Chapter 102

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Chris pov...

"Nervous for tomorrow?" Scott asked after i just had put Oscar to bed... I took a deep breath. "Yes and no... Nervous about marrying Lana... No... Nervous about everything going like the way we want it... Yes..." I said letting out a deep sigh. "It will be okay... Maggie knows what she is doing... Security is top notch, and everything will look absolutely beautiful..." Scott said and i smiled. "I just want it to be everything she had dreamed off.... She deserves that..." I whisper and Scott looks at me smiling. 

After we had gone to bed i lay there staring at the ceiling until my phone pings... It is Lana telling me she can't sleep... I call her and we stay on the line until we are both had fallen asleep...

I smile when i wake up and the line is still open and i can hear her soft breathing... I hang up the phone and walk to the kitchen were Scott and Oscar are already up and cooking breakfast...

Oscar is jumping up and down all excited to wear his tux today... We eat breakfast and just lounge about for a little bit... I answer some texts from friends... They have all checked in the hotel... A little while later when we are about to leave i get a text from Lana telling me about the sea of press on the road towards the venue... I assure her that it will all be okay, and that security can handle it... 

I hope i am not lying to her... Knowing the paparazzi, they will try anything... And i thank God that everything is indoors so that even if they would bring out the helicopters there was nothing to see... 

Everything would be private... The only thing people would get to see is what we wanted them to see... We had agreed that after we would be back from our honeymoon, we would release one of the wedding pictures... I started to wonder about her dress again and i was just so excited to finally see her... I was sure she was going to be the most beautiful bride ever... 

We get all our stuff together and make our way to the venue... Lana had not been exaggerating when she said there was a sea of press... We drive through the gate and to the back of the building. We get greeted by the owners and i smile when they tell me Lana and my ma and sisters are already here and getting ready... 

They bring me to the room where we are going to get ready... Oscar is jumping on the bed and i chuckle. "Get off the bed buddy... I dont want you to fall off and get hurt..." I say and he pouts but gets off. Last thing i want is having to go to the hospital with Oscar... 

There is a knock on the door and the hair guys are here and i smile as they help Oscar doing his hair and he looks all proud in the mirror showing off... We get dressed and just when i put on my jacket there is a knock on the door... Scott opens up and i smile when Mackie, Seb and Robert walk in... 

Oscar who never had met Robert looks at him with big eyes and Robert smiles at him... He walks over to me and is a bit shy as he just clings to me. "You must be Oscar..." Robert says getting down to his level and i smile when he nods shyly... "Nice to meet you i am Robert..." He says and all Oscar whispers in response is "Iron man..." And Robert grins. 

We all greet each other, and Oscar gets a little more comfortable... "You both are all looking sharp..." Roberts says pointing out the matching tuxes from Oscar and i and i smile... There is another knock on the door and Maggie appears telling us she needs Oscar for a minute and i look at her confused. Maggie tells me Lana needs him and i nod letting him go with her. 

"He really is a cute kid..." Robert says and i smile and nod. "Are you ready to get married?" Seb asks with a smirk on his face and i nod... "Never been more ready for anything in my life..." I say and they all look at me and smile. "You should have seen them yesterday when we were separating them... Like we were killing them..." Scott jokes and i blush... 

After talking a bit more Seb, Mackie and Robert leave to get to their seats... It is almost time... I take another deep breath and put my vows in my pocket just in case... I look at Scott who is chuckling. "What?" I ask and he holds up a packet of tissues... I roll my eyes... "What... Like you are not going to cry when she walks down the aisle..." Scott says teasing me and chuckle again...

He is probably right... The nerves are getting worse and i take another deep breath... There is a knock on the door and Maggie appears telling me it is time to get in place... Scott and i make our way to the front and i wave to a few people... The nerves are getting to me and i feel anxious... I smile when i see ma and Shanna sitting in the front seat... They look amazing... Everyone looks amazing they all kept within the color pallet we had asked... It is a sea of fall colors... Greens... Yellows and Oranges... Scott was right the red tux really stood out... The venue looks absolutely stunning and everything is just perfect... 

I nervously keep eyeing the door where Lana will come through... I smile watching my family in the front seat... Ryan and Carly's kids all dressed up on their best behavior... Shanna and ma... And then i realize... Oscar is not here... Why is he not here...?  I think to myself. 

"Where is Oscar?" I ask Scott and he chuckles. "Just wait and see..." Scott mumbles and i nod... I look into the crowed and i chuckle when i see Hemsworth, Renner and Ruffalo sticking up their thumbs at me pulling funny faces... They all brought their family's... Scarlet, Colin and their kids sitting next to him... the kids giggling at them... Robert and his wife and kids sitting behind my family... My friends from growing up are here... I am just so happy... Everyone loves Lana and were so excited when i told them i was going to get married. 

There are so many people... Everyone is here that we invited... I am in my own world for a bit as i try to calm my nerves... That is until music starts to play the doors open and Carly comes walking out... She smirks at me when she reaches the end and steps up opposite of me...

Then the music starts again, and the doors open again.... 

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