Chapter 72

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Lana pov...

I am home... I am finally home... My leg is in a protective boot due to two hairline fractures... But i am home... My own bed and i can't wait to finally take a shower and wash everything off me... 

Getting out of the hospital was crazy... There were some paparazzi waiting and we had to wait for security and police to remove them as they were not allowed on Hospital grounds... I knew everything was out in the open but i told Chris i didn't want to know people's reactions... I didn't care... 

"Do you need anything..." Chris said as he helped me into bed and i smiled at him... "No i am going to take a shower in a minute..." I said and Chris looked at me worried. I pulled on his shirt and pull him down for a kiss. "Dont worry... I wasn't planning on doing it on my own... I was going to ask for your help... But i really like to have a shower..." I said pouting and he smiled at me... "Sorry i dont want to be overbearing but i dont want you to fall... and the doctor said to keep your weight of the leg for a while..." Chris said and i smiled nodding... 

"I know... I promised to take it easy and follow doctor's orders..." I said and he smirked. "Good..." He said and i let out a sigh. There was a knock on the door and Oscar ran in and jumped on the bed. A sharp pain shot through my body and Chris sees and picks Oscar up from the bed. "Careful buddy... Mommy is still in pain... Why dont you go play with Dodger and Bob and after i helped you mom shower, we can cuddle in bed and watch a movie..." Chris said and he put Oscar down. 

"Okay!" Oscar yelled running out screaming for the dogs and i let out a sigh... "It is good to be home..." I said letting out a deep breath and Chris smiled at me. "It is good to have you home..." He said and lifted me out the bed bridal style making me yelp... 

He carried me to the bathroom, and he carefully put me down on the counter. "I am going to take of the boot, okay?" Chris said and i smiled nodding. He helped me lifting my shirt over my head and i saw the pained look on his face... The bruises were healing but still visible... "It is getting better..." I said and took his face in both hands kissing him passionately. 

"I just hate that you are in this state... I should have protected you better..." He whispered closing his eyes and letting out a sigh. "Babe look at me..." I said and he opened his eyes. "It is not your fault... There was nothing you could do... I am okay... I am here and i am not going anywhere..." I said and kissed him again...

"I love you..." I whispered after we broke the kiss, and he took in a sharp breath... "I love you to baby..." He whispered back. "Good... Now can you finally get me in the shower..." I said smirking and he chuckled. He helped me take off the rest of the clothes and he lifted me up again before he put me down on a stool, he had put under the shower for me to sit on... 

As the warm water ran over me i let out a sigh... Chris had helped me get washed in the hospital but sitting her under the shower was heaven... It felt like i finally washed her off of me... I finally felt clean... I took another deep breath as Chris carefully washed my hair making sure the stitches stayed put... After he had washed my hair, he washed my body... All so gently and i smiled. This man so big and strong could be so gently... 

After he was done, he dried me off and helped me get dressed putting me in one of his hoodies... He put the boot on my leg again and i sighed... "Do i need the boot in bed...?" I said pouting and Chris nodded. "Yes, baby you do..." He said and i sighed again making him chuckle. 

I smiled as he picked me up again and carried me to bed and again put me down gently. "Can i just hang on the couch tomorrow... Instead of the bed?" I asked and Chris smiled. "Sure..." He said and i smiled. 

"I am going to get Oscar and make some snacks and get you something to drink okay...?" Chris said and i nodded. "Anything you want?" He asked and i shrugged my shoulders. "I dont care you guys choose..." I said and he nodded walking off... A few minutes later Oscar came running in and for a moment i thought he was going to jump on the bed again, but he put the brakes on and carefully crawled into bed with me. I smiled and pulled him closer and hugged him tight. 

"Are you feeling better mom..." Oscar asks and i smile holding him even tighter. "Now that i am cuddling with you i am great..." I murmured and Oscar giggled... "Mommy i can't breathe..." He said giggling and i chuckled. "Well, you can still giggle so you can still breath..." I said planting kisses all over his face and he started to squeal...

Chris walked in and smiled. "What is going on..." He said smiling at me as i was still cuddling with Oscar... "Mom is squishing me..." Oscar squealed laughing. "Well mommy has to stop because i got sandwiches and something to drink... So, you are saved..." Chris said smirking and i let go off Oscar... 

Chris put the tray with the food on the bed and got in on the other side and Oscar was now sitting between us... "It is good to be home..." I murmured really soft as i watched Oscar and Chris talk about school... Oscar had been home for some time now and tomorrow it was time for him to go back again... 

Chris had told me he was not really keen on the idea scared i would disappear again, but we had talked with him about it and told him the bad guy was in jail and we were all safe... Tomorrow was the start of a new week, and it was time for life to get back to normal... Sort off... 

The rest of the day was lovely... We had cuddled in bed all day and although i had slept most of it... It was still the best... I was home with my boys and that is all i wanted... 

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