Chapter 134

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Chris pov...

"Welcome back to the show buddy... It has been a while..." Jimmy says and i smile wave at a few more people and turn my attention to Jimmy... "It has... I think roughly 2 years..." I say smiling and he nods... "Yeah i guess so and i must say you have been busy..." Jimmy says smirking and i smirk back. "I guess i have..." I say letting out a chuckle. 

"Let's sum it up...You met your lovely wife... Adopted her son... asked her to marry you... gotten married... which was amazing by the way what a party... and now you have a baby on the way..." Jimmy says and i chuckle with a proud smile. "Yeah, pretty much... i mean things happen between that, but the timeline is correct." I say and Jimmy chuckles. 

"I couldn't be happier Jimmy... Everything i really wanted in life i got... I have an amazing wife... The most amazing son and a baby on the way... Hi Oscar... Sweetheart..." I say waving and winking at the camera... 

"Chris you got to stop you make us all look bad..." Jimmy jokes and i just smirk... "Cant help it Jimmy i am just happy..." I said and the whole crowd cheered. 

"And Lana is pregnant... You had the most beautiful announcement..." Jimmy says showing the picture... and i sigh because i brought the video and just hoped Lana didn't mind that i was going to share it... I thought it was a nice surprise... Seeing as she really had wanted to share it as an announcement... 

"But you brought a little video... And before we play it tell me about it..." Jimmy says and i smirk. "Well i dont want to give too much away... So, let's just watch it because it will explain itself." I say letting out a chuckle.

The video starts playing and i cringe a little when i hear myself saying "Really?" followed by "There is a baby in there...?" The video stops and the crowd cheers and aahws and i just smile with a blush on my face...   

"So that was so sweet... But we couldn't help but notice the mustache..." Jimmy says and i laugh. "Yeah, that is for the movie coming out soon..." I say and Jimmy switches to talking about the movie and i reveal a bit about the plot... We talk about the movie and then it is time for Scott to join... 

"Welcome to Scott Evans..." Jimmy says and the crowd cheers as we stand up to greet him... "So Scott a lot has changed for you to since your brother got married... I imagine..." Jimmy says and Scott chuckles... "Yeah, the biggest change... We dont have to entertain him 24/7 when he gets home anymore..." Scott says and we all laugh. "No, but seriously, the biggest change is that i now have a partner in crime in scaring Chris... Oscar is the best little helper..." Scott says smirking and i groan... "Too bad we dont have any footage about that..." Jimmy says and i look at Scott and he shakes his head a little... I relax because we want to keep Oscar as much out of the public eye as we can...

"Yeah, and he is now even more the target because now that Lana is pregnant, we are not allowed to scare her anymore... So he gets it all now..." Scott said smirking and everybody laughed. "But in all seriousness... We are just happy to see him so happy and Lana and Oscar are amazing we are so lucky to have them in our family..." Scott says and i pat his chest smiling. 

"Okay let's play a game..." Jimmy says and we both sit up straight as to say we are ready... We get headphones and Scott is the first to put them on... "So, Chris... What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to your brother over the last year..." Jimmy asks and i chuckle... "Well i think it was when Lana caught him dancing in front of the mirror in my gym to the song... Oh god what was it again... Right said Fred... I am too sexy..." I said smirking and Jimmy and the crowd laughed while Scott looked around smiling... 

We signaled for him to take of the headphones and Jimmy asked the question... "Uhm when i ripped my pants at their wedding on the dancefloor..." Scott said and i looked at him surprised. "I didn't know that happened..." I said and he smirked... "That is because you and Lana disappeared for 40 minutes... and i got changed before you two got back... Didn't you notice the black pants instead of green..." Scott said and i shook my head smirking. "No i was a bit caught up in how my bride looked..." I said and everybody laughed. "But i am guessing that it is not the answer you gave..." Scott said and i shook my head smiling... 

"Chris said when Lana caught you dancing in front of the mirror of his gym... to right said Fred..." Jimmy said and he groaned and punched my arm... "I had forgotten about that..." He says and i laugh...

"Okay Chris your turn..." Jimmy says so i put the headphones on and started to move along to the music while i see people around me laughing... God this is annoying seeing people laugh and not knowing what about... I finally get the signal and look around as people are still laughing. "What did you do..." I say to Scott, and he laughs. 

"Chris the question was... What is the biggest surprise you had planned for Oscar..." Jimmy said and i sighed. "Well, the Octopus is his favorite animal... So, i arranged a behind of the scene's look and talk with the people who take care of the Octopus in the Boston aquarium..." I said and everybody aahwd but Jimmy shook his head... "Not...? Then what?" I ask and Scott smiles... 

"You getting the band back together in full gear for his birthday... So, you in the captain suit and Seb in the outfit from Bucky and Mackie as Falcon of course..." He says smiling and i blush... 

"I forgot about that because that was also the day, he asked me to adopt him..." I said a tear rolling down my cheek but with a massive smile on my face... 

"Aahw that is cute... But it is all the time we got for today... Chris and Scott Evans everyone..." Jimmy said and the crowd cheered, and the cameras stopped rolling. We said goodbye and got in the car to drive to the hotel... I didn't like it, but we would be staying overnight... Lana didn't want us to drive back tired... So, she booked us a suite saying she will see us the next day...

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