscar has this proud look on his face. "Morning mommy... Chris and i made you breakfast..." He says glowing with pride. I smile and turn around and blush as i see Chris standing there with a tray in his hands. 

I sit up and smile. "You did?" I say all excited to Oscar pulling him on the bed and hugging him. I look at Chris and smile. I hug Oscar a bit tighter and put him beside me in the bed. Chris smiles and puts the food in front of me. "You guys did all this for me?" I ask and i can feel myself get emotional. "Yes!!" Oscar squeals... "Well thank you both..." I say and Chris smiles and lays down beside me and Oscar. I chuckle as they watch me eat.

"So, i was thinking..." Chris said looking at Oscar and i... "Have you two been to the aquarium already?" Oscar and i both shake our head and Chris smiles. "Well better eat and get ready then because  i am taking you two to the aquarium..." He says and Oscar stands up and starts jumping on the bed all excited. 

I eat my breakfast help Oscar to get ready and after that i get ready myself while Chris walks the dogs with Oscar. It is weird being able to get ready without Oscar running in all the time asking a hundred things... Or having to wake up at ten and then getting breakfast in bed... It is all so new... It is nice... but it feels strange... Even with Oscars dad everything was up to me he never did anything... Even when he had a day off, he would either go out with friends or play video games totally flipping out if Oscar and i would disturb him in any way... 

In the back of my mind i kept telling myself that this wouldn't last either... This was all new to Chris, so it was still fun and exciting... Once it was not something new anymore it would change i was sure of it... But for now, i was going to enjoy it... Oscar was loving it and a visit at the aquarium sounded like something Oscar would really enjoy... 

I did tell myself to have a little talk with Oscar at home tonight to just to see what he was thinking about all of the situation and to see if maybe we should schedule therapy sessions once a week... Maybe i should talk it over with his therapist to see what she thinks... I shake my head an let out a sigh. Stop overthinking and just enjoy today... It is not a bad thing to have some fun... He promised that whatever happened that he would be there for Oscar and i just needed to trust he was going to keep that promise whatever would happen between us... 

I am finished getting ready and walk into the living room and look around not really knowing what to do... But i hear the front door open and close and smile as Oscar comes running in with the dogs and Chris following closely behind. 

"Are you ready for the aquarium?" I ask him and Oscar smiles jumping up and down. "Chris says they have a big fish you can pet..." Oscar squeals and i chuckle... "Well, what are we waiting for... lets go..." I say as he has infected me with his excitement. 

We drive by my place first to drop of our stuff and Bob so Chris can take us home after the aquarium... Oscar has school tomorrow and i wanted to keep to my schedule and not disrupt that... Besides i had some work to do myself. I was working on my next book and i had my own therapy appointment and a meeting with my publisher. 

I quickly dropped everything off inside while Chris waited in the car with Oscar. I grab some snacks for Oscar in case he gets hungry and make my way back to the car. Oscar is one ball of excitement as we make our way to the aquarium. We arrive and Oscar squeals as he sees the seals at the entrance... After watching them for a while we make our way in. To my surprise Chris had already bought tickets online and we could walk right in. 

The first stop is the sharks and stingrays, and Oscar is in awe looking at them. He is a bit hesitant and i smile as Chris takes his hand and gets down to his level asking him if he wants to touch them together.  I just watch smiling as they go to the edge and Chris shows him that it is not scary at all... I take a quick picture of it and i can't help but feel emotional. Seeing Chris and Oscar interact is the cutest thing ever. 

After a while we walk further, and Oscar is overly excited and in awe as he sees all the beautiful fish and tanks. We see pinguins and sealions. Oscar waves at one of the sea lions and giggles as one of them seems to wave back. 

We walk around and i tell Oscar to stay were i can see him. "Thank you for this..." I say blushing at Chris, and he smiles taking my hand in his as we follow Oscar. "No problem i love the aquarium... I am having fun..." Chris says smiling. We keep following Oscar and i can't help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside because he doesn't let go of my hand... "Look mommy!!" Oscar yells pointing at the big octopus... I let go of Chris his hand and walk up to Oscar and get down to his level telling him about the octopus. He hugs me and i smile as we watch the octopus move through the tank...

We watch all the fish in the big ocean tank and Oscar is just loving all of it and Chris has already got my hand back in his. Oscar is overly excited pointing out all the fish and turtles asking a hundred questions and we just answer them the best that we can... 

At the end of our visit Chris stops us at the giftshop and Oscar get to pick something out. I roll my eyes and shake my head and Chris just grins at me. "You are spoiling him..." I say and he shrugs his shoulders. "I just want him to have something to remember today..." Chris says and i smile. 

Oscar comes running back with a big stuffed Octopus and Chris chuckles. He walks with Oscar to the counter to pay and i wait outside. 

"Ready to go home?" Chris asks and i nod. We walk back to the car and i smile as Oscar is squishing the life out of the stuffed octopus... I put him in his car seat and after we are all in the car we drive back to my place. 

We order dinner and i let Bob in the yard. Oscar is watching Sponge bob still holding on to the stuffed octopus. "Oscar and i really had fun today..." I say wrapping my arms around Chris his waist and laying my head on his chest and i can feel him take a deep breath. "I had fun to..." Chris whispers and he kisses the top of my head. 

We eat dinner and Oscar can barely stay awake. I just smile as his eyes keep falling shut. I chuckle and tell Chris that i am taking him to bed. I tuck him in and put the stuffed octopus in his arms smiling as it is the cutest thing ever. 

I walk back into the living room and Chris smiles. "I should go home..." Chris says smiling sadly at me and i nod. He walks over to me and kisses me. I melt into the kiss and do my best to suppress a moan... "I had a really fun time this weekend..." He says smiling after we break the kiss and i nod. "We had to... Thank you..." I say and he smiles. 

I walk him to the front door and sigh. He looks at me and smiles. "I'll text you tomorrow..." He says and give him a little smile nodding. "Can you text me when you get home safe..." I whisper and he smiles nodding. 

We kiss again and i watch him walk off to the car and drive away waving one more time... I sigh and close the door leaning against it. I look around the house... Bob is looking at me weird and i chuckle. 

About half an hour later Chris texts me that he is home and i smile at the text. We text for a little bit and after i said goodnight  i cleaned up the house a bit and made lunch for Oscar tomorrow i go to bed myself. 

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