Chapter 87

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Lana pov...

"What is the number of guests we are on now?" I ask Chris as we are sitting at the kitchen table going over the guestlist. "159..." Chris says smiling and i sigh... Chris has so many people he wants to invite that i was scared that the elegant... intimate wedding would not be possible... But i wanted him to be happy... It was not just my day... Maggie needed a number to help with the search for a venue... I had told Chris that the max was 150 but fine 159 it is... Not everyone was probably able to come... 

Let's just find a venue that can hold all those people first... I thought to myself... "I will tell Maggie to look at venues that can hold up to 200 people..." I mumbled and Chris stood up... He pulled me up and sat down with me in his lap... "Do you think it is too much?" He asks and i shake my head... "No... I just want to make sure it is still elegant and intimate... I never in a million years would have thought that there would be so many people at my wedding... I just have to let it sink in..." I whisper and Chris smiles. 

"Everyone will be there for you to... They will be there for both of us..." Chris whispers and i smile. He kisses me and i sigh... "It's okay... As long as i get to marry you... I dont care..." I whisper and Chris kisses me again.  "I am excited to go dress shopping though..." I whisper and Chris grins... "Are you sure i can't come along...?" He whispered and i chuckled. "NO... You have to wait until i walk down the aisle..." I said smirking... "Your mom and sisters agree..." I said and Chris groans... 

"Can't believe my mom and sisters get to see it... and i dont..." He whines and i chuckle. "Dont forget Scott..." I whisper and Chris looks at me with big eyes... "He gets to see to!?" Chris said whining again and smirked nodding my head. "But he is MY best man..." Chris said letting out a sigh... "Yes, and he goes with you... for your suit so he needs to know about my dress... So, he can make sure you get something that matches me..." I said and Chris sighed giving in. "Fine..." He mumbled... I chuckled... "How old were you again?" I ask and Chris looks at me with his mouth open... 

"41..." Chris mumbles... and i giggle... "I keep forgetting you are an old man already..." I say and start laughing as he looks at me shocked. "Well, you little..." He says smirking and starts to tickle me... I squeal and start laughing trying to get out of his grip... "Okay... Okay...Okay..." I squeal and Chris stops and kisses me... "Dont worry baby... You are my sexy... old man..." I say when we break the kiss and quickly get off his lap and i ran off... 

I squeal as he catches up and in one swift move, he lifts me up and throws me over his shoulder... He is just about to walk to the bedroom when we hear the front door open and close, and Lisa appears and i giggle... Chris puts me down and we both look at Lisa who is smirking at us... "What is going on here...?" She asks and i giggle again. 

"Ma she is teasing me..." Chris whines and i roll my eyes... "Okay you are not an old man... But a little boy running to his mommy..." I say and i start laughing hard almost doubling over because the look on his face is priceless... I look at Lisa who laughs with me... 

"Unbelievable... My future wife and my mother ladies and gentlemen..." Chris says all dramatic. Lisa and i start laughing even harder... I take Lisa by the arm and still laughing i walk her to the kitchen leaving Chris behind. "We were making the guestlist..." I say smiling as i let Lisa go and start making tea... "What is the number?" Lisa asks and Chris joins us. "159..." I say smiling and Lisa nods. 

"Are you looking forward to go venue shopping tomorrow?" Lisa asks and i nod. "Yes, very much so... I hope we find something that goes with the fall theme..." I say blushing and Lisa smiles. "I think Maggie will come through..." Lisa says smirking and i chuckle.  She was present with our last appointment where we talked more details.... and just like Chris and i she liked Maggie...

"I made an appointment for dress shopping next week..." I say blushing and Lisa's face lights up... "I am so excited and honored to come with you..." She says and i blush... "I have to admit that i am excited to..." I whisper. 

"I still think it is not fair i can come along... Even Scott goes with you guys..." Chris says pouting and i roll my eyes. "Oh hush... Scott is not the groom..." Lisa says smirking and i giggle. Chris sighs and gives up. "Have you guys thought about the night before the wedding? Who is going to stay somewhere else?" Lisa asks and i look at her stunned... 

"We haven't thought about that yet..." I whisper and Chris starts to protest... "No ma that is not necessary..." He says and takes in a deep breath... "Oh yes, it is... It is tradition... and bad luck to see the bride the day before the wedding..." She says sternly and i smirk looking at Chris who is now pouting even more... 

"So, i was thinking... If you want Lana... you can stay with me... Carly and Shanna will come to, and we can have a girl's night..." Lisa says smiling and i smile back. "Sounds like a plan..." I say smiling. 

"Noooo..." Chris says pouting and i walk over to him wrapping my arms around his shoulders. "Listen to your mommy... and i will make it worth your while on our wedding night..." I whisper in his ear, and he sighs... "Fine..." He mumbles. I chuckle and pat his cheek... "Good boy..." I say smirking and Chris scoffs shaking his head. "I am going to pick up Oscar from school... I am taking Dodger and Bob with me..." He says pouting and kisses my cheek before walking out. "LOVE YOU!" I yell after him smirking. "LOVE YOU TO..." He yells back and i chuckle and Lisa just smiles.

"Did you bring it?" I ask Lisa when i heard the front door close... She smiles nodding and pulling out a stack of bridal magazines from her bag.... I take our tea's and walk to the living room, and we get comfortable on the couch to look through them to orientate for wedding dresses...  

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